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RESEARCH RESULTS . . . ixmediately available All papers listed are being considered for publication in I&EC or one of the I&EC Quarterlies. They are available in manuscript form, with the requirement that any reference to their content in a publication must have the author's prior approval. Orders are processed within 24 hours of receipt, with shipment b y first class mail. Prices for I&EC subscribers and nonsubscribers are listed with each manuscript. Please include payment with order.

Equation of State from Multiproperty AnalysisGeneral Development. A multiproperty analysis

method is presented for simultaneously utilizing data for several thermodynamic properties in equation-of-state development. Pertinent thermodynamic and statistical considerations are presented in developing the mathematical framework for multiproperty analysis. Test calculations also are presented.

K . E. Starling, University of Oklahoma, and J. F. W o v e , Esso Production Research Co. 24 pages ( 1 figure, 3 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $ 1 2.00 MS.70-3

Multiproperly Analysis-Madifled BWR Equation for Methane from PVT and Enthalpy Data.

Enthalpy and P V T data \vere used simultaneously by this study to develop an equation which accurately predicts all properties down to 250'F.

K . TI'. Cox, J . L. Bono, Y . C. Krcok, and K . E. Starling, L'niversitj of Oklahoma


31 pages (9 figures) l&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $ 1 6.00

Carbon Distribution Functions in a Fluid Calalytic Cracker. Presents a computational method to

obtain the carbon distribution functions in an FCC unit idealized as a thrce-vcssel system consisting of a back-mixed regenerator, a plug-flow riser reactor, and a back-mixed reactor.

S. .M.Jacob, Mobil Research C3. Develgbmenf Cnrp. MI. 70-33 24 pages (8 figures) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Film Evaporation of liquid Patches. Proposes equations for predicting heat transfer coefficients and volumetric rate of evaporation of liquid patches o n a hot plate under spheroidal state. Some of the assumptions made in the dimensional analysis are substantiated by a semitheoretical approach.

Chemical Fractionation of Carbon Isotopes. The Carbon Monoxide System. T h e new thermally refluxable system is based o n the ex-

P. K . Sarma, .4li .4mir, S.V.R.K. Sarma, and K . Venenkata, Apparao dndra L'niversitj, Ithitair, India Ms. 70-64 14 pages ( 4 figures) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

A . A . Palko, L. Landau, and J . S. Driiry, Oak Ridge hational Lahoratorj MS.70-81 2 0 pages (2figures, 9 tables) Nonsubscribers $8.00 l&EC Subscribers $4.00

Effect of Surface Aeration on Scale-up Procedures for Fermentation Processes. Contribution

Continuous Gas Chromatography of Multicomponent Hydrocarbon Mixtures. A continuous

to overall volumetric oxyqen transfer coefficient, K L a , increases as scale 0: fermentors decrease?. For geometrically Fimilar fermentors 200 to 51,000 I., K L U values due to surface aeration and overall K L a values under varying. aeration and agitation conditions are determined.

gas chromatograph, for process stream monitoring and control, operates by imparting a sinusoidal variation to the feed sample concentration. Phase measurements are made at downstream points. I t has been used to analyze ternary and quaternary light hydrocarbon mixtures.

R. Fuchs and D. Y . R y u , Squibb Institutefor M e d i cal Research, and A . E . Humphrey, L'niversity nf Pennsylvania MS.70-76 3 4 pages (9 figures, 3 tables)

Don E. Carter and Gerald L. Esterson, Washington l i n iversify MS.70-83 23 pages I4 figures, 5 tables) l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Survey of Recent Methane Pyrolysis literature.

The Corresponding-States Principle Using Shape Factors. An extension of the simple CSP in-

Compares kinetic parameters, operating conditions, mechanisms, ethane and hydrogen effects, and reactor surface effects which have been reported for methane pyrolysis. Controversy still exists over several points. An overall, first-order activation energy may vary from 80 to 103 kcal.

vol\ring additional parameters (shape factors) which modify the intermolecular potential of nonconformal fluids so they conform to the reference. Total thermodynamic properties of a mixture can be accurately calculated even at low temperatures.

:M. S. Khan and B. L. Crynes, Oklahoma State

G. I ) . Fisher, T h e ChemShare Carp., and T . M;. Leland Jr., Rice Vniversity Ms. 70-86 28 pages ( 1 figure, 3 tables) l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $12.00

Uniuersit.? MS.70-78

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J a m i n Chen and Victor Ketordian, Ingersoll R a n d Research, Inc. Ms. 70-60 28 pages (8 figures) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1


Please send the following manuscripts by first class air mail Extra charge per manuscript for air mail: U.S.A., Canada 8, Mexico,

Nos. study thermodynamics and mechanism of making artificial snow by spraying mixtures of water and compressed air into freezing atmosphere. Different types of nozzles \\.ere studied under freezing conditions.

24 pages (3tables) Nonsubscribers $ 1 2.00

._____._._..............-.~~~ ...~..........~

R. A . MJers and J . M . Marchello, L'niversity of iMar~~land MS.70-48 30 pages (9 figures, 3 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Heat and Mass Transfer in Making Artificial Snow. Analysis and experiments were made to


I&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $ 1 8.00

l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Polarization for Zinc Electrodes. Ohmic, activation, and concentration polarization of flat and porous zinc clectrodes was obtained using discharge data, galvanostatic pulse response, and physical properties. Zincate ion diffusion appears to be the more significant factor in polarization.


change reactions, Cu2C12.8 IiH:Cl. l*CO(aq) '3CO(g) = CuzC12.8 NHnCl.laCO(aq) 12CO(g). T h e single-stage frxtionation factor is 1.016 a t 2 0 ° C . Preliminary cost estimates \+erefavorable.

