Letters. Benefits of Clean Water - Environmental Science

Letters. Benefits of Clean Water. Bruce Barker. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1972, 6 (5), pp 390–391. DOI: 10.1021/es60064a602. Publication Date: May 19...
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reduce streamflow. ther eby endangering the atiequacy of the downstream flow to dilute municipal wute discharges. Third, i t wotild not crcaie any of the potential :itmo\phcric liabilitie>.mentioned in the article---e.g.. possible fog. ice formation o n roads and power lines. reduction in .;i\ibility, or the fo-niation of snow. Fourth. and most important perhaps, i t could permit th: rettirn of the water to I he natural environrncnt at a much more ;icceptablc teniperattii-e. since the tinder