LC CONNECTION COMPANY - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

LC CONNECTION COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1977, 49 (11), pp 934A–934A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50019a786. Publication Date: September 1977. ACS Legacy ...
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You corït get α good chromotogrom uuîthout ο greot beginning. We moke it hoppen! VALVES, WELL PACKED HPLC COLUMNS AND FILTERS In a way. we're sort of the front-end company in high pressure liquid chroma­ tography. Almost everything you need to make better chromatograms in the begin­ ning is on our shelf. Here's our line to you: The 70-10 Sample Injection Valve. For just $290 you can get our 6-port sample injection valve with a removable sample loop and 7000 psi pressure rating. Size, 10 μ1 to 2.0 ml. The 7120 Syringe Loading Sample Injector. Fill loops conventionally or in the partial loop variable volume mode with only 0.5 μΙ sample loss. Teflon Rotary Valves. For about half the cost you'd expect to pay, we offer three, four and six way valves in 0.8 mm and 1.5 mm bores at $70 to $87. Features zero dead volume, chemical inertness and 300 psi rating.

HPLC Columns. Here are the columns with guaranteed peak symmetry and mini­ mum plates per meter to doubly assure optimum column performance. Six columns currrently available priced from $180 to $240. The Column Inlet Filter. It only costs a few dollars, but it can save you a boatload of trouble. Place this low dead volume filter between the injection valve and column to protect column inlet frits from plugging. Price, $40. The Model 7037 Pressure Relief Valve. Protect your set-up against damage from over pressure (2000 to 7000 psi setting range). Write or call for more information. Address Rheodyne. Inc. 2809 Tenth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710, Phone (415) 548-5374.



rier transform applications, window functions, and phase correction meth­ ods. Chapter 15 is an excellent intro­ duction to the principles of signal av­ eraging with good illustrations. Chap­ ter 16 on data displays is tied too closely to the LPS-11 hardware to be of general use. Chapter 17 on peak de­ tection provides good insight to the problems and approaches for pro­ grammatic peak detection. Chapters 18 and 19 on the Fourier transform and various applications to NMR and IR data are the best of all. T h e au­ thor's considerable familiarity with this area lends authority and useful­ ness to these presentations. There are several problems with this text. First and foremost is the fact that most of the material is useful only to a user of the DEC PDP-11. Because of the complexity of the PDP-11 in­ struction set and because of the atten­ tion to operational details, a reader with general interests would find only about five of the 19 chapters useful. It is disappointing that there is no general description of interfacing principles and hardware; Chapter 14 approaches this topic, but succeeds only in describing the functions of the LPS-11 data system. Finally, although the last two chapters, regarding Fouri­ er transform applications, might be very useful to many readers, the book would be much more valuable if this level of presentation were extended to additional topics of interest, such as the application of smoothing algo­ rithms, curve-fitting, peak deconvolution, and file searching. Despite the problems mentioned above, the text does accomplish very well the major part of the author's goals—to provide a complete and use­ ful guide to the implementation of a particular laboratory computer sys­ tem. The many exercises and program illustrations are most useful for the novice programmer. It should be high­ ly recommended to the many users of PDP-11 minicomputers.

New Books Analytical Pyrolysis. C. E. Roland and Carl A. Cramers, Eds. ix + 424 pages. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., P.O. Box 2 1 1 , Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1977. $39.25

The proceedings of the Third Inter­ national Symposium on Analytical Pyrolysis, held in Amsterdam, Sep­ tember 7-9, 1976, are presented. A total of 50 papers contributed by au­ thors from the international commu-