Equipment. A 24-page combined cata- log and price list of laboratory gases and general laboratory equipment. Ohio. Chemical & Surgical Equipment Co. ...
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V O L U M E 25, NO. 5, MAY

47 A


LITERATURE, continued



Equipment. A 24-page combined cata­ log and price list of laboratory gases and general laboratory equipment. Ohio Chemical & Surgical Equipment Co. (8086). 27

Only Peterson offers the plus of more than a half century know-how in the design and manufacture of quality labora­ tory equipment. That is why it is the standard of com­ parison in every field from coast to coast. Peterson's staff of planning experts zealously guard this repu­ tation by constant study of changing techniques under actual working conditions. A representative near you is at your service to give you the advantages of this experience. Con­ sult with him today, no obligation of course.

Radiochemicals. A 4-page booklet and price list of radiochemicals and in­ struments available. Nuclear Instru­ ment & Chemical Corp. (S-l 19-1252). 28



llluitratvd Catalog FREE

Counting Unit. A 4-page bulletin de­ scribing a complete proportional count­ ing system and a high speed scaler for proportional and scintillation counting. Nuclear Measurements Corp. 29 Autoclaves. A new 48-page illustrated catalog explains design and features of autoclaves for pressure-temperature re­ actions. Also covered are materials of construction, types of agitation, stuff­ ing boxes, and instrumentation. BlawKnox Co. (Cat. 2418). 30 Centrifuge. Four-page bulletin illus­ trates and describes the Aristocrat centrifuge and accessories. PhillipsDrucker 31 Pelargonic Acid. Three-page bulletin contains tentative specifications, typical characteristics, typical composition data, applications, and shipping data. Emerv Industries, Inc. (Tech. Bull. 46). 32


Wattmeter. This 2-page bulletin in­ cludes complete specifications and full description of features of a wattmeter, having a range of 0.3 to 9000 watts, 20 to 3000 cycles per second response, conFor further information, see coupon on page 41 A



Houdriflow Operation. An 8-page re­ print giving the record of Houdriflow catalytic cracking during the past 2 years in several installations. A de­ scription of the process and drawing of a Houdriflow unit are included. Houdry Process Corp. 34

Research Chemicals. A new product listing of over 40 research chemicals for analytical use. Reagents for alcohols, polynuclear hydrocarbons, cortisone, choline esterase, glucuronidase, phos­ phatase, and many other enzyme sys­ tems are described. Dajac Laborato­ ries 36

Chicago 14, Illinois

1230 Fullerton Ave.

Spectrophotometers. An inclusive, 28-page catalog of Beckman ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometers. Beckman Instruments, Inc. (Bull. 303-15). 33

Filter Paper. A folder, complete with samples, descriptive of the Filtaweb line of industrial filter papers. Brosites Products Corp. (Bull. 16). 35


A NEW LAB? you need this new talog and planning guide 180 pages of valuable ideas, layouts, specifications...featuring the most modern laboratory furniture and equipment. See h o w M e t a l a b ' s exclusive sectional design gives y o u unlimited o p p o r t u n i t y for " c u s t o m - b u i l d i n g " y o u r l a b . Find out h o w y o u c a n satisfy y o u r e x a c t needs . . . w i t h o u t p a y i n g custom-made prices. It's t h e y e a r ' s most v a l u a b l e a i d to l a b o r a t o r y p l a n n i n g . D o n ' t miss it.



Equipment Corp. 252 DUFFY AVE., HICKSVILLE, L. Ι., Ν. Υ.

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