LACTOSE: pure milk sugar - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Only one sugar offers you such a variety f important physical and chemical properties low s w e e t n e s s soluble, uniform free f l o w i n g , arrti-caking aid flavor-enhancing pigment-absorbing non-reacting with other ingredients fermentation agent mild, almost tasteless triturate

LACTOSE: pure milk Lactose can improve your present p r o d u c t s . . .help you develop ne^v ones. Lactose can simplify your processing. Lactose can lower your costs. Seldom d o you find such a versatile material. T h a t is why Lactose is attracting so much attention from both research and manufacturing executives. Virtually every week sees t h e discovery of exciting new possibilities for i t s use in the food, chemical and industrial fields. O n l y Western can supply you with all forms of Lactose—five grades, ten granulations. Strict chemical and bacteriological specifications, rigid quality control and years of processingsexperience assure highest quality. T a k e a fresh look at the characteristics of Lactose. O n e o f them may help solve a problem you are working o n right now. For free samples and information, write our Technical Service* Oepartment 55D. (Tell us the applications you are considering.} WESTERN

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