Letters to Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications

Sep 15, 2009 - This Editorial announces a new manuscript category in. Analytical Chemistry. The category “Letters to Analyti- cal Chemistry” will ...
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Letters to Analytical Chemistry


his Editorial announces a new manuscript category in Analytical Chemistry. The category “Letters to Analytical Chemistry” will appear at the top of the Table of Contents order in the journal. This section is aimed at providing a rapid consideration to authors for publication of short but impactful articles on timely subjects. Length is confined to three journal pages, or 3000 words of text, counting one-column-width figures and tables as 250 words (and double that if doublecolumn width). An Abstract (⬍200 words) is required, and of course, Letters can employ Supporting Information sections to provide ancillary information about experimental procedures, further illustrative data and figures, and if desirable, an expanded bibliography of relevant literature. As usual, a cover letter from the author briefly explaining the thrust of the work and suggesting 4⫺6 appropriate reviewers will be expected. Because timeliness of review and publication is an important consideration for Letters to Analytical Chemistry, we are asking authors to take care that papers, when submitted, are already in an error-free condition. The three-page-length limit should in most cases also accelerate the review process. Letters to Analytical Chemistry will be designated just as “Letter” on


Published on Web 09/15/2009

the Analytical Chemistry Paragon Plus submission website. The Letters manuscript category is available within Paragon Plus as of October 1, 2009. Letters accepted for publication will, like other articles, appear quickly as ASAP electronic articles. The Letters section will commence in the journal’s print form in the January 1, 2010 issue. Analytical Chemistry presently has a category called Correspondence, which accommodates short articles and discussions by authors on previously published work. This category will no longer be used. Another new category labeled “Comments” has the purpose of accommodating short discussions by authors on previously published work. As Editor, I cordially invite authors to submit a Letter to Analytical Chemistry. They will, of course, receive the same careful and critical peer review as other submitted articles.