key ICP features. The Guide trans lates spectroscopic buzzwords into plain English, and an ICP Checklist leads you through a complete instru- ment eva...
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ICP from Locmon Lobs

If you're planning to buy an ICP spectrometer, Leeman's Guide to Selecting an ICP will help you evalu ate your analytical needs and look for key ICP features. The Guide trans­ lates spectroscopic buzzwords into plain English, and an ICP Checklist leads you through a complete instru­ ment evaluation.

Send for your FREE Guide, and learn how a Leeman ICP can work wonders in your lab. Use the coupon, circle the reader service number, or contact Leeman Labs at 600 Suffolk Street, Lowell, MA 01854, phone (617) 454-4442. Name Company,

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 60, NO. 13, JULY 1, 1988 · 783 A