Letters: Animal kingdom confusion - Environmental Science

Letters: Animal kingdom confusion. Gwen Curtis. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1999, 33 (13), pp 266A–266A. DOI: 10.1021/es992860p. Publication Date (Web)...
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LETTERS Improved combustion? Dear Editor: I read your column regarding Maine and a decision to drop MTBE [from its clean fuels program] (ES&T 1999, 33(1), 9A) with great interest. I am sure it generated a significant response, both pro and con. We in Orange County, Calif., have been following the MTBE issue very closely since 1995, as you may well know. I wish to question one specific line in your r e p o r t " . . . MTBE, which because it promotes more complete combustion of gasoline, it reduces carbon monoxide and ozone pollution." While there is a broad consensus in California that reformulated gasoline (RFG) reduces aromatics in the exhaust, the origin of the reduction is primarily thought to arise because the RFG itself has lower levels of aromatics when compared with earlier fuels rather than improved combustion. In regard to CO the limited dcitci on whether MTBE motes more complete combustion far from conclusive Studies presented at the 1997 ACS meeting in San Francisco led to highly divergent conclusions in ambient-air CO results fp p four individual panprs hv Howard Grosiean Cook and Andersnnl If the litprarure is ffiven nnsih rpvipw v n n r s t a t p m p n t t h a t MTRF nrnm'ntps c n m h n s t i n n i«j at hp«t n r p m a t n r p anH at w o r s t • i'

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misleading. CHARLES R. BENNETT BL Associates 224 Jacaranda Place Fullerton, CA 92832 [email protected]

Geography lesson Dear Editor: In the item "Study alludes to deformities from dioxin in Vietnam" (ES&T 1999, 33(1), 12A), your correspondent refers to Vietnam as "this tiny country." Actually, Vietnam has the same area as

Malaysia, is larger than Italy, Poland, the Phillippines, and New Zealand, and is almost as large in area as Germany. The population of Vietnam is 25% greater than that of the United Kingdom, IVz times that of Canada, 3 times greater than all the Scandinavian countries combined, and some 7 times greater than Greece or the Czech Republic. Not so tiny, I think, as many of your older readers will be only too aware. COLIN FERGUSON Professor of Environmental Engineering School of Chemical, Environmental, and Mining Engineering The University of Nottingham University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD United Kingdom

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Animal kingdom confusion Dear Editor: Big mammals "like bear, bobcat, and deer" are invertebrates! ("Biodiversity inventory stirs debate over ownership of organisms," (ES&T 1999, 33(1), 13A). Reminds me of the jump from two to five kingdoms. GWEN CURTIS 498 Owego Hill Road Hartford, NY 13784

Correction In a recent ES&T EPA Watch article, "Agency expands online regulation availability", [ES&T 1999, 33(1), 15A] the Congressional earmark amount mentioned is $5 million, not $500 million. Readers are encouraged to comment on articles pubiished in ES&T and on other issues facing the environmental community. Contributions are limited to 500 words. Send letters to the Managing Editor within two months of the publication date of the original article. Submissions are subject to editing for clarity and length. Send letters to ES&T, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036, or via e-mall to [email protected].