Proven best by test* for over. 20 years! * for wetting power! ... 82 on Readers' Service Card. Product Capsules. Photometers. Details ... Services. De...
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Product Capsules Photometers. Details on colorimeters and fluorimeters. 48 Pipettes. Samples of disposable micropipettes offered. 137 Pipettes. offered.

New 12-page pipette catalog 116

Polarimeters. Automatic, electronic, self-balancing unit. 21 Pumps. Bulletin on midget pumps and variable speed stirrers. 101 Pumps. Catalog details pumps in ten models.

In the laboratory or hospital, just " c l e a n " isn't good enough. Make sure your glassware and equipment are "Alconox-Clean." Proven best by test* for over 20 years! * for wetting power! * for sequestering power! * for emulsifying effect!

vacuum 84

NEW! Speedomax H AZAR Recorder

Pumps. Low cost metering pump for strong oxidizing agents. 74 Pumps. RemoA'es gases by reconstitut­ ing them into stable solids. 109 Rare Earths. Booklet, "Rare Earths and Yttrium Salts," offered. 8 Ratemeters. Bulletin on transistor­ ized precision linear unit. 16

Use ALCONOX For all equipment washed by hand Bex of 3 lbs $1.95 Case of 12 boxes — \ 3 Ht. e a . . . $ 1 8 . 0 0 Available in drums of 25, „ 50, 100 and 300 lbs. at additional savings! (Prices slightly higher West of the Rockies)

Readers. Direct reader attachment for titrator. 95 Recorders. Data on low cost servographic unit. 75 Recorders. Continuous recording of r.p to six variables on single chart. 140


ALCONOX The World's Most Thorough Cleaner — Yet it costs up to 75% less!

Eliminates tedious scrubbing — Penetrates irregular and inacces­ sible surfaces — Removes dirt, grease, grit, blood, tissue, etc. with amazing ease — Completely soluble and rinsable — Gentle to the skin — Use ALCOJET For all equipment washed by machine Box 5 lbs $3.00 Case of 6 boxes — 5 lbs. ea...$15.00 Available in drums of 25, 50, 100 and 300 lbs. a t a d d i t i o n a l savings! (Prices slightly higher West of the Rockies) Clean Pipettes in one easy operation w i t h ALCOTABS — for all pi­ pette washers. Box of 100 Tablets $5.00

Order from your Supplier or ask him for samples and FREE Cleaning Guide.

ALCONOX, Inc. 853 Broadway, New York 3, Ν. Υ.

Recorders. Bulletin servo-recorder.

linear/log 68

Recorders. Linear-log unit for use with spectrophotometers. 71 Recorders. Potentiomotric, two speed unit in six models. 300 Recorders. New automatic GC unit records on tape or punch cards. 9 Refractometers. Full data on new total solids meter. 14 Refractometers. Details on West German unit \vith temp controls. 88 Scanners. New catalog on low-back­ ground 4-pi unit. 18 Services. Info on analytical and metallurgical services. 108 Services. Details on radiochemical measurement services. 45 Services. Info on ultra-sensitive trace element determinations. 104 Spectrographs. Full info on directreading unit offered. 17 Spectrographs. Info offered on X-rayunit and attachments. 143 Spectrometers. Bulletin on new liquid scintillation unit offered. 62 Spectrometers. Bulletin on mass unit with range from m / e 2 to m / c 700. 27 (Continued

Circle No. 82 on Readers' Service Card


on page 110 .1)

This L&N Speedomax H AZAR (Adjustable Zero, Adjustable Range) Recorder provides a new level of recording versatility for research and develop­ ment work. With any calibrated span between 0.67 and 100 mv, and any zero suppression be­ tween —50 and + 5 0 mv, it can plot virtually any physical or electrical quantity that can be converted into d-c millivolts. This flexibility is achieved with six switch-selected spans and five steps of zero suppression, plus continuous adjustment of each span and zero step. List No. — 3-961 000-186-6 360 Speedomax H AZAR Recorder. Measuring Circuit—DC potentiometer with auto matic gain control. Electrical Span—Switch-selected: 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 mv. Continuously adj. span attenuator on each position reduces span to y 3 of position. Electrical Zero—Continuously adj. 10 mv, 10-turn potentiometer slidewire, fixed step switch to add 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mv to slidewire. Key provides "zero — " , "zero + " and a "calibrate" nosition which calibrates the span. Span Step-Response-Time Rating—One second. Chart—Calibrated 0 to 100 in 6" Chart Speed—360" per hour. Power Requirements—Operates on 120 v, 60 c. Price — $1095.00 f.o.b. Philadelphia or North Wales, Pa. (subject to change without notice). Use List No. 3-961-000-186-6-360 when ordering from L&N, 4906 Stenton Ave., Phila. 44, Pa. ^Trademark

Pioneers in Precision L E E D S



Circle No. 51 on Readers' Service Card

VOL 34, NO. 9, AUGUST 1962


109 A