Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

May 18, 2012 - Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1961, 53 (3), pp 67A–67A. DOI: 10.1021/i650615a742. Publication Date: March 1961. Copyrigh...
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This is why you never heard of a PULSAFEEDER wearing out! Every moving p a r t of every L a p p Pulsafeeder Meter­ ing P u m p is completely submerged in oil. This total lubrication reduces friction to practically the theo­ retical minimum. And there's no possibility of cor­ rosion from exposure to atmosphere. For year after year of extra service life, L a p p Pulsafeeders continue to give you the exclusive ad­ vantages for which you bought them. Advantages like complete freedom from leakage and contamina­ tion; precision metering, a t flow rates from a few drops to 15.7 gallons per m i n u t e ; pressures up to 7000 psig; choice of heads for safe handling of acids, abrasive slurries, radioactive fluids; manual or in­ s t r u m e n t controls. We've got a new catalog to help you fit the right model to your process.


WRITE for Catalog 59. Lapp Insulator Co., Inc., Process Equipment Division, 1415 Poplar Street, LeRoy, Ν. Υ.

Circle No. 20 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 53, NO. 3


MARCH 1961