Les Applications de la Mecanique Ondulatoire, a L'Etude de la

Les Applications de la Mecanique Ondulatoire, a L'Etude de la Structure des Molecules. Klaus Ruedenberg. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1955, 77 (12), pp 3425–...
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June 20, 1955


of liver catalase in tumor-bearing animals and which is inSynthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. An Annual Survey. Volume 8 . By W. THEILHEIMER. Interscience ferred from the phenomenon of terminal cachexia. Many, Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Avenue, hTew York 1, N. Y. including this reviewer, will not agree with the statement ( p . 597), “How the normal cell changes in the first instance 1954. xv 508 pp. 16.5 X 23.5 cm. Price, $18.90. into the malignant is relatively unimportant, except as obThe eighth annual survey by Theilheimer includes a re- vious of prophylaxis in industry and in certain social view of synthetic methods published from 19El to 1953 and habitsmeans may affect this problem.” a cumulative index for volumes 6 t o 8. A new feature, In a book of this sort there are bound t o be some omissions, “Trends in Synthetic Organic Chemistry,” has been added and these occur primarily in the European literature. The to this volume. I t is an all-too-short chapter which contributions to carcinogenesis of Graffi, Druckrey, Ahlsscarcely more than mentions a few of the subjects receiving trom, Iverson and Norden, if mentioned, would have added current emphasis, such as: metal hydrides as reducing and additional perspective t o a discussion of that area of recondensing agents, ion exchange resins as catalysts and for search. However, these criticisms are minor, and the book isolation and purification of compounds, perfluoro com- is t o be enthusiastically recommended to all interested in pounds, halogen-metal interconversions, and the like. An Oncology, and those of us who are actively working in the expansion of this section in future volumes would be com- field owe Dr. Greenstein a great debt of gratitude for his mendable. The current volume is otherwise much like its predeces- invaluable compendium and his critical evaluation of the literature on this subject. sors. I t will be useful to those who wish a quick and rather LABORATORY comprehensive survey of new synthetic methods and im- MCARDLEMEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN CHARLES HEIDELBERCER provements in old methods in organic chemistry developed within the past several years. The symbolism employed MADISON, WISCOSSIN to abbreviate the reaction types is cumbersome and must be reviewed by the average reader each time the book is used unless this is done frequently. The comprehensive, 100 page index is an outstanding feature which adds to the use- Les Applications de la Mecanique Ondulatoire, a L’Etude fullness of this series. de la Structure des Molecules. By LOUISDE BROGLIE, Secretaire Perpetuel de I’Academie des Sciences, ProfesDEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Q la Sorbonne, RAYMOND DAUDEL, Secretaire General PURDUE UNIVERSITY G. B. BACHMAN seur du Centre de Chimie Theorique de France, Charge du LAFAYETTE, INDIANA Cours de Mecanique Ondulatoire Appliquee a la Sorbonne, JEAN LECOMTE,Directeur de Recherches au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, JEAN WYART, Laboratoire de Mineralogie de la Faculte des Sciences de Biochemistry of Cancer. Second Edition, Revised and EnChief, Laboratory of larged. By JESSE P. GREENSTEIN, Paris, ODILONCHALVET ET CLAUDE VROELANT, Membres Biochemistry, National Cancer Institute, National Indu Centre de Chimie Theorique de France, PAULINE stitutes of Health, United States Public Health Service, RAMART-LUCAS, Professeur B la Sorbonne, CAMILLE Bethesda, Md. Academic Press, Inc., Publishers, 125 SANDORFY, Membre du Centre de Chimie Theorique de 653 pp. East 23 St., New York 10, N. Y. 1954. xiii TRINHet HENRILUMBROSO, France, NGUYEN-QUANG 16 X 23.5 cm. Price, $12.00. Laboratoire de Chimie Generale, Sorbonne, ALEXANDRE LAFORGUE,Centre de Chimie Theorique de France, At the present time, when the scientific public is overADOLPHE PACAULT, NICOLELUMBROSO et JEAXHOARAU, burdened with a plethora of texts and reference books on all Laboratoire de Chimie Generale, Sorbonne, and PAUL subjects, it is unusual for a single book to occupy a position CHANSON, Maitre de Conferences a 1’Ecole Polytechnique. unique and preeminent in its field. However, “Biochemistry Revue D’Opitique, 165, Rue de Sevres 3 et 5, BD Pasof Cancer” by Greenstein is such a rarity. This is a book teur, Paris (XV.), France. 223 pp. 1953. 1600 that is almost encyclopedic in its coverage of the literature, francs. yet it is written in an interesting and lucid style by one who has a clear grasp of the subject matter and the discernment This volume of 220 pages reports eleven lectures given to present it in terms of a critical evaluation and in perspecin Paris during the months of April, May and June, 1951, tive. A clear testimony of the author’s accuracy and con- by representative French scientists in the field of molecular scientiousness is his statement (p. vii) that he has never re- structure. The lectures were delivered on five meetings, ferred to an author’s work without having the original be- called “Reunions d’Etudes et de Mises au Point.” fore him a t the moment. The first session (April 24) comprises three papers: I n the seven years that elapsed between the appearance of an introduction by Louis de Broglie; a short, elementary the first and second editions of this book, research on can- statement of the meaning of electronic wave functions in cer, particularly from the biochemical approach, has ex- atoms and molecules by Raymond Daudel; and a review panded enormously. One important stimulus for this ex- of the technical advances of infrared spectroscopy over the pansion has been the generous financial support afforded last ten years by Jean Lecomte. The last paper discusses in by an enlightened public. This situation has been reflected particular such topics as infrared detectors, prism and in the book by an increase of from 389 t o 653 pages and from grating spectrometers, and infrared accessories, e.g., reflect941 to 2209 literature references from the first to the second ing microscopes, rapid scanning methods and polarization editions. The book is remarkably up-to-date and free from of infrared radiation. errors, for which the author and publishers should be comOn the second meeting (May 8) two papers were given mended. on the problem of interatomic distances in molecules. The revised edition follows the same organization as the Jean Wyart surveys the theoretical problems connected with first, with considerable expansion of all the chapters. The the interpretation of X-ray diffraction and electron diffracchapter headings are: General Introduction (Chapter 1); tion patterns, the determination of interatomic distances in General Phenomena and Taxonomy of Cancer (Chapter 2); gases and solids, and the determination of crystal structures. Extrinsic Factors in Tumor Induction (Chapter 3, chemicals Odilon Chalvet and Claude Vroelant discuss quantum meand radiation); Intrinsic Factors in Tumor Induction chanical theories which serve to explain the observed inter(Chapter 4, hormones and viruses); Attempts a t Control of atomic distances in diatomic molecules and in conjugated Tumor Induction and Tumor Growth by Nutrition (Chap- systems. The molecular-orbital theory is given considerably ter 5), Endocrinology (Chapter 6), and Chemotherapy le% attention than the valence-bond approach. (Chapter 7); The Chemistry of Tumors (Chapter 8), The The third session (May 22) deals with electronic spectra Chemistry of the Tumor-Bearing Host (Chapter 9), and the of conjugated systems. Camille Sandorfy gives a short but Present Status of the Problem (Chapter IO). clear representation of the elementary notions generally The two most important conclusions emphasized in the dis- applied in the explanation of r-electronic spectra. Mrs. cussion of the present status of the problem are that tumors Pauline Ramart-Lucas, in a longer article, gives the result as a class exhibit a rather uniform pattern of metabolism and of detailed studies of the near-ultraviolet spectra of a numthat tumors produce a characteristic toxin. Although few ber of aromatic rings with attached functional groups; in will disagree with the former conclusion, some might ques- particular concerning spectral changes due to changes in tion the generality of the latter, which has been clearly conjugation caused by steric hindrance, separation by alkyl demonstrated only in the case of the reduction of the level groups, and cyclization. Cyclization involving various



tiumbers of mcthylene groups may reduce steric hindrance open to question” are, however, typical of a large volume of increasing conjugation between ring and attached group comment dispersed throughout these pages. Hence, i t i i and thereby increase the wave length of absorption. In as a provocative series of essays considering the manifold molecules with a dipolar ground state cyclization may de- aspects of the problem, a priori or induced heterogeneity, dcrease this polarity and thereby decrease the wave length band character of metals and alloys, semi-conductors and of absorption. This paper is very interesting and presents catalysis, adsorption, both physical and chemical, on planc an instructive set of spectra. surfaces and in pores, the relative importance of physical The fourth session (May 29) is devoted to problems con- diffusion or chemical reactivity, that the reader must apnected with molecular dipole moments. Nguyen-Quang proach this volume. The student will find in it a veritable Trinh summarizes the theories of the dielectric polarization mine of research problems. The veteran in the field will and the dielectric constant and the various methods of their conclude that, while much progress has resulted from four experimental determination. H e also discusses the at- decades of work in the modern science of catalysis, therc tempts to understand the dipole moment of a molecule in are many areas for the young explorer to discover. terms of its bond moments. Henri Lumbroso considers OF CHEMISTRY some problems connected with interpreting electric moments DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY HUGHTAYLOR observed in hydrocarbons with polar substituents and in PRINCETON XEWJERSEY heterocyclic organic molecules on the basis of the resonance PRINCETON, concept. Alexandre Laforgue sketches the wave-mechanical problems involved in the calculation of molecular dipole moments; in particular he considers the moment of a dia- Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics. Third Editomic bond and the moment of a system of conjugated T tion, Revised and Enlarged, of Introduction to Atomic bonds on the basis of the molecular orbital method. Physics. By HENRYSEMAI,Ph.D., Professor of Physieh, The final session (June 5) comprises a paper by Adolplie The City College, College of the City of New York. Pacault , Mrs. Nicole Lumbroso and Jean Hoarau concernRinehart and Company, Inc., 232 Madison Avenue, ing their work on the diamagnetic anisotropy of conjugated New York 16, N. Y . 1964. xii 661 pp. 16 X 23.5 systems, and a lecture by Paul Chanson on the subject cm. Price, $6.50. “Can \Ve See Atoms and Molecules Through the MicroIn this edition of Semat’s widely used book, the text is scope?” The theoretical part of the first article systemadivided into three parts: 1 (Foundations of atomic and tizes the molecular diamagnetic susceptibilities by means of nuclear physics, 202 pages) elements of electricity and a generalized additivity rule (based on “atomic contributions’’ and “structural increments”) and proceeds to dis- magnetism, charged atomic particles, the nuclear atom, cuss the anisotropy caused by delocalized rr-electrons and electromagnetic radiation, X-rays, waves and particles; its temperature dependence. Strangely, the theory of F. 2 (The extra-nuclear structure of the atom, 98 pages) the hydrogen atom, optical spectra and electron distribution, London is not mentioned. The experimental part of the X-ray spectra; 3 (Nuclear physics, 208 pages) natural paper gives a description of the interesting technique recently developed by these authors for the determination of the di- radioactivity, disintegration of nuclei, nuclear processes, nuclear fission, fundamental particles, new elements and amagnetic anisotropy. In the final article Paul Chanson analyzes the nature of the pictures of the microcosmos fur- isotopes, and particle accelerators. There are 32 pages of nished by X-ray and electron diffraction and discusses the appendices: values of some physical constants, atomic weights of the elements, periodic table of the elements, possible resolution of such instruments. In accordance with the title mentioned above, these meet- table of isotopic masses, table of naturally occurring isoings had the purpose of bringing the participants up to date topes, path of a n a-particle in a Coulomb field of forcc, on various topics. Consequently, the lectures are mostly derivation of the equations for the Compton effect, evaluation of the integral in quantization of radial momentum in brief and do not attempt to be exhaustive; some of them an elliptical orbit. have an extensive bibliography. The book gives a repreA reduction in type size has made possible inclusion of sentative review of some of the work of the “French about 25% more material in parts 1 and 2 than in previous School.” editions with but a 15% increase in number of pages; part 3 LABORATORS OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE A N D SPECTRA contains roughly four times as much matter as the earlier DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS KLAUSRUEDENRERGversions. The chapters in parts 1 and 2 are part descripTHEUNIVERSITY O F CHIC-4GO tive, part analytical in character; those dealing with nuclear physics are almost wholly descriptive. The book is intended for use at the undergraduate level Catalysis. Volume 11. Fundamental Principles (Part 2 ) . with students who have had a one-year physics course and a. Edited by PAULH. EMMETT, Gulf Research and Develop- course in the calculus; however, i t has been used quitc ment Company’s Multiple Fellowship, Mellon Institute, widely in Senior-level courses in atomic physics where the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Reinhold Publishing Cor- students have somewhat more extensive preparation. The poration, 430 Park Avenue, S e w York 22, AT.Y . 1955. text is well written, and the factual material is very up-todate. The style is lucid and sustains interest; there are vi 473 pp. 16 X 23 cm. Price, $12.00. numerous well chosen diagrams and photographs scattercd This is the second volume to be published on the general throughout the exposition. topic of Catalysis and again deals, as in the case of volume Mechanically, the book meets a very high standard in all I , with fundamental principles. This is true of two chapters respects but one: the reproduction of half-tones is pretty by Hulburt on the nature of catalytic surfaces and the na- poor on the average. ture of complexes on catalytic surfaces; by Eyring and three In this book 30 pages are devoted to an exposition of tlic colleagues on general theories of heterogeneous catalysis; wavicle situation, to the Bohr-Sommerfeld treatment of by Wheeler on the problem of pores and pore volume in the hydrogen-like 18 atom, and there are 3 pages of broad selective catalytic processes; by King on catalysis in homo- description given over to the application of wave-mechanics geneous reactions in the liquid phase. The introductory to the same problem. The reviewer believes that this is an chapter by Innes is a classification of the large amount of unfortunate situation; the student is prepared for dealing literature on vapor phase heterogeneous catalysis system- with descriptions which involve application of wave-mcized by the reaction types involved. This chapter sum- chanical concepts, then the descriptions or analyses are not marizes a very considerable body of literature dealing with permitted to materialize. I t seems to me that the distridifferent reaction types and the catalysts which have been hution of space accorded the hydrogen-like atom in a recent studied. introductory text in physical chemistry is to be preferred; A study of the chapters dealing with fundamental printhere, five times as many pages were devoted to a description ciples leads the reviewer to the conclusion that i t is not yet of the wave-mechanical solution of the problem as were possible to compile a definitive text on catalysis. All the spent on the Bohr theory. authors have written lucidly concerning the present state OF CHEMISTRY of the science in the area of their immediate concern, even DEPARTMENT PETERE . YANK\VICFI as to the most recent publications in the field. “Much & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING work remains to he done before any coliclusion can be UNIVERSITY OF Ir~r~rvors TRRANA. 1 I.l.INOIS drciwii ”and “l)rtuiletl merhaiiisms for theserractions are still

