Large Plastics Used in Clyclotron - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 12, 2010 - A 650-lb. plastics part said to be the largest ever produced by General Electric's plastics division has been shipped from Pittsfield, ...
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Ρ as te-Forming





A true polyvinyl chloride paste-forming resin, the first of its type t o be made in t h e United States, has been introduced by B . F. Goodrich Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Designated Geon resin 100-X-26, this new polymer is a free-flowing white powder with a spécifie gravity of 1.40. I t is easily dispersed i n plasticizer with the use of simple processing equipment. There a r e two distinct methods for its formulation, one by use of a resin and plasticizer mixture, where t h e resin is merely dispersed in plasticizer by simple stirring, a n d the other t h e addition of a volatile diluent to t h e resin-plasticizer mixture. Straight-chain aliphatics, just above the gasoline range in molecular weight, are recommended as diluents. The success of both these methods for processing polyvinyl chloride depends upon the fact t h a t solvation or plasticization of the resin is extremely slow a t room temperature with t h e plasticizer serving as the • vehicle to carry the resin as well as performing i t s usual function. Both methods require t e m p e r a t u r e s of 325° to 350° F . for fusion of resin and plasticizer. The principal advantages of Geon 100X-26 resin are ease of processing and t h e use of conventional equipment. Both of these advantages eliminate, in coating operations, the necessity for heavy and expensive equipment and the shrinkage of fabrics commonly encountered in water or solvent system coatings.





a paste cast iron flux for gas welding which is more economical and easier to use t h a n the powdered flux it supersedes. Unlike the powdered Mux, applied by dipping the heated e* d of the rod into the can, this is painted on t h e clean surface of the cast iron while the casting is still cold. I t saves time—a single application of the flux is suf­ ficient. The cast iron welding rod may also be painted with it in order to provide addi­ tional flux as t h e work progresses, without




Used in

A 650-lb. plastics part said to be the largest ever produced by General Electric's plastics division has been shipped from Pittsfield, Mass., to be used as a component part of the University of California's a t o m smasher. T h e part is S feet in diameter. Together with nine o t h e r G Ε plastics parts, tliey will form the vacuum chamber of t h e atom smasher where the physical proper­ ties of the plastics offer strength and sta­ bility combined with electrical insulation. General Eleetric's contribution to the synchroton design consists of seven rings

the possibility of wa-sting; flux. Best re­ sults are obtained when t h e surface to be welded is ground, chipped, or filed to a bright finish before painting with the flux. I t can be used in the repair of broken castings, salvage of defective castings, re­ pair of pitted cast iron molds, and correc­ tion of machine shop errors. I t protects against surface oxidation a n d prevents porosity in t h e finished weld. I t is known as All-State No. 1A cast iron flux.



Metopon hydrochloride, t h e new mor­ phine derivative to b e used exclusively for relief of the pain of cancer, is now available through Sharp & D o h m e , Inc., Phila{Continued on page 1754)

Cyclotron a n d three vacuum manifolds made of a low-pressure laminated construction to form the v a c u u m c h a m b e r in which elec­ trons are accelerated. T h e rings were de­ signed to bear the compressive load of the magnet. The plastics rings were made of layers of glass fibers bonded with a polyester resin and specially developed varnish was used for t h e manifold construction. T h e interior of t h e chamber will b e evacuated and the exterior surrounded b y an atmos­ phere of helium before being checked with a G E leak detector.


An increase in newsprint, paper, and paperboard production should result from a chemically t r e a t e d t y p e of papermaker's felt now on the market, according to American Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N. J . B y processing Felts with Lanaset resin, a melamine compound, using a technique developed by the O r Blanket Co., the normal life of papermaker's felts has been substantially increased. Lanaset resin h a s been used primarily to make wool fabrics washable, through control of shrinkage and felting. Test r u n s in numerous paper mills have shown t h e felts m a d e with Lanaset resin in many cases lasted more t h a n double the normal life of a felt. This eliminates considerable "down-time" required for the replacement of worn-out felts.



All-State Welding Alloys Co., Inc., 96 West P o s t Road, White Plains, Ν. Υ., announces t h e immediate availability of 1752