Some things, you want to look at on an X-Y basis. That calls for a recorder. Other things, you want to look at on an X-time basis. That calls for anot...
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Here's our plan for selling you half as many lab recorders. Some things, you want to look at on an X-Y basis. That calls for a recorder. Other things, you want to look at on an X-time basis. That calls for another recorder. Two jobs. Two recorders. It seems so logical. But then, a lot of things seem logical to most recorder-makers: like using separate sheets of paper for every record. Like letting the pen handle the X axis while the bar handles the Y axis. To them, logical. To you, inconvenient. Because every time you switch from one experiment to another, you have to put in another piece of chart paper. And wonder if it's aligned. And always worry about what part of the X-Y response is response and how much is inertia. And every time you switch from X-Y to X-time you have to switch recorders.

recorder. We sell it as one very good recorder. Which is why we'll sell half as many. One of the thingsthat makes it very good is a roll of paper 100 recording frames long, instead of 100 sheets of chart paper. One roll of 100 pushbuttonaligned recording frames. Instead of 100 alignment problems. Another thing that makes it very good is the way it records. The pen (lowinertia) moves. The paper (low-inertia) moves. The bar (high-inertia) doesn't. That's why we can spec XL-recorder response in terms of balance time, not slewing speed. And they can't. All told, just about the best flat-bed recorder you can get. We only wish we could sell twice as many of them.

How L&N can help.

You probably have us filed under "Bridges and Pots" or under "Industrial Recorders." These aren't the only places we belong. Not anymore. Because now we're prepared to lay claim to a larger share of your wherecan-l-get-help file—a section called, perhaps, the "measurement people." We're ready now, with equipment for R&D, Q.C., and standards labs. For liquid analysis. For electrical measurements. Temperature measurements. And, of course, recording, indicating and controlling. In the lab and out. Mail the quick-service card and we'll get started.

What we've done is come up with an illogical—from a traditional standpoint— lab recorder: The Speedomax XL 683 series. The Speedomax XL 683 is two very good recorders. A very good X-Y recorder and—at the flick of a switch—a very good X-t

Don't let our good reputation fool you.

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North Wales. Pa. 19454

One of a series in which we go looking fortrouble. And business.


Upstanding versatility

Record, file, find, fast

XL 600 Series low-profile lab recorders offer one- or two-channel recording on a 9 % " vertical strip chart; fixed millivolt or thermocouple ranges; AZAR (adjustable zero, adjustable range) spans from 100 /»V to 100 V, with optional ± 1 0 0 0 % calibrated zero suppression. Single, dual, or ten-speed chart drive. Tilting chart table; easy chart tearoff; many other convenience features.

Infotrak's a new idea in record­ keeping. And record-finding. Lets you record periodic, cyclic, or transient measurements on individual 5 " χ 8 " Keysort® cards—so you can file them, and find them, fast. Span and zero adjustments. Pushbutton speed selection. Compact ( 6 " χ 6") case. All solid state. ©Automated Business Systems

Count the curve Feed Numatron an analog signal from a thermocouple, RTD, strain gauge—any voltage- or current-output sensor. It gives you digits back. Five significant digits. With lab-like performance (six month zero stability, ± 5 . 0 /tV; typical full range conformance, ± 0 . 1 C ) ; a n d process-environment ruggedness.

Circle K11 on our quick-service card.

Circle K12 on our quick-service card.

Circle K10 on our quick-sgrvice card.

Signal pollution clean-up

pH Lab-in-a-lid

Other things

Two new d-c amplifiers featuring exceptional rejection of AC common mode and normal mode signals. Can be used as null detectors, directreading indicators, or low-level isolating or deviation amplifiers in applications involving signals from 0.1 microvolt to 100 volts.

Take L&N's new portable pH/selective ion lab wherever the ions are: lab, plant or field —weather or not. Rugged, gasketed, convenient; it gives lab performance in severe environments time after time after time.

Fast flat-bed recorder

Circle K14 on our quick-service card.

Circle K13 on our quick-service card.

Circle No. K15

One or two-pen Speedomax XL 680 Series flat-bed recorders balance to full-scale change in less than 0.5 second. Accurate to ± 0 . 2 5 % of span. Small-Case Controllers


Electromax III controllers, with analog or digital indication, accept virtually any sensor input, provide full range of control actions. Lab pH and ion-selective meters

Service card missing? Write us direct.

Gentlemen; Send me information on the items I've circled.

Portable resistance/ conductance bridge












Four easy-on-the-eyes meters with excellent stability, each keyed to your level of need: low-cost General Purpose to super-competent Digital. K18

For take-it-where-the-action-is measurements of solutions ranging from ultra-pure water to strong acids, bases or salts. Accurate. Sensitive. Battery or line operation.

D Please have your representative call.

Speedomax Η Recorders


Record any variable (or up to 123, in multi-point, multi-bank mode) on 6V2" strip chart. Or use 3 " radius round-chart model.

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