LEVER Research-open door to new markets - C&EN Global

Nov 6, 2010 - LEVER Research-open door to new markets. Chem. Eng. News , 1961, 39 (18), p 59. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v039n018.p059. Publication Date: May 01...
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LEVER Research —open door to new markets

Research Chemist Alan Silver . . . is typical of the scientists at the Lever Brothers Company Research and Development Center at Edgewater, New Jersey. A M.S. in Food Science from Cornell, Mr. Silver and his 300 associates use the most advanced tools of science in a modern, stimulating atmosphere to create new and better products, open the door to new markets. An integral part of the Center is the pilot plant. Here small-scale production equipment duplicates the six Lever manufacturing plants ; here new products, equipment and engineering techniques are developed and tested.

Always alert for new ideas, methods and products, Mr. Silver says, "We're interested in the advertising in Analytical Chemistry magazine, because it keeps us abreast of new instruments and chemicals. Analytical Chemistry is our reference guide of where to buy.79




RESEARCH and D E V E L O P M E N T DIVISION 4 5 River Road, Edgewater, N. J .

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