Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules - American Chemical

Since the fields drive atoms and vice versa, the atomic response must be .... the ratio given in Equation ( 1 0 ) i s l 0 ~ 7 orl0~ 8 does not make an...
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Chapter 10

Manifestation of Coherence on Laser Pulse Propagation: Propagation Dynamics of Phase-Controlled Lasers Takashi Nakajima Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan

We numerically study the propagation effects of phase­ -controlledtwo-color lasers in a two-level medium. B y solv­ -ing the coupled differential equations for atoms and fields simultaneously, it is found that the effects of propagation are striking in terms of the pulse shape and the yield.

INTRODUCTION Since the first experimental observation [1] of the modulation of photoionization yield by controlling the relative phase of the fundamental and its third harmonic fields, people are technically convinced that the phase of laser field can indeed be manipulated to control photoabsorption products. The underlying idea is to induce the quantum mechanical interference be­ tween the three- and single-photon transitions, and the proto-type of the scheme was proposed by Brumer and Shapiro some years ago [2. 3]. Many aspects of phase-sensitive effects have been theoretically [4-10] as well as experimentally [11-20] investigated by various groups. We should note that most of the related works have been limited to the response of single-atom or -molecule. If the purpose of manipulating


© 2002 American Chemical Society

Bandrauk et al.; Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

145 the relative phase of lasers is to obtain more product yields in the desired state, one must definitely go beyond the single-atom or -molecule response. Namely the propagation effects must be taken into account. We are aware of only a few works which are dealing with the propagation effects of phasecontrolled lasers. Experimental study has been carried out by Chen and E l ­ liott [21] along such a context. More recently Petrosyan and Lambropoulos [22] have theoretically examined the propagation effects of phase-controlled lasers in an optically dense medium of Xe. In this paper we investigate the time- and space-evolution of phasecontrolled two-color lasers in a two-level medium by numerically solving the coupled differential equations for atoms and fields. The purpose is to understand the propagation effects which are often overlooked in the field of coherent control. Given the situation above, we have had the fol­ lowing questions in mind. First, concerning the properties of the fields, how are the temporal profiles of the phase-controlled pulse pair affected by the medium during the propagation? Can the phase difference be wellmaintained throughout the medium? Needless to say, these are of essential importance for coherent control. Our second question is related to the atomic response itself. Since the fields drive atoms and vice versa, the atomic response must be necessarily altered during the propagation, if the properties of the fields are altered at all in the medium. O f course the dy­ namics of the fields and atoms are coupled to each other. Therefore, there should be a consistent picture for the understanding of the whole process, and that is what we would like to clarify in this work.

MODEL The system we consider in this paper is shown in Figure 1, which is nothing but a two-level system, a proto-type of the phase control scheme. When this system is subject to two radiation fields, a fundamental field with frequency u\ and its third harmonic with frequency 3a;I) in this case, the photoabsorption process can be controlled by externally changing the phase difference between two fields. Needless to say, this process is based on a quantum mechanical interfer­ ence caused by the three- and single-photon transitions of the fundamental and its third harmonic fields, respectively. The quantities we will look at here are the temporal as well as spatial variation of the pulse shape, the phase difference between two fields, and the photoabsorption yield. For a complete description of the system dynamics, we now construct the coupled differential equations for atoms and fields. Due to the numerical

Bandrauk et al.; Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


0)1 —

Figure 1:


Two-level system considered in this paper.

convenience, we employ a local frame rather than a lab frame (z,t) throughout this paper. Obviously these two frames are connected through the relations r = t — z/c and C = z where c is the speed of light in the vac­ uum. Using amplitude equations the response of the atom can be described

d_ Ui dr d_ u= dr 2


( 3 )


+ 0 * / I * ( C , T ) U2


i[-(A-i2)+(S -Si)|/(C,T)| 2



+ [n< >(/(C,T)) +





with u\ and u being the probability amplitudes of states |1) and |2), re­ spectively, and A and 7 are the detuning and the radiative decay rate out of the system. and O stand for the three- and single-photon Rabi fre­ quencies at the peak intensities by the lasers with frequencies u\ and 0*3, respectively. The complex field amplitudes with frequencies u)\ and u% are represented by / ( £ , r ) and /i(C, r ) , respectively, which have been normalized at the peak field amplitudes at the entrance to the medium. Note that they are functions of both time and space. For simplicity we restrict ourselves to the one-dimensional propagation along the £-&x:is in this work. S\ and £ 2 represent ac Stark shifts of states |1) and |2), at the peak intensities of the fundamental field at the entrance to the medium, respectively. The polarizations of the medium with frequencies uj\ and 4^3 can be obtained, after some algebra, as, 2

Bandrauk et al.; Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

147 P =2iV ^^Csxluil





+ s |u | )^io + 3/x< )(^ ) u ^]









= 2N^iu u\




where w e have i n t r o d u c e d t h e reduced ac S t a r k shifts Si = S i / | £ i o | a n d $2 = S /\e\o| , peak field a m p l i t u d e s £io a n d £30 for t h e f u n d a m e n t a l a n d its t h i r d h a r m o n i c , a n d a t o m density N. I n order t o s t u d y t h e p r o p a g a t i o n effects, we also need equations for the fields. T h e wave equations for t h e f u n d a m e n t a l a n d i t s t h i r d h a r m o n i c fields are found t o be w r i t t e n as, 2


|:/(C,r) =

i (^-\






S l



U l


\ + s


M )£IO/(C,T)


+3 ( )(^ ) (/(C,r)*)^ ^J M




J ^ M C ) = i \ ^ — \ fiu u\ d( \ce0630J 2



where eo is t h e p e r m i t t i v i t y o f free space. F r o m these equations i t is clear now t h a t t h e t w o fields c a n c o m m u n i c a t e t h r o u g h t h e m e d i u m . P e r h a p s i t is more precise t o say t h a t t h e h a r m o n i c field c a n c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h , a n d is influenced b y t h e f u n d a m e n t a l field, since t h e right h a n d side o f E q u a t i o n (6) o b v i o u s l y depends o n b o t h f u n d a m e n t a l a n d h a r m o n i c fields, as c a n be seen from E q u a t i o n s (1) a n d (2). O n t h e other h a n d , t h e f u n d a m e n t a l field is h a r d l y affected b y t h e h a r m o n i c field, since, a l t h o u g h there appears a t e r m c o n t a i n i n g u u\ o n t h e right h a n d side o f E q u a t i o n (5), i t is a higher order t e r m . T h e d o m i n a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n o n t h e right h a n d side o f E q u a t i o n (5) comes from t h e first t e r m w h i c h is associated w i t h t h e i n d u c e d polarizability. 2

N U M E R I C A L RESULTS W e n o w present a few representative results o b t a i n e d b y n u m e r i c a l l y s o l v i n g t h e c o u p l e d differential equations given b y E q u a t i o n s (1), (2), (5), a n d (6). Before presenting results we describe t h e various assumptions m a d e for t h e calculations. T h e t e m p o r a l profiles o f t h e t w o fields at t h e entrance t o t h e m e d i u m are assumed t o be i n t h e G a u s s i a n form, i.e.,

Bandrauk et al.; Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

148 . 2

/ ( C = 0,r) = / ( r ) = e x p o


-4/n2 '

= 0, T) = /io(^) = exp(i(f)o)exp


-Aln2 I —



where 0o is an initial phase difference between two fields at the entrance to the medium, and r\ and T3 are the pulse durations (FWHM) of the fundamental and harmonic fields, respectively, with the relation r\ — sf%r . Note that this relation is necessary for the complete temporal overlap of the three- and single-photon excitations by the fundamental and harmonic at the entrance to the medium, respectively. It is also assumed that the threeand single-photon Rabi frequencies have initially the same amplitudes, i.e., = ft. Obviously these conditions for the pulse profile and the Rabi frequencies guarantee that the interference is maximum at the entrance to the medium. For simplicity it is further assumed that the detuning has been taken to be zero, and the ac Stark shifts S\ and S2 have been neglected throughout this work. It is now convenient to introduce the absorption coefficients a for the single-photon excitation, which can be expressed as, 3





^ - i J ^ L




C€o€3o As usual, the optical depth for the single-photon excitation can be defined as a £ . If we are to describe the system in terms of the parameters T i , T 3 , ft^ \ ft, 7, 5, and a, the ratio of {uj\A^/c6 eio)3/i (^*) d {w N/ce$£ o)p must be set to a certain value. The reason for this is obvious by comparing Equations (5) and (6). Using the assumption / i ^ = fiem which is equivalent to = O, this ratio can be simplified as 3



a n



( 3




(Lu N/ce s o)p 3






A typical ratio of the intensities of both lasers is 1 0 " ~ 10~ for a dipole transition of a neutral atom, and therefore we have specifically chosen the ratio given by Equation (10) to be 10~ . We should mention that whether the ratio given in Equation ( 1 0 ) i s l 0 ~ o r l 0 ~ does not make any difference in our numerical results. In all the numerical results presented in this paper, we refer to the optical depth with respect to the single-photon process, since, within the optical depth considered here the depletion of the fundamental field does not occur. In other words, whether the ratio given in Equation ( 1 0 ) i s l 0 o r l 0 does not make any difference in our numerical results. 8


_ T


- 9

Bandrauk et al.; Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


2.0 (d) 1.0 r 0.0 c


.2 0.04 b( ) 3 b

Q. O Q.

0.02 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00

(c) -30 local time %

local time x

Figure 2 : Temporal evolution of the upper state population (left column) and the fundamental (dashed line in right column) and harmonic (solid line in right column) field amplitude as a function of local time r at different optical depths a( = 0 ((a) and (d)), 2 0 ((b) and (e)), and 6 0 ((c) and (f)) under the presence of both fundamental and harmonic fields. The initial phase difference is taken to be n/4. All the parameters are given in the text. In summary, the parameters employed for the calculations are r


Ti = 1 0 \ / 3 , 0

( 3 )

= ft = 0 . 0 1 , 7 -

= 10,

0.02, A = 0, a = 0.1.

In Figure 2 we show the temporal variation, at different optical depths a( = 0, 20, and 6 0 , of the population in the upper state |2) (left column) and the pulse profiles of the fundamental and its third harmonic (right column) for the initial phase difference 0o = 7r/4. Since the pulse area is rather small, i.e., O T ~ 0 . 1 , no Rabi oscillation is seen. As the pulse pair propagates in the medium, the population in the upper state |2) gradually decreases up to a £ ~ 1 0 (not shown here) because of the depletion of the harmonic field. A t a( > 1 0 , however, the harmonic field regains its intensity. Obviously the energy of the harmonic field is provided by the much more intense fundamental field. Needless to say the fundamental field is practically intact in terms of the pulse shape and intensity, since the three-photon absorption cross section is very small and the fundamental field is very intense. Similar results are presented in Figure 3 for the initial phase difference o — 3TT/4. The variation of the both population and harmonic field profile is not as prominent as that in Figure 2, since there is already a more destructive interference taking place for (J)Q = 3TT/4 than o = TT/4. Recall that the complete destructive interference takes place for (f>o = n, where the upper state is never populated at any time at any depth in the medium. It should be noted that, in both Figures 2 and 3, the upper state is barely populated even after the harmonic field has regained its 3

Bandrauk et al.; Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.



0 local time x



0 local time x


Figure 3: Temporal evolution of the upper state population (left column) and the fundamental (dashed line in right column) and harmonic (solid line in right column) field amplitude as a function of local time r at different optical depths a( = 0 ((a) and (d)), 20 ((b) and (e)), and 60 ((c) and (f)) under the presence of both fundamental and harmonic fields. The initial phase difference is taken to be STT/4. All the parameters are given in the text.

Bandrauk et al.; Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


local time x

local timex

Figure 4: Temporal evolution of the phase difference for the initial phase difference (j) = 7r/4 ((a)-(c)) and 3n/4 ((d)-(f)) at different optical depths Q< = 0 ((a) and (d)), 20 ((b) and (e)), and 60 ((c) and (f)). Except for the initial phase difference, all the parameters are the same with those employed for Figures 2 and 3.

intensity. In order to understand this, we plot in Figure 4 the variation of the phase difference at the corresponding optical depths a( = 0, 20, and 60. It can be seen that the phase difference tends to change toward TT around the trailing edge of the pulse. This means that, as the leading edge of the pulse pair interacts with atoms, the dipole is induced in them, leading to the feedback from atoms to the fields. As a result, the modification of the phase difference starts at the leading edge of the pulse. It should also be noted that the phase difference approaches toward TT as the pulse pair propagates deeper into the medium. Therefore the phase difference in graph (c) of Figures 2 and 3 are not TT/4 or 37r/4 anymore, but close to the value of TT, which means that the destructive interference becomes automatically maximum during the propagation. This explains why the upper state is barely populated even after the harmonic field has regained its intensity. In Figure 5 we plot the time- and space-integrated signal, defined as / drd((l - |ui(C, T)\ ), as a function of optical depth a £ for the initial phase differences 0o = 0,7r/4,7r/2, 37r/4, and TT. Saturation is clearly observed. Needless to say, saturation occurs because the phase difference tends to approach TT as the pulse pair propagates further into the medium, leading 2

Bandrauk et al.; Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


initial phase difference






200 300 optical depth oc£





Figure 5: Variation of the time- and space-integrated signal as a function of optical depth for different initial phase differences o = 0(solid) 7r/4(dashed),7r/2(dotted),37r/4; (dot-dashed), and n (thin solid). 1

to the complete destructive interference at sufficiently large a(. Our result suggests that, for the purpose of obtaining more signals, the increment of the interaction length along the propagation direction would be of some help up to some length. But a further increase of the interaction length is of no use, since the phase difference and the intensity of the pulse pair are automatically adjusted during the propagation in such a way that the complete destructive interference takes place, contributing to no increase of the signal.

SUMMARY In summary we have numerically studied the propagation effects of phase-controlled lasers in a two-level medium by solving the set of cou­ pled differential equations. Due to the coupling between atoms and fields, the properties of the third harmonic field are significantly modified during propagation in terms of the temporal pulse shape, amplitude, and phase, while those of the fundamental field are practically unchanged. This is be­ cause the fundamental field is much more intense, typically by 7-9 orders of magnitude for the dipole transition of a neutral atom, compared with the

Bandrauk et al.; Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

153 harmonic, resulting in no depletion during propagation. Regardless of the initial phase difference between two fields at the entrance to the medium, the pulse pair tends to be completely out of phase after sufficiently long propagation. The alterations of the harmonic field, in terms of the phase and the amplitude, lead to the complete destructive interference starting from any initial phase difference. Our results suggest that the inclusion of propagation effects is not always favorable for coherent control, since the saturation of the product yield takes place at a certain optical depth. This work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for scientific research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

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Bandrauk et al.; Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.