Letters. ...not as black as painted - Environmental Science

Richard Reed. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1971, 5 (1), pp 7–7. DOI: 10.1021/es60048a603. Publication Date: January 1971. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:...
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is common and, particularly in publications such as yours, should not be perpetuated. Walter R. Niessen Arthur D. Little, Inc. Cambridge, Mass. 02140


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not as black as painted

DEARSIR: The Environmental Currents section of your September 1970 issue, page 718, included a short commentary on air pollution from municipal incinerators. The summary of the Arthur D. Little study on municipal incineration in this country suggested that air pollution emissions from municipal incinerators could, by the end of this century, constitute a major source of air pollution. The initial reaction of a reader, as a result of this summary, may be prejudicial against the use of municipal incineration in dealing with our solid waste problem. It is evident, however, that the application of incinerator technology for controlling diverse forms of pollution will become increasingly great in the future. In addition, the reader may infer that the relative figures for emission are based on application of present technology. While it is true that control technology for incineration can be, should be, and will be improved, it is also true that the application of existing control technologies would bring about a significant reduction of present emissions. Utilization of such technologies would also stimulate more accelerated growth in the application of incineration to replace less desirable methods of solid waste disposal. The problem, particularly with regard to municipal incinerator systems, lies not with available technology, but with its application. All too often, selections are made by bidding methods which emphasize low initial cost rather than value per unit cost. The technology exists, and is being further developed, to increase efficiencies markedly, even beyond the 90% mentioned in the Currents item, to the 95 to 99% efficiencies demonstrable in present industrial units. Governmentfunded research will stimulate studies to gain even greater efficiencies with optimum, economical cost for incinerator systems. Richard C. Reed Incinerator Institute of America New York, N . Y . I0017

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Volume 5, Number 1, January 1971 7