Letters. No newcomer

Laboratories, Inc. Westbury, L.I., N.Y. 11590. Volume 5, Number 5, May 1971. 381. Oxy-Catalyst Pre-Englneered Oxidation. Units are, quite frankly, a g...
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would expect to find a “polluted” river more pure than undiluted sewage treatment plant effluent. If the river water has been rendered unpotable by sewage plant discharges, what is the advantage of taking drinking water from the treatment plant outfall? If all sewage treatment plants on a river were properly designed and operated, the river water presumably would be of potable quality. Since there is an ever present possibility of a temporary malfunction of the sewage treatment process, we should take advantage of the safety buffer zone and additional purification potential of lakes and flowing streams. An Outlook article in your February issue, “Recycling sewage biologically,” (page 112) emphasizes the advantage of biological reclamation. As long as it is not abused, the purification capability of natural waters provides additional treatment at little or no cost. Jacques P. Wolfner Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas, Inc. New York, N . Y . 10038

No newcomer DEARSIR: I read with interest your article titled “Environmental stocks hit the market” in the March 1971 issue (page 210), in which you state that New York Testing Laboratories entered the field of pollution control testing and instrumentation in the last quarter of 1968. I wish to correct this mistaken assumption. New York Testing Laboratories has been in business for 52 years as a testing and analytical laboratory and has been performing pollution control testing for a major portion of that time, so I must impress upon you that we are definitely not newcomers to the field. G. J. Harvey, president New York Testing Laboratories, Inc. Westbury, L.I., N . Y . 11590

Clean up stack gases I

Oxy-Catalyst Pre-Engineered Oxidation Units are, quite frankly, a good buy. Here, at last, is a series of 10 basic models that effectively remove noxious gases and odors., , that require minimum servicing and maintenance. . .that can be designed into a complete air pollution control system . , , and all parts of the units are guaranteed.

More value per dollar? Yes! You get lower initial cost, faster delivery, and longer life because the construction quality is unsurpassed in the industry for standardized units. What’s more, you get an array of options to meet virtually every system requirement. And here are your basic choices: Catalytic Oxidation Units in five basic models with capacities from 1,000 to 12,000 SCFM. Thermal Oxidation Units in five basic models with capacities from 500 to 6,000 SCFM. Catalytic units are smaller than thermal units and operate at as much as 40% lower temperature. As a result they need less fuel. Either type of oxidation unit can be installed horizontally or vertically. For more information on our pre-engineered units, plus other products and services, write for free literature.

Pollutlon never had it so bad

OXY-CATALYST, INC. East Biddle Street, West Chester, Pa. 19380 Circle No. 6 on Readers’ Service Card

Volume 5, Number 5, May 1971 381