Letter to the Editor. Citation Error Index - Journal of Chemical

Letter to the Editor. Citation Error Index. J. Chem. Doc. , 1972, 12 (4), pp 245–245. Publication Date: November 1972. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this...
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NEWS AND S O T E S Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir: In answer to the concern expressed,’ “that errors occur in the chemical literature, that their economic consequences are incalculable, that they are not systematically corrected, and that there is no program in operation which will change this situation, ” a citation index to the errata notices has been prepared for the following journals: J. Chem. Phys. v. 1-55, 1933-71 (13 pages) Inorg. Chem. v. 1-10, 1962-71 ( 2 pages) J. Org. Chem. v. 1-36, 1936-71 (9 pages) The index is designed to greatly facilitate the annotation of appropriate articles and can also be used for quick reference. Since the index will generally be only of interest t o libraries, it may be ordered on a standard ALA-ILL form by specifying photocopy. DANA L. ROTH Millikan Library California Institute of Technology Pasadena, Calif. 91109 (1) Symposium on error control, 1 5 1 s Meeting, ACS, J. Chem Doc. 6, 3 (1966). Dear Sir: In Eberhard Kiehlmann’s report [ J . Chem. Doc. 12, 157-63 (1972)l on “journal coverage by the major Chemical title and abstract publications, ” “Chemischer Informationsdienst ‘’ is described and compared with other services. Unfortunately. this description .contains some

incorrect data, which we would like to correct to avoid any possible misunderstanding: 1. Chemlnform is published by t h e Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) and BAYER AG (not Farbwerke Hoechst AG). 2. Chemlnform is a n information service which informs about brand new. highly interesting publications in the field of low molecular organic. organometallic, inorganic and theoretical chemistry. This is t h e reason why 48 of t h e core journals cannot be found in t h e category n = 100 of the primary journals most frequently cited in CA. It is obvious t h a t , regarding the purpose of ChemInform. journals dealing with macromolecular, applied. and biochemistry, cannot in this respect be considered core journals a n d are therefore not represented in Chemlnform’s journal list. 3. T h e interpretation t h a t Chemlnform “is specifically geared t o the literature demands of the industrial user”is not correct: a . t h e advisory hoard of Chemlnform a t present consists of 6 members working in t h e industrial field and 5 members working in t h e academic field. b. applied chemistry is of minor interest among the purposes of Chemlnform.

CHRISTIAN WEISKE Chemie-Information und -Dokumentation Berlin 1 Berlin 12, Steinplatz 2

HELMUT MOHRISG BAYER AG 509 Leverkusen-Bayerwerk


Ayers. J. B. Bacon, C. R. T . Batik, A. L. Beauchamp, Jr., R. 0. Bellamy, E. A. Bernier, C. L. Canham, G. W.R. Caric, A. Carr, R . L. K . Chernoff, M . Combe, H. Corbin, H. S. Counts, R. W. Daugherty, M. A. Davila. R. A. Deforeit, H. delorenzo, S. X. Der Giragossian, H. H. Eckermann, E . H. Feldmann, R. J . Figueras, J. Freeman, M . E. Frome, J . Fujiwara, S. Garber, J. L. Gibson. G. W. Gordon, I. Granito. C. E. Haiduc, I. Hale, E. Hanford, W. E.

23 234 172 9 227 80, 81, 86, 152 3

230 86 3 230 196 221 9 221 230 227 196 35,38 41,48, 234 237 94 98 113 9 190 86 190 175 172 3

Hansen, I. B. Hartwell, I. 0. Heller, R. S. Heller, S.R. Hendren, J. P. Herr, J . J. Hill, H. Hoffman, W. S. Horvath, A. L. Hosoya, H. Kean, P. Kennard, 0. Kiehlmann, E. Klesney, S. P. Koniver, D. A. Kreysa, F. J. Kuney, J.H. Kunii, T. L. LaMarsh, U’.J. Lef‘kovitz, D. Legatt, T. Leveque, S. Maizell, R. E. Malka, A. Miller, G. A. Milne, M. Moore, J. A. Nort hcott . J. Olejar, P. D. Park, M . K.

101,110 22 1 41 41, 48, 55, 234 196 26 183 116 163 181 218 14 157 132 55 19 78 113 196 183 227 230 3 230 60 183 75 84 147 224

Pick, R. 0. Powers, R. Rankin, K . Roberts, A. B. Roberts, S. Ronayne, J. Rowlett, Jr., R. J. Schafer, J. A. Schwartz, J. H . Shapiro, K. P. Simpson, Jr., G. S. Skolnik, H. Smith, D. R. Smith, G. L. Starker, L. N. Takahasi, H. Tate, F. A. Tauber, S. J . Town, W. G. Ulbrich, R. Ushimaru, M . Vaillancourt, P. M. Valls, J. Ware, G. 0. Waters, J. F. Watson, D. G. Weismann, H. M. Wierer, J. Williams, M. E. Yamamoto, T .

35, 38 183 30 22 1 190 218 125 35,38 6 41 97 128 9 26 88 113 125 30, 196 14 148 113 178 230 224 35,38 14 211 148 217 113

Journal of Chemical Documentation, Vol. 12, No.4, 1972