Letters. "Desirable" pesticides - ACS Publications

environmental programs. I am refer- ring to Warren C. Shaw's statement concerning the lack of reliable data documenting annual losses among. "nontarge...
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letters L L D e s i r a b l e " pesticides

SIR: I n the article entitled "Agriculture poscs \+aste problems" (ESPIT, Deccn1bi.r 1970, pagc 1098) appeared tv,o statements by nien w h o are in positions to int'iuence the direction of cnvlronnicntal progrnnis. I ani referring to Warren C . Shaw's statement concerning the lack of reliable data clo- ti me n tin g ;I nnual losses :inion g ..tion t ;i r gc t" org i n isn is occurr i n g f roiii aerial delivery of agricultural chemI c ;I 1 s. ; i n 11 M a 1.t i n A I exa n der's statem e l i t regarding "yesterday's desirable Thcsc statements arc rash since there are many documented c'ises of wildlif": destruction as a rc\ L i l t ni spraying 1 c i t e ;is one example the sprayi n g o f e l m trees or, the campus of Xlichigan State Cniversity in 1954, follev, ing LI hich many migrating robins werc hilled. Here, the losses were drciiiiatic. s i n c c the spraying was done 1 rorn trucks, concentrating the poison5 DEtR

in the sprayed area. I question u h c t h e r the disseminating of insecticides over large sections of the country can be hastily pardoned just because there is n o documentation on ;in annual basis. Howwer, we know that such operations have sonietinies proved futile and d e I et e r i o i I s to u n off e n d i n g species . First of all, rigorous surveys cost mane!.. which does not seem to be forthcoming to the agencies able to do the job. Sccondly, m u c h of the daniage is long-term. such a s decreased bird reproduction, and is not dr;imatic. Afr, Alexander spoke about ;I "desirablc" pcsticidc. No poison should be con\iiiereii desirable tor the use t o which pesticides are put when other more economical and efficient nieans arc a\ ailahle (although producing les5 c\thetically pleasing results). I hope responsible people. such a s I'm sure these tivn nien arc. \4 i l l not ti1 ;I ke ti i i g ti;i rded st atem en t < ii i the f 11tnri'. This could lead to ;I niistiirect-

ing of n long overdue niitional antipollution campaign in order to fatten the revenues of agricultural chemical coni p nn i es . W'illiam Gerbacia City Utiii,c,nity o/ ~"v'eic. Y o r k .vcJHYorl,. N.1'. 1 0 0 . ~ 1


m i s p l a c e d zeal'?

D E I KS I R : T h e Ohio Kiver Valley Water Sanit'ition Commission. subject of your recent story ( "ORS\NC'O: Pioriecr with ;I new mission." ~ s & T ,J a n i u r y 1971, p q e 3 2 ) , has an inipressivc record of' getting the mass inedia to siupport its pressure to get the citizens ta pay for domestic sev,age treatnient facilities along the Ohio River. This conipcndium of' Ohio River valIC.! industry, hov,ever, should now turn its zeal t o w ; i r d publicly prodding industrics i n this r i w r basin to clean u p ( c ~ o t i t i t l l l c ~ 0i i1 1 prigl' I P S i

capacity. Sarnples can be drawn up t 3 18 feet by a trouble-free, positive displacement tubins1 pump programmed to meet your requirerrents. The natural puising action tends to keep the line clear and flowing. Small fibers and particles do not plug the tubing. Send for literature.

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