Letters. Fragile environment - Environmental Science & Technology

Letters. Fragile environment. Jack. Davis. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1973, 7 (4), pp 284–284. DOI: 10.1021/es60076a601. Publication Date: April 1973...
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m Peabydy Peabody Galion Corporation

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Fragile environment Dear Sir: The article, "Waste Control in a Fragile Environment," in the November 1972 issue deals with the environmental problems created by elemental phosphorus discharged with effluents from E.R.C.O. at Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. Although the company has a pollution abatement program under way, all the problems have not been solved and the direct discharges of elemental phosphorus have been greatly reduced but not eliminated. There are also air pollution problems associated with the plant which we will endeavor to solve in concert with the Provincial Authorities. In addition, while Placentia Bay is open to fishing, a productive portion of Long Harbour (where the phosphorus plant is located) remains closed to commercial fishing because of the potential threat of contamination. Jack Davis

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February 16, 1973.

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Environmental Science & Technology

Minister Environment Canada Ottawa, Ont. Canada K I A OH3

Hazardous chemical spills Dear Sir: Arthur D. Little, Inc. is in the process of developing a hazardous chemical spill response manual for the U.S. Coast Guard. A complete listing of available oil and chemical spill countermeasure equipment with particular emphasis on chemical spill control techniques is needed. Containment booms, skimmers, chemical dispersants, sinking and jelling agents, acid neutralizing materials, and any other response systems will form an integral part of the handbook. Any manufacturer or supplier who wishes to be listed in the handbook is requested to send us descriptive brochures, technical data, any available details on past utilization at an oil or chemical spill site, and, if possible, a listing of customers by geographical location. J. Leslie Goodier Arthur D. Little, Inc. Cambridge, Mass. 02140