Lafayette College research publications - ACS Publications

89. Frankland. 90. A. W. von Hofmann. 91. The Discovery of Mauve. 92. Andreas Libavius. 93. Macquer. 94. Metallurgy of the Middle Ages. 95. Bernard Pa...
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VOL.3, NO. 2



(Cmcluded) TOPICSPOR PAPERSIN TEE HISTORYOP CFLEMISTRY 67. Hassenfratz and Adet. 68. b t h a r Meyer. 69. Avicenna. 70. Boerhaave. 71. OldForms of Contemporary Apparatus. 72. Tyrian Purple. 73. Robert Brown and the Brownian Movement. 74. History of the Term Element. 75. J. R. Glanber. 76. Robert Hmke. 77. Klaproth. 78. Lernery. 79. Epoch-Making Books in the History of Chemistry. 80. Jean Rey. 81. Boyle's Sceptical Chymist.

82. The History of Sulfuric Acid. 83. Wollaston. 85. Avemes. 86. Metals Known to the Ancients. 87. Oswald Croll. 88. Dulong and Petit. 89. Frankland. 90. A. W. van Hofmann. 91. The Discovery of Mauve. 92. Andreas Libavius. 93. Macquer. 94. Metallurgy of the Middle Ages. 95. Bernard Palissy. 96. Purple of Cassius. 97. Fredriek Accum. 98. J. B. Richter. 99. Daniel Sennert. 100. William Crookes.

LAFAYETTE COLLEGE RESEARCH PWLICATIOIiS Reprints of the papers of the Plasticity Symposium are now available for distribution a t one dollar each or a t seventyave cents each for two or more. The table of contents is as follows: Plasticity Symposium CONTENTS 1. PLASTIC~W.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eugene C. Bzngharn 2. EMULSION FILMS. . . . . . . . . .Harry N . Holmes 3. PLASTICITYoa SINGLECRVSTALS. . . . . . . .Wheeler P. Dwey 4 . PLASTICITYoa CLAY . . . . . . . . .Wildn D. Bancroft and L. E. Jenks . . . . . . . . . . . 5. TEE OSTWALD VISCOMETRR AS A CONSISTOMETER. Winslow H. Herschel and R. Bdkley 6 . PLASTICITY IN RELATION To GELATIN. S. E. She4bard 7. PLASTICITY AND STRUCTURE IN GELATIN SYSTEMS . . . . . Robert H. Bogur 8. PLASTICITY AS APPLIED TO VISCOSE AND ARTIPICIAL SILK. . . . . . . . . Charles S. Venable 9. &ASTICITY I N RELATION TO CELLUWSEAND CELLDZOSE DERIVATIVES. , , S.E . ShePpard and E. K. Carver 10. PLASTICITY on STARCH PASTE. . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Bergquid 11. SOMEOBSERVATIONS ON THE PLASTICITY SYMPOSIUM. . . . . . . . . . F m k G. Breyer 12. PLASTICITYoa DENTALIMPRESSION COMPOUND. . . . . . . . . . . . Walter S. CroveU and Albert Saunders. Jr. 13. A SIMPLEPLASTOMETER M R CONTROL USE w m DENTALCREAMS. . . . . E. Moness and P. M. Gicsy

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A list of other recent publications which are available may be had upon application.