Large radium deposits found in Russian Turkestan

northem slopes of the Altai mountains, about sixty miles east of the city of Fergana. The total wealth represented could not be exactly estimated, but...
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VoL. 2. No. 12



Large Radium Deposits Found in Russian Turkestan.-Deposits of radium ore and otherradio-active minerals have been found in the Fergana district of Russian Turkestan, in central Asia, by an expedition sent in by the government to prospect the reported Iinds. The members of the expedition state that the main vein lies on the northem slopes of the Altai mountains, about sixty miles east of the city of Fergana. The total wealth represented could not be exactly estimated, but it is certainly very great, and in the opinion of the explorers the radium, uranium, and other rare elements that can be produced by its exploitation will b-me a very significant part of the world supplies of radio-active materials.-Sciacc Senrice