pharmaceuticals; all can be analyzed with equal facility. The highly ... To learn more about this new LECO® instrument, call or write today! ... Tele...
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CHN-800 Elemental A n a l y z e r For Microsamplcs • Conserves sample materials when limited amounts are available. Small homogeneous samples yield consistent, accurate results. • Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen determined within 140 seconds. • A wide range of applications: polymers, plant matter, petroleum products, pharmaceuticals; all can be analyzed with equal facility. The highly sensitive detection system registers amounts as small as 0.01 % of the element present in samples ranging from 0.5 to 9 9 . 0 mg in weight, depending upon sample type. The carbon IR cell is completely sealed against contamination from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to assure minimum blank.

The CHN-800 is not only fast and accurate but also easy to operate. All results are automatically adjusted for blank, weight and calibration factors by the CPU. A n optional autoloader allows up to 19 pre-weighed samples (nominal weight: 10 milligrams) to be analyzed in uninterrupted sequence without operator involvement.

To learn more about this new LECO® instrument, call or write today!

LECO CORPORATION 3000 Lakeview Avenue St. Joseph, Ml 49085-2396 (616) 983-5531 Cable: LECO Telex: 72 9411