Laccases Associated with Lignifying Vascular Tissues - ACS

Aug 13, 1998 - Although expression of antisense laccase gene constructs in ... ectopic expression of laccase activity in yellow-poplars regenerated fr...
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Chapter 8

Laccases Associated with Lignifying Vascular Tissues 1,2




Jeffrey F. D. Dean , Peter R. LaFayette , Clayton Rugh , Alexandria H. Tristram , J. ToddHoopes ,Karl-Erik L. Eriksson , and Scott A. Merkle 2



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Daniel B. Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2152 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7229


Lignin is formed via the oxidative polymerization of monolignols within the plant cell wall matrix. Peroxidases, which are abundant in virtually all cell walls, can oxidize the monolignols in the presence of H O , and have long been held to be the principal catalysts for this reaction. Recent evidence shows, however, that laccases (p-diphenol: O oxidoreductases, E C secreted into the secondary walls of vascular tissues are equally capable of polymerizing monolignols in the presence of O . Full-length and partial laccase gene clones recovered from several different species suggest that these enzymes are widely distributed in the plant kingdom, and may generally occur as multiple isozymes within acidic and basic isoform classes. Although expression of antisense laccase gene constructs in transgenic plants has yet to bring about demonstrable alterations in lignin content, ectopic expression of laccase activity in yellow-poplars regenerated from transformed embryogenic cell lines resulted in a severely dwarfed phenotype having fused organs and hardened tissues. 2




Lignin biogenesis may be considered to involve three compartmentalized stages: intracellular synthesis of the monolignol precursors (/7-coumaryl, coniferyl, and sinapyl alcohols); transport and secretion of the monolignols; and extracellular polymerization of monolignols in a process coordinated with the deposition of other cell wall components (7, 2). Until recently, models of the extracellular component of this pathway usually depicted a process where cell wall-bound enzymes oxidized the secreted monolignols, and the resulting phenoxy radicals produced in these reactions diffused away to couple in a random fashion. Universally abundant in lignifying plant tissues (3), peroxidases have been the enzymes most commonly associated with monolignol polymerization since Higuchi and Ito demonstrated that plant peroxidases could form dehydropolymerisates (DHPs) from coniferyl alcohol and H 0 in vitro (4, 5). Numerous studies supported this contention by correlating shifts in peroxidase activity with tissue lignification in vivo (e.g. 3, 6-10). However, to this day, unambiguous evidence for the involvement of specific peroxidases in lignin deposition has yet to be secured (77). 2



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In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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Evidence for Laccase Involvement in Lignification Although peroxidases have been the focus of considerable attention, the first demonstrations of in vitro polymerization of coniferyl alcohol to form a lignin-like D H P actually used fungal laccases (72, 13). Freudenberg and coworkers subsequently demonstrated slow polymerization of monolignols in oxygenated extracts from Araucaria excelsa (14), and more rapid polymerization using a laccase partially purified from Norway spruce (Picea abies) cambium extracts (75). From this, Freudenberg contended that the combined activities of laccases and peroxidases were required for lignin biosynthesis. However, after finding that a laccase purified from Japanese lacquer tree (Rhus vernicifera) sap could not form a D H P from coniferyl alcohol, Nakamura (16) suggested that laccases were not involved in lignin deposition. Subsequent histochemical studies in which syringaldazine, a chromogenic substrate for fungal laccases, was oxidized when applied to lignifying tree stems in the presence, but not the absence, of H 0 further suggested that laccases were either absent or inactive in these plant tissues, and that peroxidases were the principal oxidative catalysts for lignin deposition (8). These two observations led most researchers to conclude that plant laccases play no role in lignin biosynthesis. However, until recently, no functions had been advanced for plant laccases other than as a hardening agent for resins released from wounded tissues or as part of a plant defense mechanism (77). It should be noted, however, that we now know that Rhus laccases can oxidize monolignols, and that the technique of cryosectioning used in the histochemical studies of Harkin and Obst can inactivate xylem-localized laccases, many of which appear to be cold-labile, at least in situ (18). An indirect line of support for the involvement of laccase in lignification comes from investigations showing that plants grown under copper-deficient conditions contain less lignin (79, 20). The laccase isolated from Rhus vernicifera (Japanese lacquer tree) sap was one of the first enzymes demonstrated to require a metal, copper, for activity (27, 22), and it remains one of the most intensively studied of all metalloenzymes (23). Suspension-cultured sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) cells were shown to secrete an inactive, partially metallated laccase when grown in a medium containing sub-optimal levels of copper (24), and the stems of Zinnia elegans plants grown under copper-deficient conditions were under-lignified and contained less extractable laccase activity (25). Figure 1 (26) illustrates the tendency of under-lignified Zinnia plants to grow in a prone position. However, a direct link between laccase and lignification could not be drawn from these results since lower specific activity has also seen for other copper-containing enzymes, such as ascorbate oxidase (27), produced under conditions of copper deficiency. In a return to F r e u d e n b e r g ' s pioneering work, a laccase purified from A. pseudoplatanus suspension-cultures was demonstrated to produce DHPs from each of the three monolignols (28, 29). Immunolocalization studies by Faye and coworkers (30) using polyclonal antibodies showed that the same enzyme was localized specifically to lignifying xylem and epidermal cell walls in sycamore maple trees. Furthermore, it was shown that spinach, cabbage, turnip, pear, banana, poplar and bean extracts contained polypeptides that cross-reacted with anti-laccase polyclonal antibodies, suggesting that laccases might be distributed across a wide range of plant species (30, 31). Recent observations from several laboratories have lent further support to the involvement of laccases and other oxygen-dependent phenoloxidases in the lignification of plant tissues by demonstrating that the activities of these enzymes are more tightly correlated with lignin deposition in vascular tissues than are the activities of peroxidases (31-36). The evidence supporting laccase involvement in lignin biosynthesis has been reviewed recently (18, 37). 2


In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Figure 1. Representative Zinnia elegans plants grown in vermiculite for ten weeks and watered with Hoagland's solution (26) having either normal (0.014 ppm) or reduced (0.0014 ppm) copper content. Although biomass levels were on the average equivalent for plants grown under the two conditions, plants grown on reduced copper (right) tended to grow in a prone position.

In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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Plant Laccase Genes As a result of these studies, there has been renewed interest in the study of plant laccases, particularly with respect to their potential as targets for the genetic manipulation of lignin deposition (77, 38). Using mRNA from suspension-cultured sycamore maple cells, a c D N A encoding a plant laccase was isolated and characterized (39). Analysis of the laccase gene sequence correlated well with the protein data previously accumulated for the enzyme in that the inferred amino acid sequence encoded a protein having a low pi (ca. 4.5), numerous (16) potential glycosylation sites, and complete conservation of the His and Cys residues that are known to act as ligands for the four copper atoms contained in the laccase catalytic center. Alignment of the Acer laccase gene sequence with those found for other laccases and blue copper oxidases, as shown in Figure 2, makes it clear that the relative positions of the ligand residues in each of the four copper-binding domains have been strictly conserved the primary sequence. Figure 3 is a schematic model, adapted from Messerschmidt and Huber (40) and based on the crystallographic structure of ascorbate oxidase, showing the relative orientations of the conserved amino acid ligands and the copper atoms in the laccase catalytic center. Comparison of the Acer gene sequence against the GenBank database indicated that fragments of laccase genes from Arabidopsis and rice have been identified as dESTs in the genome mapping programs for those species. Laccase activity is relatively easy to detect in high-ionic strength buffer extracts of lignifying xylem from a variety of woody species, including yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). Liriodendron made an attractive model system for efforts to determine the role of laccase in lignin deposition because a highly efficient transformation/regeneration system based on embryogenic cell cultures was readily available for this species (41). In addition, Liriodendron is a large tree, the abundance of which in the southeastern U.S. assured a ready supply of lignifying xylem as starting material. Initial efforts to detect the Liriodendron laccase gene using the Acer cDNA as a probe were unsuccessful as the probe did not crosshybridize with either the mRNA or D N A at moderate stringency. Fortunately, it was possible to use degenerate oligonucleotide primers based on the copper-binding domains that are highly conserved in all laccases to amplify PCR products from cDNAs corresponding to the laccase mRNAs expressed in yellow-poplar xylem. To date, four different cDNAs have been isolated and characterized (LaFayette et al, in preparation). A l l four cDNA sequences showed conservation of the amino acid residues that act as copper ligands, and all encoded multiple potential glycosylation sites (17, 18, 18, and 19, respectively). Eight of the potential glycosylation sites were completely conserved between all of the Acer and Liriodendron gene sequences. Although the coding sequences for the Liriodendron cDNAs were highly conserved (>85% identity at the amino acid level), both the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions varied greatly between the four cDNAs. Southern blot analyses using probes generated from unique sequences in the untranslated regions show that each laccase isozyme gene exists as a single copy in the yellow-poplar genome, but blots probed with the full-length coding sequence suggest that at least 6-8 closely related laccase genes exist in the yellow-poplar genome (42). None of the genomic sequences have been cloned yet, and there is no information concerning allelic variation. Sequence comparisons between the sycamore maple and yellow-poplar cDNAs showed an amino acid identity of ca. 45%, which indicated why the sequences did not crosshybridize, but also showed that the genes were more closely related to one another than they were to any other genes currently in the sequence databases. Laccase Isozymes and Isoform Classes In contrast to the Acer enzyme, the amino acid sequences predicted from the yellowpoplar cDNAs suggest the Liriodendron enzymes have high pis (ca. 9.0). This was particularly intriguing in light of the fact that, with the sole exception of the Acer

In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Figure 2. Amino acid sequence alignments of the four copper-binding domains in the Acer and Liriodendron laccases, and other blue copper oxidases. The residues acting as ligands for copper atoms are shaded and numbered (on the second line) according to the electromagnetic signature of the copper atom to which they bind (Type-1, -2, or -3). The sequences are ordered from top to bottom according to their degree of similarity to the Acer laccase sequence as determined by the PILEUP software module in the Wisconsin Sequence Analysis Package (Genetics Computer Group, Madison, WI).

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Ascorbate oxidase r e s i d u e # Copper S i t e Ligands

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In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Figure 3. Schematic diagram showing the relative orientations of the four copper atoms and their amino acid ligands in the catalytic center of a typical blue copper oxidase. The Type-1, -2, and -3 copper atoms and their approximate distances of separation are denoted across the bottom. For purposes of clarity, a break, denoted by asterisks, was made in the polypeptide chain linking H i s ( T l copper site) with H i s (T2 copper site). Naturally occurring amino acid substitutions at select highly conserved sites are noted by arrows. The diagram is based on the crystallographic structure determined for zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) ascorbate oxidase (PDB:lAOZ), and adapted from (39).

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102 enzyme, all of the plant laccases so far purified and characterized have high pis. Even more intriguing was the observation that the high-pi and low-pi laccase classes differed in having either a Leu or Met residue, respectively, associated with one of their copper-binding sites (Figures 2 and 3). The dESTs encoding apparent laccase fragments from Arabidopsis and rice, as well as a cDNA fragment isolated from Zinnia (A. Tristram, unpublished data), also specify high-pi products and contain Leu, rather than Met, residues in the Type-1 copper site. This amino acid substitution has been predicted to modulate the redox potential of Type-1 copper sites in such a way that the Leu-containing, high-pi laccases produced in yellow-poplar xylem should be stronger oxidizers than the enzyme produced by cultured sycamore maple cells (40, 43). As shown in Figure 4, high-pi and low-pi laccases are both expressed in the lignifying stems of Zinnia; however, the activities show different temporal expression patterns (25). The high pi laccase is expressed in tracheary elements (xylem vessels), while the low-pi laccases only become detectable in Zinnia stem extracts concurrent with the onset of lignin deposition in libriform (xylem) and sclerenchymal (phloem) fibers (25). Efforts are currently underway to determine whether tissue-specificity underlies the temporal differences seen in the expression pattern for the different pi laccase isoform classes in Zinnia stems. Potential Functions for Laccase Isozyme Variations Ye and Varner (44) used tissue printing to show a tissue-specific expression pattern for two very different lignin-associated O-methyltransferases (OMTs) expressed in Zinnia stems. In that case, an OMT active on hydroxycinnamate:CoA thioesters was expressed in xylem vessels at early stages of lignification, while an OMT active on free hydroxycinnamates was expressed later when fibers were undergoing lignification. On this basis, the authors suggested that a second biosynthetic pathway for lignin precursors might be expressed in fiber cells. Observations that laccase isozymes may be expressed in a similar pattern suggest that the two pathways may also be maintained for the extracellular polymerization reactions. Some interesting implications become apparent when this two-pathway scheme for lignin biosynthesis is considered in light of the proposal by Logan and Thomas (45) describing an anatomical basis for variations in lignin composition. Homopolymeric guaiacyl lignin is synthesized in the tracheary elements, vessels, and vessel fibers that are common to all vascular plants, while heteropolymeric guaiacyl: syringyl lignin is found in the libriform fibers common to angiosperms, as well as sclerenchymal fibers found in a wide variety of species. As sinapyl alcohol, the precursor to syringyl lignin, can be oxidized more readily than coniferyl alcohol, the precursor to guaiacyl lignin, there may be a correlation between expression of particular laccases and the lignin precursor to be deposited. That is, low-pi, low redox potential laccases may be associated with syringyl lignin deposition, although such a strategy does not fit with any of the currently accepted hypotheses regarding the non-specificity of oxidation reactions associated with lignin deposition. In addition to questions concerning the physiological rationale for the expression of high- and low-pi laccase isoform classes, a further question arises in regard to the apparently simultaneous expression of multiple laccase isozymes within a given tissue. That is, why were multiple high-pi laccase isozymes expressed in the lignifying xylem tissue from Liriodendron, and why are multiple low-pi laccase isozymes expressed simultaneously in suspension-cultures of A. pseudoplatanus cells (29; L . Faye, Universite de Rouen, personal communication, 1994)? An interesting, albeit highly speculative, possibility is suggested by the recent identification of a socalled dirigent protein by Lewis and coworkers (46 and chapter 22, this volume). These researchers showed that addition of the dirigent protein purified from Forsythia stem extracts to a laccase preparation provided for the stereospecific coupling of coniferyl alcohol to produce only (+)-pinoresinol, rather than a racemic mixture of multiple guaiacyl dimers. Might it be that individual laccase isozymes interact preferentially with different dirigent proteins to produce unique stereospecific

In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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1 2 3 4 PH 3

10 Figure 4. Isoelectric focusing gel (pH 3-10) showing separation of high-pi (ca. 9.0) and low-pi (ca. 4.0) laccase isoform classes extracted from Zinnia stems. The four lanes contain materials eluted from a DEAE-IEC column using a NaCl step gradient as follows: (1) flow-through; (2) 120 mM; (3) 160 mM; and (4) 220 mM. The gel was stained for laccase activity using 1,8-diaminonaphthalene, and subsequently counter-stained for protein with Serva Blue W. Multiple bands are likely to represent laccase isozymes.

In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

104 compounds? In such a scenario, laccase isozymes might be considered as catalytic subunits, whereas dirigent proteins would function as regulatory subunits of a biosynthetic complex. In this way, phenolic precursors could be channeled into specific pathways for the production of any of the manifold secondary metabolites produced by plants. Such a system could also underlie the need plants have to produce so many different laccase isozymes. It is anticipated that heterologous expression of discrete laccase isozymes will provide material that will allow this possibility to be probed.

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Transformation of Plants with Laccase Genes To prove that the yellow-poplar cDNAs actually encoded laccases, rather than some other closely related enzyme, the genes were placed behind a CaMV 35S promoter in a cassette vector and used to transform suspension-cultured tobacco (BY-2) cells via microparticle bombardment. Calli that survived antibiotic (kanamycin) selection were tested for laccase activity by plating small pieces on solid medium containing the synthetic laccase substrate, 2,2 -azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS), as shown in Figure 5A,or, with greater sensitivity, by placing pieces in the wells of microtiter plates containing liquid culture medium supplemented with ABTS. Wild-type cells did not oxidize ABTS, even in the absence of H 0 scavengers, such as catalase. However, transformed cell lines expressing the sycamore maple laccase and each of the four yellow-poplar enzymes have been recovered. Of potential interest was the observation that transformants expressing large amounts of laccase activity were obtained more frequently when the sycamore maple laccase construct was used in bombardment experiments. It may be that the codon usage or glycosylation pattern of the yellow-poplar enzymes is more difficult for the tobacco cells to reproduce, but it is also possible that the higher redox potential inferred for the yellow-poplar enzymes could put a negative selective pressure on cells producing high levels of these enzymes. For instance, decreased auxin levels due to increased oxidation might limit growth of transformed cells producing high levels of yellowpoplar laccase. However, this possibility has not yet been tested. The latter possibility may be interesting in light of the fact that in vivo this enzyme appears to be expressed only in terminally differentiated vascular cells that have stopped growing and are entering into a process similar to programmed cell death (47). /



Table I. Pyrolysis-Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Liriodendron Cell Wall Phenolics Sample


Mature Wood


Syringyl+Guaiacyl (%)






Vector Transformed



Antisense Transformed






Syringyl units determined as the sum of 2,6-dimethoxyphenol, 2,6-dimethoxy-4methylphenol, 4-ethyl-2,6-dimethoxyphenol, 2,6-dimethoxy-4-vinylphenol, syringaldehyde, and rran.s-2,6-dimethoxy-4-propenylphenol. Guaiacyl units determined as the sum of guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, 4-ethylguaiacol, vanillin, and tarns-isoeugenol.

In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Figure 5. Expression of laccase activity in transgenic plant tissues. In panel A, laccase activity expressed by transformed tobacco calli was detected using A B T S . Kanamycin-resistant cells grown for three days on M S medium containing 0.1 % ABTS formed zones of green product around calli that expressed laccase activity. A l l calli oxidized ABTS strongly upon addition of H 0 . Panel B shows yellow-poplar regenerated from embryogenic cells transformed with either the Acer laccase gene (right) or a control vector (left). Ectopic expression of the Acer laccase led to fused, rigidified tissues and a dwarf phenotype. 2


In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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106 In initial efforts to test the commercial potential for producing trees with less lignin by down-regulating laccase expression, an antisense vector harboring the first 500 nucleotides of one Liriodendron laccase c D N A was used to transform embryogenic yellow-poplar cells. Approximately 60 transgenic cell lines were recovered and shown by RT-PCR to express varying levels of the antisense laccase construct. Attempts have been made to regenerate plants from several cell lines that displayed good growth characteristics in suspension culture and, although several of the lines produced embryos, only a single cell line has produced enough regenerants for lignin analysis. Despite encouraging preliminary results suggesting a slightly reduced lignin content in these regenerated trees, recent pyroly sis-mass spectrometric analyses performed by Dr. Hans Jung, shown in Table I, demonstrated that the lignin composition and content in the transgenic lines was unchanged from wild-type. Very recently, trees have been regenerated from three additional transformed cell lines, and preparations are currently being made to analyze the lignin content of their tissues. In parallel with the attempts to down-regulate laccase in Liriodendron using antisense gene constructs, the sense expression constructs used to demonstrate laccase activity in transformed tobacco cell lines were used to transform embryogenic yellow-poplar cells. Transformed cell lines were selected on the basis of their antibiotic resistance, and several that also expressed the Acer laccase were detected by virtue of their ability to oxidize A B T S . These same cell lines were also distinguished by the tendency of their liquid culture medium to turn more or less brown in direct proportion to the level of laccase activity they released into the medium. Somewhat surprisingly, no Liriodendron cell lines expressing any of the Liriodendron laccases have been identified to date, perhaps lending further support to the possibility that the putative high redox potential of the high-pi laccase isoforms is particularly deleterious to the normal growth of suspension-cultured cells from at least some plant species. (Micronutrient levels in the culture medium were modified so that copper deficiency was not a factor in whether or not laccase activity was detected.) On the other hand, cell lines expressing the Acer laccase retained the capacity to produce embryos, and these were subsequently germinated and transferred to soil. In addition to the previously noted change in culture medium color, embryos produced from transformed cell lines were significantly more rigid and harder than wild-type embryos, and the transgenic embryos tended to fuse and clump together. These phenotypic changes continued even after germination. Thus, as shown in Figure 5B, germinants continued to grow in a polar fashion, but remained more rigid (harder to section), were dwarfed, and displayed fused organs. Histochemical analyses of tissue sections from the transgenic germinants indicated that laccase activity was being expressed in all cell walls, but was particularly abundant in the nascent vascular tissues. Laccase activity was just barely detectable in the nascent vascular tissues of wild-type germinants, and not at all in any other tissues. Staining with phloroglucinol and permanganate demonstrated that lignin was still produced specifically in the vascular initials of transgenic plants, although there was also some stain-positive material deposited just under the epidermis in the vicinity of the root/stem transition zone. Although histochemical stains for lignin did not highlight materials deposited in the walls of other cell types, epi-fluorescence microscopy showed that there was a general increase in the fluorescence of all cell walls, suggesting the possible deposition of other phenolic materials, or at least a change in the phenolic components of the cell walls in transgenic plants. Further analyses of the composition of cell walls from transgenic Liriodendron expressing the Acer laccase are underway to determine the basis for tissue rigidification. Concluding Remarks Not so many years ago, D N A was considered to be an amorphous component of little consequence floating in the interior of cells. Yet, from today's perspective, it seems almost unbelievable that biology could have advanced so far without recognizing the

In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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107 structural elegance and fundamental nature of this macromolecule. Then, as now, it was new technology that provided critical data which stimulated revolutionary ideas that have in turn unlocked one new discipline after another, until no aspect of the biological sciences can be considered in disregard of DNA. While few would suggest that the development of new concepts concerning the structure and biosynthesis of lignin and secondary plant phenolic components holds the same potential to revolutionize biology as the breakthroughs in our understanding of D N A , there are some similarities in the advance toward understanding that would suggest a revolution nonetheless to be underway. Lignin was originally referred to as the 'encrusting' substance in wood (38), and even today it is sometimes casually described as a 'random' polymer. However, sophisticated analytical techniques have provided an increasingly more detailed picture of the structure and complexity of lignin, as well as a greater appreciation of the diversity of secondary phenolic products produced by plants. From this work, it has become obvious that, while lignin structure may appear 'irregular,' it is certainly not 'random.' From a perspective in which an ordered structure for lignin is likely to follow function, many new directions for inquiries into the biosynthesis of this polymer become apparent. For instance, so little new insight has been gained in the past 40 years concerning the role of phenoloxidases in lignin deposition that there must have been a fundamental problem with the conceptual models used as the basis for experimental design. For instance, most of the past in vitro studies performed with phenoloxidases employed mixtures of isozymes from a variety of sources, but recent evidence suggests that not only do many of these isozymes have unequal ability to oxidize substrates, but they also may interact with other proteins to produce monolignol radical coupling products of specific structure. This concept, alone, will drastically alter future approaches to work in this area. No doubt access to large amounts of individual phenoloxidase isozymes produced from cloned genes will prove helpful for demonstrating that phenoxy radical coupling can be controlled by ancillary proteins. Given sufficient understanding of the components controlling these phenoloxidase-catalyzed coupling reactions, there are seemingly unlimited possibilities for generating new applications and products via gene manipulation. Acknowledgments The authors thank the U.S. Department of Energy (grant DE-FG05-95ER20182) and the Georgia Consortium for Technological Competitiveness in Pulp and Paper (award PP96-FS3) for financial support, as well as Dr. Hans Jung for performing the pyroly sis-MS analyses of cell wall materials from transgenic plants. Literature Cited 1. Boudet, A. M . ; Lapierre, C.; Grima-Pettenati, J. New Phytol. 1995, 129, 203-236. 2. Whetten, R.; Sederoff, R. Plant Cell 1995, 7:1001-1013. 3. Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Plant Peroxidases. Greppin, H., Penel, C., Gaspar, T., Eds.; University of Geneva: Geneva, Switzerland. 4. Higuchi, T. In: Biochemistry of Wood; Kratzl, K., Billek, G., Eds.; Pergammon Press: New York, N Y , 1959; pp 161-188. 5. Higuchi, T.; Ito, Y . J. Biochem. 1958, 45, 575-579. 6. Bruce, R. J.; West, C. A. Plant Physiol. 1989, 91, 889-897. 7. Church, D. L.; Galston, A. W. Plant Physiol. 1988, 88, 679-684. 8. Harkin, J. M.; Obst, J. R. Science 1973, 180, 296-298. 9. Hepler, P. K.; Rice, R. M.; Terranova, W. A. Can. J. Bot. 1972, 50, 977-983. 10. Lagrimini, L. M. Plant Physiol. 1991, 96, 577-583. 11. Boudet, A. M . ; Grima-Pettenati, J. Mol. Breed. 1996, 2, 25-39. 12. Freudenberg, K. Holzforschung 1952, 6, 37-42. 13. Higuchi, T. J. Biochem. 1958, 45, 515-528. In Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis; Lewis, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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