LïNDE packaged oxygen plant sets nine-year record for availability!

THE LiNDE oxygen plant shown here has been serving a leading chemicals producer "over-the-fence" continuously since 1949. Its operating log shows a 98...
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LïNDE packaged oxygen plant sets nine-year record for availability! LiNDE oxygen plant shown here has been serving a leading THE chemicals producer "over-the-fence" continuously since 1949.

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Its operating log shows a 9 8 % + availability factor. Next year, capacity will go u p from 360 to 800 tons of oxygen a day. You can expect the same continuity of supply with a LiNDE packaged plant serving your process. Your LiNDE plant will b e the product of fifty years' experience in the design, manufacture, and operation of air separation plants and low temperature equip­ ment. LiNDE is uniquely qualified to provide air separation plants for the supply of oxygen and/or nitrogen as well as the associated low temperature equipment for: liquefying hydrogen, helium and fluorine purifying hydrogen and helium separating hydrogen from coke oven gas ammonia and methanol synthesis upgrading of natural gas other extremely low temperature processes. Put LINDE'S more than 50 years' experience in gas separation techniques to work for you. Write Dept. IC-6, L I N D E COMPANY, Division of Union Carbide Corporation, 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N.Y. In Canada: Linde Company, Division of TJnion Carbide Canada Limited. "Linde" and "Union Carbide'* are trade-marks of Union Carbide Corporation.




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Industries t h a t r e g u l a r l y - r e q u i r e l a r g e quantities of o x y g e n or other atmospheric gases can o b t a i n those t h e y n e e d f r o m a L I N D E plant on their o w n sites- The o x y g e n plant illustrated — built, o w n e d , a n d - o p e r a t e d b y LINDE —is o t a plant of one o f , t h e nation's, largest chemical; processors.