Mixers. Details on new vortex mixer for test tube fluid mixing. 19. Mixers. Electronic controlled unit provides constant torque. 51. Nessler Compounds...
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Lepel induction heating equipment represents the most advanced thought in the" field of electronics...the most prac­ tical and efficient source of heat developed for numerous industrial applications. You are invited to send samples of work with specifications. Our engineers will process and re­ turn the completed job with full data and recommendations without cost or obligations. FLOATING ZONE UNIT FOR METAL REFINING AND CRYSTAL GROWING A new floating zone fixture for the production of ultra-high purity metals a n d semi-conductor materials. Purifica. lion or crystal growing is achieved by ^reversing a narrow molten zone along the length of the process bar while it is being supported vertically 'in vaeumm or inert gas. Designed primarily for pro­ duction purposes, M o d e l HCP also pro­ vides great ftexihiliiy for l a b o r a t o r y studies.

Microbiological Equipment. on line of new devices.

Details 106

Microscopes. Sextuple nosepiece, 20watt source, camera. Booklet. 96 Microscopes. Provides electron image magnification up to 200,000X. 132 Mixers, Details on new vortex mixer for test tube fluid mixing. 19 Mixers. Electronic controlled provides constant torque.

unit 51

Nessler Compounds. Compound plus water equals one liter. 50 Optical Equipment. 24-pg. brochure on remote viewing equipment. 59 Ovens. Bulletin on oven and incu­ bator line. 129 Oxygen Bombs. Details on self-seal­ ing bombs in six styles. 127 pH Indicators. lized pH unit.

Data sheet on stabi­ 63

pH Meters. Data on line from ultra­ sensitive to pocket models. 49 pH Meters. Electronic meters feature sealed amplifier plug-in units. 155 Photometers. Details on photoelec­ tric glass cell colorimeter. 58

Model HCP

Photometers. Battery and line ope­ rated electron multiplier units. 114 Polarimeter. Details on West Ger­ man unit with scale reading to 0.01°. 12 Polyaminocarboxylic

Schwarzenbach titrations.




Presses. Catalog details 10- and 20ton models. 32

features •

• •

A Smooth, positive mechanical drive system with continuously variable up, down and rota· ti'onal speeds, all in depend· enfly controlled. An arrangement to rapidiy center the process bar within a straight walled quartz tube supported between gas-tight, water-cooled end plates. Place­ ment of the quartz tube is ra­ ther simple and adapters can be used to accomodate Inrgei diameter tubes for larger pro* cess bars. Continuous water cooling for the outside of the quartz tube during operation. Assembly and dis-asscmbly of this system including removal of the completed process bar is simple and rapid.


Electronic Tube Generators from 1 Kw to 100 Kw. Spark Gap Converters from 2 Kw to 30 Kw.



55th ST. & 37th AVE., WOODSIDE 77, Ν. Υ. Circle Ne. 91 on Readers' Service Carl

158 A




Presses. Bulletin on 20-ton hand pel­ let press. 64 Pumps. Info on new, low-cost "Kinetic Clamp" pump. 87 Pumps. Bulletin on chromatographic pumps for minute volumes. 133 Radiation Analyzers. Booklet on carbon-14 breath analyzer. 124 Radiochemicals. Circle 66 for data on H 3 and C 14 compounds. 66 Radiochemicals. Comprehensive new catalog on labeled compounds. 95 Reagents. Folder on specs, shipping cartons, container weights. 40 Reagents. Reagents supplied with in­ dividual absorption curves. 44 Reagents. Specs on ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid. 65

OR VIOLENTLY You need only one mixer to do both. It's the LIGHTNIN Mixer, Model F. You get exactly the degree of action you need, with stepless speed control from 100 to 1600 rpm. Run it for a few seconds—or for weeks. Its quiet friction drive never needs lubrication; provides increased torque at slow speeds. Drive and 1/30hp fan-cooled motor are enclosed, safe with flammables. Fully guaranteed; thousands in use. Supplied with tank clamp or ring-stand clamp in bronze; removable 12-inch shaft and 2-inch propeller in 316 stain­ less steel or Monel. Order from your supply house, or write us. Specify LIGHTNIN Model F Mixer: For H O v 60cy l p h $72.00

For 220v 60cy lph


There's a full line of rugged, heavy-duty LIGHTNIN Mixers and accessories for the laboratory. Bulletin B112 describes them all. To receive it, check reader service card or write us.

Lightnin® Mixers MIXING EQUIPMENT Co., Inc. 160-i Ml. Read Blvd., Rochester 3, N.Y. In Canada: Greey Mixing Equipment, Ltd., 700 Miranda Ave., Toronto 19, Ont. Circle No. 1 on Readers' Service Card