Laminated plastics (Duffin, D. J.) - Journal of Chemical Education

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BOOK REVIEWS reading of this hook would then he remarkably helpful in asses~ingthe evidence irom a fresh point of view. B u t if this presentation, admittedly introductory in the title, were to be the first approach to hetemc.yclie8 then the revieu-er holds some resenrations that the average graduate student would acquire an adequate factual grasp of heterooyclic chemistry. The heterocyclic field is important enough for any organic chemistry student to own a t least two texts devoted t o it, and Albert's text is highly recommended as one of them. CHARLES D. HURD Northwestern Univewit!, Euamton, Illinois Laminated Plastier

D. J. Dufin, Continental-Diamond Fibre Corp., Newark, Del. Reinhold Puhlishinp Corp., New York, 1958. viii 264 pp. Figs. and tables. 13.5 X 19 cm. $5.75.


This tenth hook in the Reinhold Plastics Applications Series hears the mark of a professional writer. Mr. Duffin ii; editorial corisultsnt for Continental-Diamond Fibre Corporation, The hook shows both his technical and his writine

slighting t,he tcehnical aspect.



Journal of Chemical Education

The development follows a, logical order. There is a chapter apiece for each of the bask ingredients (the resins and the base materials). The following chapters deal with manufacturing, and the rest of the book discusses properties, handling, and uses of the product. An extended dimmsion is made of the rather striking, hirh temperature, heat-resistance properties of some of the laminates which are used as rocket parts. There are vcry adequate tables of physical properties of the laminates, of their applications, and their manufacturers. The interested technical man will he able to form a coiuplete picture of the role of these materials. Also, since this is one of the most readable of the Pleatics Application Series, it could well he a. usetul part of a. course in indu~trialchemistry, chemical engineering, ete., as an introduction to the plastics field which is likcly to encoura6.e furthcr interest. T n o M ~ sE. FERINGTON The Collepe of Wooster wooste7, Ohio Thermodynamics

Gordon J . Van Wylm, Chairman, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1859. xxiii 567 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $7.95.


The author states in the preface t,hat one oi the reasons he prepared this hook was that hc believes there is Inom for a book

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