Lecture demonstrations for high school chemistry

ing considerable savings in material and reducing the danger haeavd to a minimum. The small scale of operations makes it. ~ossible to accommodate larg...
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MARCH, 1953


"once for all" attention to the scientific method. The sequence, themafter, includes: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Gases, Theory, (Atoms and Molecules), Oxygen-hydrogen Compounds, The Atmosphere (hTitrogenj. Atomic Structure (two chapters), Compound Formation. Energy, Solids, Solutions, Ions, Electron-Proton Reactions, Rates and Equilibria, Extremes of tho Periodic System, Salt and Shn Water, Sulfur Phosphorus, Metals (Iron and Aluminum), Magnesium and Calcium, Carbon and Silicon, Organic Chemistry, and last, The Rest of the Periodic System. The author evidently has little faith in Conmt's and other leading scientists' emphasis of the scientific method as the unique rontrihution of chemistry to the program of general education. The text is "readable," as promised, hut too frequently follows the pattern of "I am telling you" in a mare or loss deductive manner rather than leading the reader to share in the adventure of sleuthing t~heevolutionafthe ides. This first edition ha^ failed to provide a, number of desirable teaching aids. There is a scarcity of subtopics within the chapters. This is especially noticeable in Chapter one. The questions are, all too often, of the m e m o q type; references a t the chapter ends are not adequately ~pecific; diagrams and illustrations are not numbered, and vocabulary help is deficient. One appendix provides numerical problems keyed to the individual chapters and the index is generous. Perhaps a. later edition may give att,entionto the ovemights mentioned. For teachers who consider chemistrv'~iob done when it has

tion it merits a first-line rating. B. CLIFFORD HENDRICKS LONDYIEW W * B , , I N E T ~ ~

SEMI-MICRO METHODS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Ernest R. Kline, Assackte Professor of Chemistry, University of Connecticut. Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis, 1947. v 225 pp. 38 figs. 13.5 X 21.5 cm. Offset. Spiral bound. $2.25.


THIShook has been uned by the author in his own classes for numher of years and is now for the first time being offered to other schools for adoption. It is designed to help the student conduct his experiments on x small scslr of operations, thus effecting considerable savings in material and reducing the danger haeavd to a minimum. The small scale of operations makes it ~ossibleto accommodate larger sections in the laboratory without &due crowding. The callertion of laboratory procedures, according to the author, attempts to achieve two additional ends. The first is to use the laboratory exercises as a means of impressing upon the student the significance of the equations which he finds so profusely spread upon the pages of his textbook, and, second, to provide training in semimicro methods during the first year of organic chemistry as a subsequent aid in the course in organic qualitative analysis. The experiments included would require the usual semimicro equipment and some special pieces that could be provided by a glass blower of average ability. The hook contains more than t,he averaee amount of theoretical and ex~lanatorvmaterial. a

reduction, dehydrogenation, molecular rearrangement, ete. This should be a valuable feature for those instructors who prefer to use student laboratory experiences as a supplement t o teaching chemical information, as well as mastering useful manual techniques. Several experiments are iheluded that illustrate well-known named reactions. More than usual emphasis is placed on basic organic laboratory operations and qualitative techniques. The pages are reproduced from author-prepared originals and. while

easily discernible, could be imp~.ovedin places by better reproduction methods. The author has apparently achieved his major objectives. The manual can he recommended as an inexpensive sowre of student, information and directions for trpical. well-planned labboratary operations. The thirty-six experiments provide sufficient material and latitude for a traditional well-balanced one year organic course. The book should take its rightful place among the good semimicro organic laboratory manuals now available. RALPH E. DUNBAR N o m n DAKOTA STATECOLLEDE T*Roo. N O R T " DAKOT*


Fred T. Weisbruch, Head of Science Department, William Cullen McBride High School, St. Louis, Mo. Educational Publishers, Inc., St. Louis, 1951. 333 pp. 118 figs. 14 X 21.5 cm. $4.50. FREDWEISBRUCH'F~ collection of lecture-table demanstretions comes as a timely aid to an art that needs revitalizing in high schools. Both t,he beginning teacher and the experienced demonstrator can gain valuable help from this little volume. The demonstrations are arranged according to topics; line drasq-ings are provided far unusual setups; appropriate precautions are included with hazardous experiments; and n. goodly supply of audio-visual shocks is included in the form of bangs and flares. I t is unfortunate that the apparentl,~ highprice for a lithoprinted book may limit its distribution. Tho clear .text ia unususlly free from misprints, and the entire lhook attests to careful work in its preparation. References to some of t,he artirles written by inspiring demon~ t r a t o r s(Charles Stone, for essmple) are abundant. hIost of the references are to THE JOI:RIIAL. Unfortunatelv. .. U R B of many of these references requires puhlicat.ions that are now over 20 years old. I t is doubtful that manv chemistry teachers have this resource. Some confusion exists in the name of PbOz which is called both lead peroxide and lead dioxide. Many of the qualitative experiments are those that the student should do far himself in the laboratory. One may question the value of lists of materials placed after groups of experiments. This book will help any elementary chemistry teacher. Therefore it is highly recommended. ELBERT C. WEAVER P , , , L L ~ B EAC*DEMI A N D O V Bnr*ss*c"nsr;~~s ~,


Therold Moeller, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois. John Wiley 6 Sons, Inc., New York, 1952. in 966 pp. Illuslrated. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $10.


PARTI of this book includes a discussion af the theoretical background which is essential to the understanding of the factual material, which is covered in Part 11. The presentation in Part I follows a logical sequence: atomic nuclei and their properties; the extranuelear structure of atoms and the periodic elsssificatian of the elements, and the properties dependent on the extranuclear structures; valency and the chemical bond; complex ions and coordination compounds; oxidation-reduction processes. Part I also inoludes a disoussion of acids and bases and of nonaqueous solvents. In Part 11, after the discussion of the inert gases and of hydrogen, the chemical elements are covered mainly in the reverse order of the Periodic Table : Groups VIIb, VIb, Vb, IVb, I I I b ; followed by Groups I and I1 and the transition elements .