Laboratory Supply House - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Aug 1, 1980 - Laboratory Supply House. Anal. Chem. , 1980, 52 (10), pp 33–36. DOI: 10.1021/ac50060a002. Publication Date: August 1980. ACS Legacy ...
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Laboratory Supply Houses A listing of main dealer locations and main branch offices by region and state. Following each state, listings are alphabetical by city.

This 4-part section lists main dealer locations according to: NORTHEASTERN: Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania SOUTHERN: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia MIDWESTERN: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Wisconsin WESTERN & SOUTHWESTERN: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington CANADA & PUERTO RlCO In each state, listings are alphabetical by cities, making it easy to locate laboratory supply houses in any area. SGA Scientific, Park Sauare Blda., 3 1 St. James Ave., Boston, 021 1% (617) 542-2164 VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 232, Boston, 02101 (617) 964-0900 Macalaster Bicknell Co. of Conn., inc., Fisher Scientific Co., 461 Riverside 181 Henry St., New Haven, 06507 Ave., P.O. Box 379, Medford, (203) 624-4191 02155 SGA Scientific, Inc.. 109 Church St.. (617) 391-6110 New Haven, 06510 lnterex Corp., 3 Strathmore Rd., (203) 562-1995 Natick, 01760 (617) 237-6650 Curtrin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 110A Commerce Way Bldg., #1, VWR Scientific 6601 Amberton Dr., Woburn, 01801 Baltimore, 21227 (6 17) 935-8888 (301) 796-8500 Standard Scientific, 220 W. Curtin Matheson Scientific, inc.. Cummings Pk., Woburn, 01801 10727 Tucker Street, Bellsville, Variable Volumetrics, Inc., 18 20705 Cummings Park, Woburn, 0 180 1 (301) 937-5950 (617) 933-8170 Scientific Products, 8855 McGaw Rd., Columbia, 21045 (301) 992-0800 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co., 8709 SGA Scientific, Inc., 735 Broad St., Grovemont Circle, Galthersburg, Bloomfleld, 07003 20760 (201) 748-6600 (301) 948-1162 Fisher Scientific Co., 7722 Fenton St., Wiimad Glass Co., Inc.. Rt. 40 & Oak Rd., Buena, 08310 Sllver Sprlng, 20910 (609) 697-3000 (301 587-7000 Central Scientific, Co.. 70 Jackson Preiser Scientific, Inc., 8720 Georgia Dr., Cranford, 07106 Ave., Sllver Spring, 20910 (201) 272-5300 (301) 565-9237 Scientific Products, 100 Raritan SGA Scientific, Inc., Wheaton Plaza Center Pkwy., Edison, 08817 Office Bidg., Sllver Spring, 20902 (201) 494-4000 (301) 587-5600 Ace Scientific Supply Co., inc., 1420 Markson Science Inc., 733 15th St., E. Linden Ave.. P.O. Box 127, N.W., Suite 438, Washington, Llnden, 07036 20005 (201) 925-3300-(212) 677-7575 (600) 854-2822 Macalaster Bicknell Co., of N.J., Inc., North and Depot Sts., Mlllvllle, 08332 (609) 825-3222 Scientific Products, 20 Wiggins Ave., LaPine Scientific Co., 375 Chestnut Bedford, 0 1730 (617) 275-1100 St., Norwood, 07648 (201) 768-8640 Markson Science, Inc. 618 Little Scherer, Rt. 80 8. Hook Mountain Rd., Bldg., Boston, 02116 (800) 854-2822 Pine Brook, 07058 (201) 227-3300




New Jersey


Standard Scientific. 30 Turner PI.. Piscataway, 08854 (201) 968-7700 J. & H. Berge, Inc.. 41 11 S. Clinton Ave., S. Plainfield, 07080 (201) 561-1234-(212) 925-5197 IndeDendent Eauioment CorD.. 51 Fifth Si.,P.O. Box 842, Somervllle, 08876 (201) 685-0442 Fisher Scientific Co., 52 Fadem Rd., Springfield, 07081 (201) 379-1400 Sargent Welch Scientific Co., 35 Stern Ave., Sprlngfleld, 07081 (201) 376-7050 Prochem/lsotopes, 19 Ox Bow La., Summit, 07901 (201) 273-0440 Ace Glass, Inc., 1430 N.W. Blvd., Vineland, 08360 (609) 692-3333 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 357 Hamburg Tpk., Wayne, 07470 (201) 278-3300

New York

Fisher Scientific Co , 15 Jet View Dr.. P.O. Box 8750, Rochester, 14624 (716) 464-8900 Scientific Products, Two Town Line Circle, Rochester, 14623 (716) 475-1470 VWR Scientific. P.O. Box 1050. Rochester, 1'4603 (2 12) 294-3000 Macalaster Bicknell Co. of N.Y., Inc., New Court St. at Eastbourne Dr.. Syracuse, 13206 (315) 463-9216 (800) 962-7525 SGA Scientific, Inc., 109 S. Warren St.. Syracuse, 13202 (302) 472-7029 New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc.. 510-26 Hempstead Tpk., P.O. Box 516, West Hempstead, 11552 (516) 538-7790-(212) 724-8289

Pennsylvania Fisher Scientific Co., 191 South Gulph Rd., King of Prussia, 19406 (2 15)265-0300 SGA Scientific, Inc., 1420 Walnut St., Philadelphia, 19102 (215) 732-3022 Arthur H. Thomas Co. Vine St. at Third, P.O. Box 779, Philadelphia, 19105 (2 15) 574-4500

Krackeler scientific, Inc., P.O. Box 1448, Albany, 12201 (518) 462-4281 MS Instrument Co., Inc., P.O. Box 185, Castleton-On-Hudson, 12033 (518) 732-7994 Tridom Chemical, Inc., 255 Oser Ave., Fisher Scientific Co., 71 1 Forbes Hauppauge, 11787 Ave., Plttsburgh, 15219 (516) 273-01 10 (412) 562-8300 VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 8, Kenmore, Fisher Scientific Co., 585 Alpha Dr., 14217 Pittsburgh, 15238 (716) 874-3072 (412) 781-3400 Markson Science Inc., 43 Maple Ave., Markson Science, Inc., 2215 New City, 10956 Brownvilie Rd.. Pittsburgh, 15210 (800) 854-2822 (800) 854-2822 Riverside Chemical Co., inc., 871-941 VWR Scientific, 147 Delta Dr. River Rd., N. Tonawanda, 14120 Pittsburgh, 15238 (716) 692-1350 (412) 782-4250 Dynalab Corp., 350 Commerce Dr., Rochester, 14601 (716) 334-2060 Educational Modules, inc., Merreil Scientific Div., 1665 Buffalo Rd., Rochester, 14624 (716) 426-1540

AUGUST 1980 33

SOUTHERN Alabama Sargent-Welch Scientific Co., 3125 7th Ave., P.O. Box 10404, N., Blrmlngham, 35202 (205) 251-4125

Arkansas Whittaker General Medical, 63 10 Lindsey Rd., P.O. Box 3667, Little Rock, 72203 (501) 490-1517


Scientific Products, 155 Brookhollow Esplanade, P.O. Box 23628, Harahan, 70183 (504) 733-7571 Standard Scientific, 371 1 Division St., Metarie, 70002 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc.. 621 Celeste Street, P.O. Box 53387, New Orleans, 70153 (504) 733-7763 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co., 1550 Commercial Dr., P.O. Box 798, Port Allen, 70767 (504) 344-1335

North Carolina Carolina Biological Supply Co., Inc., 2700 York Rd., Burlington, 27215 (919) 584-0381 (800) 334-5551 General Scientific, 2524 S. Tyron St., Charlotte, 28203 (704) 372-6420 Scientific Produts, 8350 Arrowridge Blvd., Charlotte, 28210 (704) 525-1021 Preiser Scientific, Inc., 804 N. Miami Blvd., Durham, 27703 (919) 688-5583 SciChemCo. Durham Div., 2400 Pittigrew St., Durham, 27702 (919) 596-1341 Fisher Scientific Co., 3315 Winton Rd., P.O. Box 11666, Raleigh, 27604 (919) 876-2351

Scherer, 5255 N.W. 163rd St., Hlaleah, 33014 (305) 625-3421 Branchemco, Inc., 8286 Western Way Circle, Jacksonvllle, 32216 (904) 737-0984 Curtin Matheson Scientific, inc., 750 W. 83rd St., Mlaml, 33010 (305) 588-0973 Markson Science, inc., 19 W. Flagler St., Suite 202, Miami, 33130 (800) 854-2822 Scientific Products, 1900 N.W. 97th Ave., Miaml, 33152 (305) 592-4620 Standard Scientific, 1161 N.W. 159th Dr., Miami, 33169 (305) 625-2606 Scientific Products, 601 S. W. 33rd Ave., Ocala, 32670 (904) 732-3480 Branchemco. Inc., 2912 Hickry Nut Fisher Scientific Co., 7464 Chancellor La., Columbla, 29206 Drive. P.O. Box 13430. Orlando. (803) 788-4796 32809 (305) 857-3600

South Carolina

Georgia Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc.. 5800 Bucknell Dr., S.W.. P.O. Box 43528, Atlanta, 30336 (404) 349-3710 General Scientific, 1119 Hemphill Ave. N.W., Atlanta, 30318 (404) 876-3742 Markson Science Inc., 3116 Maple Drive, N.E., Atlanta, 30305 (800) 854-2822 Standard Scientific, 501 Armour Circle, N.E., Atlanta, 30324 (404) 873-1251 VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 13007, Sta. K, Atlanta, 30324 (404) 262-3141 Fisher Scientific Co., 2775 Pacific Drive, P.O. Box 829, Norcross, 30091 (404) 449-5050 Scientific Products, 1750 Stoneridge Dr., Stone Mountaln, 30083 (404) 934-4070

Kentucky Ace Glass, Inc., 639-41 S. Hancock St.. Loulsvllle, 40202 (502) 584-8144 Fisher Scientific Co., 1900 Piantside Dr., Loulsvllle, 40299 (502) 491-7384 Preiser Scientific, Inc., 1500 Algonquin Pkwy., Loulsvllle, 40201 (502) 636-3307

Louisiana Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 627 Distributors Row, Harahan, 70123

34 AUGUST 1980


Fisher Scientific Co., 2603 Corporate Ave.. E., Memphls, 38132 (901) 345-7610 General Scientific, 3127 Norbrook Dr., Memphis, 38116 (901) 332-1 170


Scientific Products, 4660 Pine Timbers, Houston, 77041 (713) 462-8000 Standard Scientific, 7136 Ardmore St., P.O. Box 20530, Houston, 77025 (713) 747-6241 VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 33348, Houston, 77033 (713) 641-0681 Scherer, 138 W. Rhapsody, San Antonlo, 78216 (512) 344-8303

Virginia General Scientific, 758 J Clyde Morris Blvd., P.O. Box 1265, Newport News, 23601 (804) 599-3404 Fisher Scientific Co., Seaboard Bldg.-Room 443, 3600 W. Broad Street, Rlchmond, 23230 (804) 359-1301 (804) 359-1302 General Scientific, 8741 Landmark Rd., P.O. Box 26509, Richmond, 23261 (804) 264-2861 General Scientific, 3643 Aerial Way Dr., Roanoke, 24018 (703) 343-2861 General Scientific, 319 Mill St.. N.E., Vienna, 22180

West Virginia Fisher Scientific Co., 703 Rayon Dr., P.O. Box 3600, Parkersburg, 26101 (304) 485-1751 Preiser Scientific, Inc., 900 MacCorkle Ave., S.W., Charleston, 25322 (304) 344-4031 Preiser/Mineco Div., Jones 8 Oliver Sts., St. Albans, 25177 (304) 727-2902



Melton-Clark, P.O. Box 3160, Glenwood Scientific Instruments Co., Amarlllo, 79 106 5000 W., 128th PI., Alslp, 60656 (806) 374-2871 (312) 371-9191 Cutin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 1103- Central Scientific Co.. 2600 S. 07 Slocum Street, P.O. Box 5304, Kostner Ave.. Chlcago, 60623 Dallas, 75222 (312) 277-8300 (214) 747-2503 Cole Parmer instrument Co., 7425 N. Fisher Scientific Co., 4301 Alpha Rd., Oak Park Ave., Chicago, 60648 Dallas, 75240 (312) 647-7600 (214) 387-0850 (800) 323-4340 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co., 5915 Daigger Scientific Div. A. Daigger B Peeler St., P.O. Box 35445, Dallas, Co., 159 W. Kinzie St.. Chlcago, 75235 606 10 (214) 357-9381 (312) 644-9438 VWR Scientific, Box 35106, Dallas, LaPine Scientific Co., 6001 S. Knox 75235 Ave., Chicago, 60629 (214) 631-0261 (312) 735-4700 Scientific Products, 210 Great S.W. Macmilian Science Co., Inc., TurtoxPkwy., Grand Pralrle, 75050 Cambosco, 8200 S. Hoyne, (214) 847-2000 Chicago, 60620 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 4220 (312) 488-4100 Jefferson Ave., P.O. Box 1546, Markson Science Inc.. 24 North Houston, 77001 Wabash Ave., Suite 623, Chlcago, (713) 923-1661 60602 Fisher Scientific Co., 10700 Rockley (800) 854-2822 Rd.. P.O. Box 1307, Houston, Wilkins-Anderson Co., 4525 W. 77001 Division St., Chicago, 60651 (713) 495-6060 (312) 384-4433 Markson Science Inc.. 2727 Kirby Dr., Cutrin Matheson Scientific. Inc., 1850 Suite 201, Houston, 77098 Greenleaf Ave., Elk Grove Village, (800) 854-2822 60007 Scherer. 2530 Fairway Park Drive, (312) 439-5880 Houston, 70018 (713) 882-6571

SGA Scientific Inc., 770 N. Church Rd., Elmhurst, 60126 (312) 834-5700 Fisher Scientific Co., 1600 W. Gienlake Ave., Itasca, 60143 (312) 773-3050 Scientific Products, 1430 Waukegan Rd., McGaw Park, 60085 (312) 973-3600 Scientific Products, 1210 Waukegan Rd., McGaw Park, 60085 (312) 689-8410 Standard Scientific, 5450 N. Milton Pkwy., Rosernont, 60018 (312) 678-3690 Sargent-Welch Scientific, 7300 N. Linder Ave., P.O. Box 1026, Skokle, 60077 (312) 677-0600 The Anspec Co., P.O. Box 71, Warrenvllle, 60555 (312) 393-2700

Indiana The Anspec Co., Inc., P.O. Box 304 Greenwood, 46142 (317) 888-2700 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 251 1 46th St.. Suite V1, Indlanapolls, 46205 (317) 546-5401

Iowa Midland Scientific, Inc., 225 E. 5th St.. Davenport, 52801 (319) 323-1889

Michigan The Anspec Co., Inc., 122 Enterprise Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Ann Arbor, 48107 (313) 665-9666 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc.. 1600 Howard St., Detrolt, 48216 (313) 964-0310 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co., 8560 W. Chicago Ave., Detrolt, 48204 (313) 931-0337 Fisher Scientific Co., 34401 Industrial Rd., Llvonla, 48150 (313) 261-3320 Standard Scientific, 35255 Glendale, Llvonla, 48150 (313) 261-4650 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 2400 James Savage Rd., P.O. Box 1228, Midland, 48640 517) 631-9500 Scientific Products, 30500 Cypress, Romulus, 48174 (313) 729-6000

Minnesota Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 2218 University Ave., S.E., Mlnneapolls, 55414 (612) 378-1 110 Scientific Products, 13505 Industrial Park Blvd., Mlnneapolls, 55441 (612) 553-1171

Missouri Curtin Matheson Scientific Inc., 3160 Terrace St., P.O. Box 343, Kansas Clty, 64141 (816) 561-8780 General Drug 8 Chemical Corp., 512 E. 12th Ave., North Kansas City, 64116 (816) 842-2590 Markson Science, Inc., 1828 Walnut St., Kansas City, 64108 (800) 854-2822



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wu~wanttoput itdown.

Scientific Products, 1 1 18 Clay St., N Kansas Clty, 641 16

(616)221-2533 VWR Scientific, Box 23037,Kansas City, 64108 (515) 283-2717 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 11526 Adle Road, P.O. Box 1494, Maryland Helghts, 63043

(314)872-8100 Scientific Products, 10888 Metro Ct., Maryland Helghts, 63043



Alaska VWR Scientific, 1301 E. First Ave., Anchorage, 99501



Central Scientific Co., P.O. Box 2669, Scherer, 809 W. 1765 Fremont Dr., Salt Lake City, 84104 Santa Clara, 95051

(408)248-1600 Fisher Scientific Co.. 2225 Martin Avenue, Santa Clara, 95050

(408)249-0660 Bio/Medical Specialties, Box 1687, Santa Monlca, 90406

(213)829-2373 Fisher Scientific Co., 2761 Walnut Ave., Tuotln, 92680


Scherer, 1841 N 23rd Ave. Phoenix, Fisher Scientific Co., 1241 85005 Ambassador Bivd.. P.O. Box 12405, (602)254-7161 St. Louls, 63132 (314)991-2400 VWR Scientific, 2930 W. Osborn Rd.. P.O. Box 29027,Phoenlx, 85038



Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc.. 12950 E. 38th Ave., P.O. Box 39400,Denver, 80239

Midland Scientific, Inc.. 715 S. 12th St.. Omaha, Neb. 68102


Ohio Scientific Products, 3201 E. Royalton Rd., Broadvlew Helghts, 44147

(216)526-2430 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 12101 Centron PI., Clnclnnati,

45246 (513)671-1200 Fisher Scientific Co., 5481 Creek Rd., Clncinnati, 45242

(513)793-5100 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co., 10400 Taconic Ter., Clncinnati, 45215

(513)771-3850 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 4540 Willow Pkwy., Cleveland, 44125

(216)883-2424 Fisher Scientific Co., 26401 Miles Ave., P.O. Box 7030,Cleveland,

44128 ((216)292-7900 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co.. 9520 Midwest Ave., Garfield Heights, Cleveland, 44125

(216)587-3300 VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 855, Columbus, 43216

(614)445-8281 Industrial Safety & Security Co., 1390 Neubrecht Rd., Llma, 45801

(419)227-6030 Scientific Products, 2410 McGaw Rd., Obetz, 43207


Oklahoma Labco Scientific, 3 E.Main St., Oklahoma Clty, 73104

(405)235-3526 Melton Co., Inc., 20 W. Main St., Oklahoma City, 73101

(405)235-7481 Central Scientific Co., 6901 E. 12th St., Tulsa, 74115

(918)TE6-4681 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 6550 East 42nd Street, P.O. Box 747, Tulsa, 74101


(602)252-5061 Scientific Products, 602 W. 22nd St., Tempe, 85282

(602)968-3151 VWR Scientific, 601 E.24th St., Tucson, 85717


California Sargent-Welch Scientific Co.. 1617 E. Ball Rd., Anaheim, 92803

(714)772-3550-(4 15)845-3614 LaPine Scientific Co., 920 Parker St., Berkeley, 94710 Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc.. 470 Valley Dr., P.O. Box 386,Brlsbane,

94005 (415)467-1040 Scherer, 22525 S. Wilmington Ave., Carson, 90745 (213)549-3330 Markson Science Inc., 298 Oak St., Del Mar, 92014 (714)755-6655 SGA Scientific, Inc., 2560 E. Fender Ave., Unit B., Fullerton, 92631 (714)879-7140 Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co.. 18095 Mount Shay, P.O. Box 8537, Fountaln Valley, 92708 (714)963-6761 Standard Scientific, 601 Rodler Dr., Glendale, 91201 (203)245-6481 Scientific Products, 171 1 1 Red Hill Ave., P.O. Box C 19505,Irvlne, 92713 (714)540-5320 SciChemCo., Frese Div., 1430 Grande Vista Ave., Los Angeles, 90023 (203)263-7151 Scientific Products, 255 Caspian Dr., Sunnyvale, 94086 (408)743-3100 VWR Scientific, P.O.Box 1004, Norwalk, 90650 (213)921-0821 Daigger Scientific Div., A. Daigger & Co. of Calif., 10 Harbour Way, Richmond, 94801

(415)233-6464 Scherer, 950 Richards Blvd., Sacramento, 95804

(916)441-0464 Scherer, 5248 Linda Vista Rd., San Dlego, 921 10

(714)291-8120 VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 80962,San Dlego, 92138

(714)262-0711 Standard Scientific, 332 Harbor Way, S. San Franclsco, 94080

(415)583-2505 VWR Scientific, P.O.Box 3200, Rincon Annex, San Franclsco,

941 19 (415)469-0100

38 AUGUST 1980

Scherer. 4920 Northpark Loop, Colorado Springs, 80907


(801)487-1381 VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 1678,Salt Lake Clty, 841 10


Washington Scientific Products, 3660 148th Ave., N.E., Redmond, 98052

(206)885-4131 VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 3551, Terminal Annex, Seattle, 98124

(206)447-581 1 Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co., 1177 Andover Park West, Tukwlla,

98188 (208)575-0575

(303)371-5713 Markson Science, Inc.. 2181 S. Grape St., Denver, 80222

(800)854-2822 Scientific Products, 4910 Moline St., Denver, 80239

Lab Safety Supply Co., 3430 Palmer Dr., Janesville, 53545

(608)754-2345 Science Related Materials, same address as above.

(303)371-0565 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co.. 4040 Dahlia St., P.O. Box 7196,Denver,

80207 (303)399-8220 VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 39396, Denver, 80239


Hawaii Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc.. P.O. Box 5308,Honolulu, 96814

(808)897-4094 Standard Scientific, 315 Kamakee St., Honolulu, 96814

(808)536-2188 VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 29697, Honolulu, 92820

(808)845-9987 scientific Products, 274 Puuhale Rd., Honolulu, 96819


Montana Northwest Scientific, Inc., 15 N. 22nd

St., Billlngs, 59103


Canada Fisher Scientific Co., 196 W. Third Ave., Vancouver, Brltlsh Columbla, V5Y 1E9

(604)872-7641 Fisher Scientific Co.. #6,6143-4th St., S.E., Calgary, Alberta T2H 2H9

(403)253-6580 Fisher Scientific Co., 14730-115A Ave., Edmonton, Alberta T5M 3C5 (403)455-315 1 Fisher Scientific Co., 18 Plymouth St., Wlnnlpeg, MB R2X 2V7

(204)633-8880 Fisher Scientific Co., 8505 Devonshire Rd., Montreal, Quebec,

H4P 2L4 (514)735-2621 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co., 300 Cavendish Blvd., Montreal 281, P.Q.

(514)481-0119 Fisher Scientific Co., 21 Gurholt Dr., Dartmouth, Nova Scotla, 8 3 8 1J8

(902)469-9891 Fisher Scientific Co., 184 Railside Rd., Don Mills, Ontarlo, M3A 1A9


Oregon Carolina Biological Supply Co., P.O. Box 7,Gladstone, 97027

(503)656-1641 Scherer, 2730 N.E. Riverside Way, Portland, 9721 1 (503)282-2295

Utah Scientific Products, P.O. Box 27568, Salt Lake Clty, 84125

(801)972-3032 Standard Scientific, 3400 S.W. Temple, Salt Lake Clty, 841 15


Fisher Scientific Co.. 2660 Southvale Crescent, Ottawa, Ontarlo K1B 4w5

(613)731-0470 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co.. 285 Garyray Dr.. Weston, Ontarlo, Toronto

(416)741-5210 Fisher Scientific Co., 2480 Chemin Ste-Foy, Ste-Foy, Quebec G1V

1T6 (416)656-9962

Puerto Rico Ace Scientific De Puerto Rico, Inc., P.O. Box 8369,Caguas, Puerto Rlco 00625

(809)746-4477-4494 Scientific Products, GPO 2796,San Juan, 00936

(809)788-1200 Fisher Scientific Co.,P.O.Box 135577,Santurce, 00908
