Lasers: practical detectors for chromatography? - American Chemical

tion. This, along with their reputation for unreliable performance, has de- layed the acceptance of laser-based chromatographic detectors in the lab- ...
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Lasers: Practical Detectors for Chromatography? When will lasers be integrated into routine laboratory practice? This is a reasonable question, since over 20 years have elapsed since the laser’s invention. The development of laserbased detectors for chromatography is one example of a new technology’s progression from esoteric laboratory experiments to routine application. In many cases, spectroscopic monitoring of chromatographic eluents using laser-based detectors offers better sensitivity and selectivity than conventional detectors. But the superior properties of laser-based detectors are often outweighed by the need for expensive and complex instrumentation. This, along with their reputation for unreliable performance, has delayed the acceptance of laser-based chromatographic detectors in the laboratory. Just as the acronym “laser” is a generic term that includes many different devices, laser-based detectors are also characterized by great diversity. This REPORT will survey some of the most promising approaches for coupling laser spectrometry with the separation process. First, the laser properties relevant for chromatographic detection will be briefly reviewed. Relevant Laser Properties The laser does not simply replace an incoherent light source in a conventional spectrometric detector. Almost without exception, the chromatographic detectors that have been devised using lasers have exploited their unique properties. The most obvious difference between conventional light sources and lasers is the high photon flux provided by the latter. Higher powers provide 20A

minimal benefits for absorption spectrometry. On the other hand, signalto-noise (WN) ratios are usually considerably improved for laser-excited fluorometry. The direct proportionality of fluorescence and source intensity is well-known. Unfortunately, scattered light from optical components and “blank” luminescence often limits the sensitivity of laser-excited fluorescence measurements (1).High incident powers may also result in thermal distortions ( 2 ) .In some cases, this problem may be mitigated with pulsed lasers where the average power is low. The high power provided by the laser greatly enhances nonlinear phenomena. In fact, without the laser, two-photon processes would be of little interest to the analytical chemist. The monochromaticity of the laser provides obvious advantages in terms of selectivity. This feature is valuable for the detection of eluents in the gas phase. In general, molecular absorption in solution is broad and featureless, and the benefits of a monochromatic source are not as apparent. Spectral rejection of background is improved for normal Raman (NRS) and resonance Raman spectrometry (RRS) when a monochromatic source is used ( 3 ) .Both resonance Raman and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectrometry (CARS) require the tunability of dye lasers for wide applicability, and benefit from a relatively narrow band of excitation frequencies. Lasers are capable of much higher resolution than is generally required for liquid chromatographic (LC) detection, even in cases where monochromaticity is desirable. The excellent spatial coherence of laser radiation permits accurate and


precise positioning of the laser beam. Laser beams that are already highly collimated may be focused to a diffraction-limited spot. In most cases, the detector volume is limited by solution flow characteristics, and not by the laser source (3).The ability to focusthe laser beam is also useful for efficiently generating nonlinear processes. The temporal coherence of the laser emission permits the generation of short-duration pulses. Depending on the type of laser, pulse widths are available from microseconds to picoseconds ( 4 ) .Time resolution may provide additional useful information about a sample or allow discrimination against unwanted signals. Finally, the output of most lasers is polarized due to the optical cavity elements. It is possible to take advantage of this property when detecting Raman scattering, discriminating against Rayleigh scattering, or probing molecular energy levels via two-photon processes. Laser-Based Detectors for LC The results of a compilation of literature citations for laser-based detectors for LC are illustrated in Figure 1. The citations have been grouped into general categories according to the property measured. (A complete bibliography may be obtained from the author.) The large number of citations found for LC compared with a similar compilation for gas chromatography (GC) is undoubtedly a response to the need for more sensitive and selective detectors to compensate for the lower resolution provided by LC. Laser Light Scattering. In terms of acceptance for routine applications, 0003-2700/82/035 1-020A$O1.50lO

0 1982 American Chemical Society

Robert B. Green Department of Chemistry University of Arkansas

Fayelteville, Ark. 72701

the detection of laser-induced Rayleigh scattering from eluent molecules is the most mature of the laser-hased techniques. Rayleigh scattering occurs at the same wavelength as the source when the scattering centers are approximately 10%smaller than the excitation wavelength. Almost all of the detection techniques using Rayleigh scattering employ a low-angle laser light scattering (LALLS) photometer (5) coupled to a gel permeation chromatograph (GPC). Gel permeation chromatography, more generally known as exclusion chromatography, separates molecules based on their size in solution, with larger molecules eluting first. When a GPC is equipped with a concentration-sensitive detector, a molecular weight distribution may he obtained from the interpretation of the chromatogram through the use of a calibration curve relating molecular weight and elution volume (6). Unfortunately, this calibration technique does not always yield the correct molecular weight distribution because the molecular size of a dissolved polymer depends not only on its molecular weight hut also on chemical composition, molecular structure, and experimental parameters such as solvent, temperature, and pressure. Light-scattering detectors provide the necessary information for molecular weight determination and, in addition, respond rapidly with the high sensitivity needed for small sample volumes in a flowing system. Lasers are preferred sources for several reasons. Figure 2 shows a simplified optical diagram for a LALLS photometer (7). Any laser with a Gaussian beam profde ("E&) is usable. A lowpower helium-neon (He-Ne) laser is

generally chosen because inexpensive, long-life H e N e lasers are readily available. Although scattering intensity varies inversely with the fourth power of the wavelength, sample ahsorption and fluorescence are largely eliminated by using the 633-nm line. A SM ratio of better than 100 has been reported for pure water, the weakest scattering liauid. usine a 3-mW He-Ne l&er'(7).' In the LALLS Dhotometer shown in Figure 2, the lase; beam is focused on the sample, which resides between two relatively thick quartz windows separated by a black Teflon spacer. The background is reduced by these windows and several apertures. The h y leigh factor, which is related to the weight average molecular weight of the scattering molecule, is calculated from the following expression: Re = P~/(P,crl), where Pa and Po are the radiant powers of the scattered and incident beams, respectively; u is the solid angle of the detected scattered beam, and 1 is the length of the scattering volume, measured parallel to the incident beam. POand P,, are measured in sequence by replacing the annulus, H3, which defies the scattering angle, with an aperture. Attenuators (AlA3) are necessary in the optical path of the laser beam because the incident laser beam power is 109 times greater than the scattered light. Accurate molecular weight determination requires extrapolation of the results of light-scattering measurements to zero angle and zero concentration. Incoherent light-scattering photometers have minimum scattering angles of 20-30°, which contrihutes to large extrapolation errors, especially when particles contaminate


the sample. Scattering from foreign particles often makes tedious ,t'rmeconsuming preseparation necessary when conventional light sources are used. The LALLS photometer permita measurements to 2'. Although particle light scattering increases as the scattering angle decreases, this problem is minimized because the focused laser beam reduces the scattering volume tremendously. The probability of foreign particles croasing the beam path is extremely small. A GPC combined with a differential refractometer and a LALLS photometer in series, interfaced to a computer, will yield real-



'74 '73






Flgure 1. NurnDer of literature citations for laser-based detectors for liquid chromatography as a function of year and DroDertv measured ~


~.~~ .

FL. 1IuorMcanca: SCAT. Raylelgh scanuiw: ABS. ab8apllon: RAM. R a m scattering: OA. optical aclivh: RI. rshaclive index


21 A




AI-A3 H1

I Laser



Figure 2. Diagram of low-angle laser light scattering photometer A1-A4. attenuators: H2. Telion spacer separating Um sample mil windows; H3. annuius: H I and H4, apertures; L1. L2. lenses (7)



Figure 3. Transitions in (a)one-photon and (b) two-photm excited fluorescence Solid arrows pointed upward indicateabsorption. Dashed arrows indicaterelaxation. It is fiuoroonm intensity: g and u are symmetry types. The horirmtai dashed line in (b) is a v i m l state

time on-line molecular weight distributions without reference to external standards (8).GPCLALLS is becoming the method of choice for polymer characterization. Although a GPC/ LALLS photometer is not being offered as a single unit, a single detector design now manufactured by Chromatix, Inc. has been used almost exclusively in recent work. A GPC interface for the LALLS photometer is offered as an option by the manufacturer. Laser-Induced Fluorescence. Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection is attractive for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) because of the remarkable sensitivities that have been reported for laser-excited fluorescence measurements (see Figure 3a). The foremost problem with LIF detection has been Rayleigh scattering from eluents and optical components (9).This accounts for the preoccupation with detector cells for LIF. Several different typea of LIF detector cells have beer developed for HPLC. The HPLC separation and LIF detection of several aflatoxins have been accomplished using a “flowing droplet” cell (10).The eluent is suspended between the exit of the HPLC column and a solid rod, provid22A

ing a 4-pL “windowless” cell (seeFigure 4a). The laser beam and the collecto the tion optics are positioned at !No flowing stream, and the fluorescence is detected by a photomultiplier, which is sampled by a lock-in amplifier. Scattering of the source radiation is largely avoided using this approach. Bubbles in the irradiated volume are minimized by nothing the capillary tube. A suhmicroliter flow-through avette has been demonstrated for LIF monitoring of HPLC effluents (11). The HPLC effluent containing the sample is injected into the solvent stream (sheath) and confined by laminar flow conditions (see Figure 4h). The refractive index difference between the sample and the solvent is much lower thanfor the quartz and solvent or air interface. The placement of the cuvette’s optical windows 5 mm from the sample stream minimizes the amount of scattered light that is imaged hy microscope optics, which are orthogonalwith the laser beam and the sample stream. An LIF detector has been developed in which a capillary tube cell is coupled to an optical fiber (12).Optical fibers conduct light by total internal reflectance along their length. A criti-


cal collection volume exists so that liiht rays entering the fiber at angles less than i, will not be transmitted (see Figure 44. Light rays originating near the center of the detector flow cell generally have larger values fori, so that specular scattering from the cell walls is rejected. This detector cell does not depend on droplet shape; nor do bubbles interfere with LIF detection, because they flow around the outside of the optical fiber. A free-falling jet stream produced by a smallbore Capillary connected to the exit of an HPLC incorporates some of the properties of other LIF detector cells in a simpler design (13).Scattering background is effectively suppressed by positioning the fluorescence collection optics at a 30’ angle with the capillary rather than the typical 90’. The exciting Laser beam remains perpendicular to the jet stream. Although all of the LIF detectors have produced picogram or femtogram detection limits, the optical fiber cell (12)and the jet stream cell (13)are more amenable to general applications because they are independent of the solvent and its properties. Both detectors are compatible with gradient elution; the jet stream design is more suited to microcolumn HPLC because of its much smaller cell volume. In addition to Rayleigh scattering, Raman scattering from the solvent and fluorescence from contaminants and optics reduce the sensitivity of LIF detection. Rayleigh and most Raman scattering can be rejected by filtering, but often a solvent Raman band overlaps the fluorescent analyte’s emission. In general, Raman scattering may be the ultimate limit to LIF sensitivity. Fluorescence from sample contaminants may be minimized by prepurification of solvents. Even high-purity commercial solvents may contain contaminants that will contribute to the fluorescence hackground under high-intensity laser excitation. In addition, columns may become saturated with contaminants after prolonged we. The ability to focus the laser beam has contributed to high specific sensitivities for LIF detectors and has permitted miniaturization. Various gas lasers (e.g., AI+),which provide many different emission lines, are excellent excitation sourcea for LIF detection of HPLC eluents. These lasers are compatible with routine operation because of their relative simplicity and low maintenance requirements. A two-photon transition results from the simultaneousabsorption of two photons to populate a discrete mol& energy level (see Figure 3b) (14).Two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) detection may be applied to most fluorescent molecules because


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I Figure 4. Diagram of LIF detector cells for HPLC (a) Flowingdroplet Cell (lo); (b) lamlnar-flow Wll ( In: (C) OptiCaCflba Wll ( 121

two-photon transitions are as numerous as one-photon transitions. Onephoton and two-photon transitions are complementary since they access different excited levels. In spite of their inefficiency, processes involving the absorption of two photons are very attractive for HPLC detection because the availability of high-powered lasers and the absence of background experienced with one-photon excitation permits the detection of analytically useful signals. TPEF usually occurs at shorter wavelengths than the excitation wavelength, simplifying the rejection of Rayleigh or Raman scattering with an appropriate filter and making readily available visible lasers useful excitation sourcesfor most solutea. Laser TPEF detection for HPLC of several oxadiazoles has been accomplished using 514.5-nm radiation from an argon ion laser (15). Chromatograms of these oxadiazoles in the preaence of several polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using incoherent ultraviolet (UV) and TPEF detection are easy to distinguish because of the more restrictive selection rules for TPEF (see Figure 5). Detection limits, linearity of response, and precision are comparable for W and TPEF detection of the oxadiazoles. Since the fluorescence signal generated hy a two-photon process depends inversely on the laser beam's crosssectional area, reduction in absorption path length may be compensated for by decreasing the focal length of the focusing lens (16).As a result, twophoton processes may find their m a t important application in low-volume detedors for microscale HPLC. Laser-Induced Absorption. Absorption spectrometry is more general

than fluorescence measurement. Unfortunately, measurements based on transmitted light are limited at trace analyte concentrations because it is difficult to measure the difference in two large signals. The sensitivity of absorption measurements may be improved by detecting associated processes. Laser-induced absorption detection methods owe their diversity to the variety of approaches available for sensing molecular absorption. Laser-induced photoacoustic (PA)

detection has been demonstrated for HPLC (17).A PA detector senses the pressure fluctuations in a medium due to absorption of radiation. Figure 6 shows the PA flow cell design. The PA wave is sensed by a piezoelectric transducer (PZT)which is positioned behind the foil-covered slit in the 20-pL absorption cell. The output terminal of the PZT is grounded through the foil and the cell body. The other terminal is connected to a BNC connector. The argon ion laser source


Figure 5. Simpllfication of chromatogram from two-photon excited flWrOfn0triCdetector (a)compared to a UV absorption detector (b) a m p k mntalnsthree oxad~aw~es. m.pBD, and 88D. p b phenol. chrysene. fbrgle. and antha-




II Connector

Dichroic Mirror

Effluent Exit Tube J



optic Cable

EffluentEntry Tube

Figure 6. Dlagram of laser-induced photoacoustic detector ( 17)

itcdlode atector

Figure 7. Diagram of thermal lensing spectrometer L,, lens, focal length 40 mm. 4. focal len$h 125 mm, Ls and 4, focal length 100 mm, F, fliler, Ccinlyl 3-69


(488nm) is acousto-optically modulated, and the detector signal is synchronously detected with a lock-in amplifier. Interferences from pressure fluctuations arising from the HPLC solvent pump are avoided by a judicious choice of the laser modulation frequency. In test separations of isomers of chloro-4-(dimethylamino)azobenzene (Cl-DAAB), the PA detector and a conventional UV detector (254 nm)produced comparable chromatograms. Detection limits for C1-DAAB using the PA detector were determined to be a 25-fold improvement over the conventional UV detector. A prototype flow cell design for LC that may be used for laser-induced PA, fluorescence, and photoionization (single- and two-photon) has been described recently (IS,19).The design is similar to the flowing droplet cell (IO). The eluent stream is suspended between the column exit and a stainless steel pedestal. A quartz insulator transmits the laser-induced acoustic waves that originate in the eluent to a PZT via the pedestal. BNC connectors are incorporated into the upper end of the cell for the bias voltage and the lower end for the photocurrent and PA signal. A variety of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and drugs have been examined using the three detection methods with ultraviolet nitrogen or excimer laser excitation. As would be expected, the lowest detection limits were produced when fluorescence was detected from species with high quantum efficiencies. Background signals from solvent contaminants were negligible in the photoionization mode, making detection p m i hle even for molecules that gave low photoionization signals. The most at26A

tractive feature of this detector design is that the three major processes for deactivation of the excited state can he monitored simultaneously. The laser-inducedthermal lens effect has been investigated for HPLC detection using a “pump” and “probe” configuration (20).The thermal lens is produced by the excess heat absorbed at the center of a chopped, argon ion laser beam with a G a w i a n beam profile (see Figure 7). The optical path at the beam center is reduced, because of the lowered refractive index of the solution, forming a diverging “lens.” The light intensity at the beam center of the collinear He-Ne probe laser is detected with a photodiode w h m field of view is restricted by an optical fiber. To minimize noise due to breakup of the thermal lens by the solvent flow, the argon ion laser beam is modulated at 125 Hz. The S/Nratio is maintained although the time-dependent signal is reduced at the higher chopping frequencies. As in previous work (21).mechanical vibrations, solvent flow rate fluctuations, and turbulence in the flow cell are the major sources of noise. The overall system performance is similar to photbacoustic detectors for HPLC.

Laser-Induced Raman Scattering. HPLC is superior to GC for the analysis of thermally labile, nonvolatile substances, but no qualitative detector has been developed for HPLC that is comparable to a GC/mass spectrometer. Infrared absorption spectrometry provides excellent qualitative information for molecules, but quantitation is limited by low molar absorptivities. Raman spectrometry also yields information-richvibration-


a1 spectra (see Figure sa), but Raman scattering is directly related to source intensitv. Therefore. visible or UV lasers prdduce strong &an signals, making quantitation simple and analytically useful. Sample handling is uncomplicated because quartz or glass cells can be used. Several new embodiments of the Raman effect retain the advantages of normal (spontaneous)Raman spectrometry while providing the improved sensitivity necessary for useful chromatographicdetectors. Resonance enhancement of the Raman effect occurs when the laser wavelength



Figure 8. Diagram of Raman scattering processes (a) Nwmal Rsman; 0 )resonance Raman: (c) CP herentantcstoksa Raman. where A = w , wpIS a Ramananlve molewlar vlbratlonal frequency. S


virmal I3VelS




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PERKIN-ELMER Circle 1 7 0 F o r Literature.

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CARS technique provides much greater efficienciesthan NRS (up to 1photon scattered per 100 incident photons). A detection limit of 1 p g h L has been determined for trans-p-carotene using CARS (24).Fluorescence can be rejected by detecting the “laserlike” CARS beam at an angle removed from other emission. Background emission resulting from the nonresonant, third-order susceptibility of the solvent has limited the sensitivity of CARS in solution. Two techniques, resonance enhancement and polarization, have been used to suppress the background with some success, but CARS remains marginally useful for most trace analysis. A computer-controlled system has been deI veloped that measures the UV-VIS and fluorescence spectra of HPLC eluents, in addition to the CARS specFigure 9. Experimental arrangement for the optical activity detector trum (26).Computer control is very M, mirrors: P, Glan pisms: FR. Faradey mmtor; CL. flow cdI; A, zapmiwe; F. filter: PMT, photwnulliplef important for the routine use of CARS tube: DR, driver: DC, power supply; WI, wave generator: Li. lock-In amplifier: RC, recordar: PU. Pump: V, injection valve; CM, column: L. wllimation lens (2e) because the laser frequency (02) must be controlled, and mirrors must be adjusted to obtain the proper crossing angle after the optimum Raman excitation wavelength has been calculated discrimination among the individual corresponds to the excitation of a vifrom a W-VIS spectrum. In this inDAAB derivatives, which are not rebronic level within an excited electronic state (22).R R S bands may have solved by conventional UV-VIS detec- strument, the W-VIS spectrum is acquired on-line with a vidicon multition. intensities 102-106 times greater than channel detector. Fluoreseence detecIronically, the first use of Raman N R S intensities (where only one photion with a xenon lamp source is incorspectrometry for HPLC detection incon may be scattered for every IOH inporated to extend the capability of the volved one of the newer Raman techcident photons). Because of the nearinstrument to trace analysis. Recently, niques, CARS (24). The generation of resonance excitation, the success of a CARS signal requires two lasers ( w ~ HPLC-CARS has been used for the fluorescence discrimination may deidentification of environmental polluand w2). One of these lasers must be termine limits of detection (see Figure tants in water (27). tunable; maximum flexibility is avail8b). Several DAAB derivatives have Other Laser-Based Detectors. A able when both are tunable. The been detected after HPLC using R R S laser-based micropolarimeter has been CARS process is illustrated in Figure excited by the 488-nm line of an argon interfaced to an HPLC (28).Using se8c. When the two laser beams cross in ion laser (23). Monitoring the Raman lected Glan prisms, selected cell-winthe sample at the phase-matching emission continuously at a single dow material, and air-based Faraday angle 8, CARS emission is generated wavelength, a Z-vg/mL limit of detec. rotators, extinction ratios have been at w3 = 2wl - w2 via a third-order tion has been determined for 2’-C1obtained that are four orders of magnonlinear polarization (25). The DAAB. Stopped-flow R R S permitted @) MA

, ,.


’I c



Figure 10. Laser-based refractive index detectors (a) Refractive index detector: m. single-frequency laser; P, polarizer; X/4, quarter wave plate: FP, interfercmeler: PMT. photwnuiliplier Nix: REC. chart recorder:(b) Absorbance detector: P1. P2. polarizen: AO. Bragg ceik L. lens (29)



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What's more, you can combine our Zeeman/5000 with our AS-40 Autosampler for automatic sequential determination of six elements in as many as 35 samples, including fully automatic standard addition and matrix modification. Add our Atomic Spectroscopy Data System 10 to display and store high-resolutionGraphite Furnace graphics. You'll have an outstanding tool for methods development. The Zeemani5000 is the perfect choice for the analysis of complex matrices, For many other applications, a combination of our HGA Graphite Furnaces with any of our AA spectrophotometers will do the job beautifully. We'll send you all the details on how the new Perkin-Elmer Zeeman/5000 fulfills your analytical requirements. For free literature, contact your Perkin-Elmer -1 representative or write us today.

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Perkin-Elmer Corp.. Analyiical Instruments, Main Ave. (MS-12). Notwalk, CT 06856 U.S.A. Tel: (203) 762-1000. Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer & Co. GmbH. Postfach 1120. 7770 Ueberlingen. Federal Republic of Germany. Tel: (07551) 811. Perkin-Elmer Ltd.. Post Office Lane. Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 t CIA. England. Tel: Beaconsfield 6161.

PERKIN-ELMER Circle 168 f o r literature.

Circle 169 for a sales call.



Figure 11. Diagram of double-beam He-Ne laser lntracavily absMpt1on detector BS, beam splitter: SCR.strip dvln reccder (32)

Laser Beam




Glass Packing Tubing Material



Stainless Steel .-


’ + Heaters





- Vacuum Pumps

Exit Window and Light Barnes

I To Reference Tube photo

Figure 12. Diagram of the RCLlFlGC apparatus l hp~Rionenclosedby Uw dotted line t o m a simple l% Temperaitre . variation along lhe Column is Shown in the i m t (34)

nitude better than standard polarimeters (see Figure 9). Most chromatographic eluents are not optically active so that this detector is very selective, with particular applicability to environmental and clinical systems. The 30A

HPLC separation of fructose and raffinose based on optical activity has been demonstrated with a 0.5-pg detection limit in a 200-pL detection volume. The opticdly active components of human urine also have been


detected after HPLC separation. One of the most sensitive ways to measure small differences in refractive indexes is interferometry. A single-frequency laser bas been used to measure the change in refractive index for a substance contained within a FabryPerot interferometer (29). A photomultiplier detecta the transmitted light when the Fabry-Perot is scanned (see Figure loa). The position of the maximum constructive interference is determined by a computer and converted to an analog signal that represents the change in refractive index. The additional finesse and the increased monochromaticity of the He-Ne laser provide an order-of-magnitude improvement in detection limits compared to commercial refractive index detectors. By modifying the detector cell to include a second path for an argon ion laser beam,sample absorption has been indirectly monitored as a change in refractive index due to heating of the medium (see Figure lob). The difference in interferometric peak position before and after irradiation is plotted as an absorption chromatogram. This approach has produced limits of detection two orders of magnitude better than standard absorption detectors for HPLC. Laser-Based Detectors for Chromatography Laser-based detectors for GC have received relatively little attention because of the high resolving power of GC, which reduces the need for selective detectors, and the availability of sensitive and selective conventional detectors. Only four laser-based detectors for GC have been reported to date (30-34).Two of these will be discussed because they represent the extremes of complexity and expense. They also demonstrate the additional selectivity and sensitivity that can be provided by laser-based GC detectors. A He-Ne laser operating simultaneously a t 3.39 pm (infrared) and 0.63 pm (visible) has been used as a selective detector for hydrocarbons in the effluent of a GC (32).The infrared and visible laser transitions originate at the same energy level and are competitive. When a hydrocarbon enters the laser’s resonant cavity, the 3.39pm energy is absorbed due to the C-H stretching vibration, and the visible emission is enhanced. The visible laser emission is monitored with a pbotodiode as a quantitative measure of the concentration of the absorbing molecule (see Figure 11).The minimum detectable concentration for propane using the double beam configuration is 20 pg/mL (33),which is 25 times lower than the best value reported for a thermal conductivity detector. In practice, the detector’s selectivity for

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31 A

hydrocarbons is modified by various substituents. The detector responds to aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons with aliphatic side chains, except for those substituted with halogens. The He-Ne laser intracavity absorption detector may be used without prior separation in some cases (e.g., methane in coal mines). This detector operates with nitrogen carrier gas without sacrificing sensitivity and should be useful for monitoring organic pollutants since it does not respond to water or carbon dioxide. Also, it should be possible to manufacture this detector a t competitive prices. The last method to be discussed uses the GC for quantitative sample introduction rather than separation. A GC has been coupled with a supersonic jet to resolve mixtures by rotationally cooled laser-induced fluorescence (RCLIF) (34).When a monoatomic gas seeded with molecules is allowed to expand through a supersonic jet, a molecular beam is produced in a nearly collision-free environment. The extremely low temperature of the molecular beam permits the acquisition of highly resolved laser-excited fluorescence spectra. Figure 12 shows the apparatus for RCLIFKC. Otherwise unresolved mixtures of two isomers of methylnaphthalene have been separately detected by using the appropriate excitation wavelength from a Nd:YAG pumped-dye laser. Detection limits in the picogram range have been reported. Other excitation schemes such as photoionization may be used as well. Although the laser system required for this application is complex and expensive, excellent selectivity and sensitivity are possible. The introduction of the GC simplifies the RCLIF experiment so that it may be useful for routine laboratory applications. Conclusions The evolution of laser-based detectors for chromatography continues to be a dynamic process. Some of the detectors discussed here seem to be on the verge of acceptance while others require further experimental validation. The most attractive detectors for commercialization use gas lasers that are reliable, easy to use. and relatively inexpensive. Normal Raman spectrometry has become a routine laboratory technique using this type of laser. The success of GC/MS suggests that there may be a market for more complex and expensive laser-based detectors. Since there is a growing number of multiuser laser facilities, another approach might involve the marketing of detectorhterfaces for use with the customer’s laser. The need for laser-based detectors far HPLC is unquestionable with the 32A

trend toward improving column efficiencies via microscale instrumentation. Unparalleled growth of laserbased detectors for GC seems less likely, although gains in selectivity and sensitivity may be made here as well. Future developments in this area will probably involve the use of the GC for simple, quantitative sample introduction rather than high-resolution separation. The present state of the art suggests that laser-based detectors provide the sensitivity and selectivity necessary to augment advances in separation science. Acknowledgment The author acknowledges the cooperation of the scientists whose work is reviewed here. The technical assistance of Dan Puckett and Monica Mabie is also appreciated.

(26) Boutilier, G. D.; Irwin, R. M.; Anteliff, R. R.; Rogers, L. B.;Carreira. L. A,; Azarrsga, L. Appl. Speelrose. 1981.35. 576-81. (27) Carreira. L. A. et SI. In “Chemical Ap-

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(32) Parli. J. D.; Green. R. B. Anal. Ckem. 1982.52.1969-72. (33) Parli, J. D.; Green, R. B. “Abstracts of

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Robert Green is an associate professor of chemistry at the Uniuersity of Arkansas, Fayetteuille. He received a BS in chemistry from Oklahoma State Uniuersity in 1966 and a PhD in chemistry from Ohio Uniuersity in 1974. In theyears between 1966and 1970, he was a chemist with Monsanto Company and Jefferson Chemical Company, Inc. Green serued as a National Research Council postdoctoral research associate at the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., from September 1974 to August 1976, and was a n assistant professor of chemistry at West Virginia Uniuersity, Morgantown, from 1976 to June 1979. His major research interest is the application of lasers to the solution of problems in analytical chemistry. Recently, Green has become interested in laser-based detectors for chromatography. Other research has involved the development and characterization of the optogaluanic effect and laser-enhanced ionization spectrometry.