Letters. Missouri controls strippers

to the average homeowner is expected to rival the price of his house! The primaryjustification for sewers lies in preventing the contamination of grou...
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Clean up stack gases I

Oxy-Catalyst Pre-Engineered Oxidation Units are, quite frankly, a good buy. Here, at last, is a series of 10 basic models

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to the average homeowner is expected to rival the price of his house! The primary justification for sewers lies in preventing the contamination of groundwater supplies by nitrates from human toilet wastes. (Incidentally, sewers do nothing to curtail nitrate contamination by fertilizers, which are estimated to contribute about half of the loading in Suffolk County.) Other water-borne wastes are either degraded or filtered out in the soil (e.g., organic matter, phosphates), or banned (e.g., surfactants). Thus, if separate disposition could be provided for toilet wastes, which constitute less than 1 % of an average household's waste load, the remaining waste water could be recycled through the purifying mechanisms of the soil to replenish groundwater supplies. Fortunately, modern technology is able to provide for such separate disposal by thermal, chemical, or biological treatment. Several manufacturers are offering such systems at a small fraction of the cost of sewers and none of their adverse environmental effects. Why then have these innovations not been adopted in Nassau and Suffolk Counties? The rhetoric is long and tortuous, but it all boils down to the fact that most sanitation officials abhor innovative approaches, in spite of the immense economic and environmental benefits that would accrue. Alex Hershaft Environmental Technology Seminar Bethpage, N Y 11714

Missouri controls strippers

DEAR SIR: In your January 1972 article on surface mine legislation (p 27), you state that Missouri does not have legislation controlling the surface mining of coal. This is not correct. The 1971 Missouri General Assembly passed bills regulating the surface mining of coal and other minerals. These bills impose a bonding requirement on surface miners that is designed to ensure that the affected land is reclaimed. This legislation can be found in Chapter 444 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 1971 Supplement.

Peter H. Ruger Assistant Attorney General State of Missouri Jefferson City, M O 65101 0

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We regret the error--Ed.