ics provide reliability and sim- plified service. 3000 LAKEVIEW AVE. ST. ... CIRCLE 126 ON READER SERVICE CARD. 50 A ·. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL...
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form for an additional 120 compounds are included. Special indices have been prepared to aid the user in locating compounds, absorption patterns, and proton types. Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis, Vol 14. Foster Dee Snell a n d Leslie S. Ettre, Eds. xiv + 616 pages. J o h n Wiley a n d Sons, Inc., 605 T h i r d Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1971. $45 ($35 b y s u b s c r i p t i o n )

This volume is the latest in the series which provides proven classical and instrumental methods, techniques, and procedures for the analysis and evaluation of raw materials, intermediates, and finished products. The first three volumes in the series treat general, mainly instrumental, methods applicable to a great variety of compounds. Subsequent volumes present in alphabetical arrangement chemical and physical characteristics, types of analysis available for the material itself and in mixtures, commercial and analytical standards, and a substantial bibliography. Vol 14 contains chapters on gold, graphite and related carbons, gypsum and gypsum products, hafnium and zirconium, halohydrins, hormones, hydrazine, hydrides, hydrocarbon resins, hydrocarbons, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxylamines and their salts, imines, indigoid dyes, indium, insulin, and iodine.

Techniques of Surface and Colloid Chemistry and Physics, Vol 1. R. J . Good, R. R. S t r o m b e r g , a n d R. L. Patrick, Eds. ix + 252 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 95 M a d i s o n Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1972. $13.75

This series will present a compendium of the most important methods used to characterize surfaces and colloids and their interactions and reactions. The volumes are intended to serve as a practical guide. According to the editors, each technique is examined in detail, fundamental concepts for each property and its measurement are presented, the latest equipment and procedure are described, and the computations are explained. In addition, the limits of accuracy are indicated for each technique and drawbacks are described, so that the reader has the facts with which to make the appropriate selection. Vol 1 deals with film balance and the evaluation of intermolecular energies in monolayers (by N. L. Gershfeld), measurement of monolayer permeability (by Martin Blank), ultrafiltration (by Carel J. van Oss), bimolecular lipid mem-



branes (by H. Ti Tien and Robert E. Howard), and methods used in the visualization of concentration gradients (by van Oss). Determination of Air Quality. Gleb M a m a n t o v a n d W. D. S h u l t s , Eds. xii + 197 pages. P l e n u m Publishing Corp., 227 West 17th St., New York, N.Y. 10011.

1972. $13.50 This book presents the Proceedings of the ACS Symposium on Determination of Air Quality held in Los Angeles, CA, on April 1-2, 1971. It is composed of data submitted by a variety of experts in the field of air pollution control. Contributions are made by chemists, physicians, engineers, administrators, and systems analysts. Beginning with a review of present storage and handling activities, surveillance networks, correlative work with health effects, and efforts to combine several measured parameters into a single understandable value, this work then examines recent developments in the methodology of air quality analysis. It also covers topics such as the determination of odors, the use of electron spectroscopy, and the intersocietal efforts aimed at standardizing analytical procedures in the area of air quality control.

U.S. Government Publications Single copies of the following are available free upon request to the authors. Identification and Analyses of CopperBase Alloys by Fluorescent X-Ray Spectrography. Bureau of M i n e s Report of Investigations 7635. William J . C a m p b e l l a n d Harold E. Marr I I I . ii + 30 pages. U n i t e d States D e p a r t m e n t of t h e Interior, College Park Metallurgy Research Center, College Park, M d . 20740. 1972

This booklet contains a discussion of three types of X-ray analytical instrumentation that were compared for applications in the secondary brass and bronze industry. Determination of Metallic Aluminum in Recycled Glass. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 7592. T h o m a s E. Green. 7 pages. U n i t e d States D e p a r t m e n t of t h e Interior, College Park Metallurgy Research Center, College Park, M d . 20740. 1971

This report describes a gas-volumetric method developed for determining metallic aluminum at the 0.01-0.3% level in 100-gram samples of recycled glass.