Leveraging Symmetries of Static Atomic Multipole Electrostatics in

Nov 5, 2013 - (2, 10) Leveraging symmetry to reduce the number of MTP coefficients can only speed up MD simulations if calculations are performed in t...
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Leveraging Symmetries of Static Atomic Multipole Electrostatics in Molecular Dynamics Simulations Tristan Bereau,*,† Christian Kramer,*,‡ and Markus Meuwly*,† †

Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, 4056 Basel, Switzerland Institute of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, and Center for Molecular Biosciences Innsbruck (CMBI), University of Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Multipole (MTP) electrostatics provides the means to describe anisotropic interactions in a rigorous and systematic manner. A number of earlier molecular dynamics (MD) implementations have increasingly relied on the use of molecular symmetry to reduce the (possibly large) number of MTP interactions. Here, we present a CHARMM implementation of MTP electrostatics in terms of spherical harmonics. By relying on a systematic set of reference-axis systems tailored to various chemical environments, we obtain an implementation that is both efficient and scalable for (bio)molecular systems. We apply the method to a series of halogenated compounds to show (i) energy conservation; (ii) improvements in reproducing thermodynamic properties compared to standard point-charge (PC) models; (iii) performance of the code; and (iv) better stabilization of a brominated ligand in a target protein, compared to a PC force field. The implementation provides interesting perspectives toward a dual PC/ MTP resolution, à la QM/MM.

1. INTRODUCTION Much of the prominence of electrostatics in chemical interactions arises from directionality: the relative stability of noncovalent geometries are often well described by the relative magnitude of their electrostatic energy.1 In this regard, the evolution of atomistic force fields away from atomic point charges (PC) emanated from their limitations toward specific anisotropic features (e.g., lone pairs, hydrogen-bonding, πelectron density). The incorporation of off-site point charges placed away from the nucleishowed significant improvements in describing such anisotropic features.1,2 While the method is both straightforward and computationally efficient, most of the applications available in the literature involve small molecules with few atoms. As a more systematic extension to PC force fields, multipole (MTP) electrostaticsa higher-order expansion of the electrostatic potential (ESP)provides a rigorous framework to introduce anisotropic electrostatic features beyond the PC approximation (see, e.g., ref 3). Stone, among others, pioneered the incorporation of MTPs in computational simulations of molecules by means of a sphericalharmonic expansion.3−9 Early implementations represented the molecule’s charge density through a set of MTPs associated with a single point (e.g., the molecule’s center of mass). The expansion’s convergence issues restricted the applicability of the method to small moleculeswith limited success.2 The natural extension of the method to MTPs centered on some (if not all) atomic sites proved more accurate. To determine the © 2013 American Chemical Society

many parameters such an approach incumbs, Stone introduced the “Distributed Multipole Analysis” (DMA)a fitting method that partitions the ab initio charge density into MTPs, in the spirit of a Mulliken population analysis (see ref 3 and references therein). The most pressing issue that arises from the use of MTPs in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations is the shear number of interactions.2,10 Leveraging symmetry to reduce the number of MTP coefficients can only speed up MD simulations if calculations are performed in the atoms’ local frames. Working in the global frame, on the other hand, will require the multiplication of all MTPs to a rotation matrix. This process will, in general, transform any spherical tensor that carries a number of terms set to zero to a fully dimensional object (i.e., all components nonzero). Further, it will require the evaluation of all pair-interaction terms in the MTP calculation, preventing any computational speedup achieved on the basis of symmetry. We note, however, that such a global-frame approach benefits from simplified geometrical factors in the interaction potentials, thus standing as a potentially interesting methodology. To the best of our knowledge, a comparison of the computational performance of the two approaches has yet to be undertaken. A number of MD implementations of MTP electrostatics have been reported. Leslie implemented the DMA method as an Received: September 11, 2013 Published: November 5, 2013 5450

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct400803f | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5450−5459

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


extension to the DL_POLY package.11 By defining spherical harmonics along the molecule’s principle axes of inertia, one can take advantage of a number of symmetries for centrosymmetric molecules.4,11,12 For instance, the aromatic carbon of a benzene cannot include any dipole moment along the normal to the ring.10 Leslie’s implementation was specifically tailored to organic crystals: Particle-Mesh Ewald is supported and the rigidity of molecules is enforced (i.e., no bond, angle, dihedral potentials). Still, efforts were made to reproduce the liquid properties of water and hydrogen fluoride.13,14 Later, Plattner and Meuwly proposed a CHARMM implementation (available as the “MTP” module) of the DMA method, which includes fluctuating MTPs, for diatomic and triatomic molecules in the context of liquid and biomolecular simulations with particular emphasis on spectroscopic applications.15,16 Their strategy followed Leslie’s in aligning the local reference axis system along the molecule’s principle axes of inertia. Clearly, such an approach is only suitable for small, rigid molecules: the mere presence of rotatable bonds will void most molecular symmetries. To go beyond small molecules, it is necessary to adjust the definition of the reference axis system to leverage local symmetries within the molecule. Such an effort was presented in the polarizable AMOEBA force field.17 As atoms generate a variety of chemical environments, Kramer et al. recently developed a more systematic set of reference-axis systems that are oriented along major axes of symmetry.18 We showed that their use could significantly cut down on the number of MTP coefficientsand thus interactionsin the context of condensed-phase simulations.10 In the present work, we propose a CHARMM implementation of MTP electrostatics (coined “MTPL” module) that is appropriate for arbitrarily large molecules. The use of the above-mentioned set of reference-axis systems that relate to the local chemical environment, rather than the entire molecule, provides both an efficient and systematic implementation for most (bio)molecular systems. We present our implementation in Section 2 and apply the method to a series of halogenated compounds in Section 3 to show that (i) our implementation conserves total energy; (ii) MTPs better reproduce thermodynamic properties of halobenzene compounds; (iii) the relative performance of MTP versus PC simulations becomes increasingly advantageous when MTPs are confined to a small part of the system (akin to a QM/MM treatment); and finally (iv) the interaction of a brominated ligand to a protein target is significantly stabilized from PC to MTP interactions, according to the relative free energy of binding.

MTP moments Qat and Qbu of order t and u on atomic sites a and b, respectively, one can compute both the interaction energy Utuab(q) = Q taQ ubTtuab(q)


and the Kth component of the force F and torque G on site a: FKa (q) = −Q taQ ub

∂ ab Ttu (q) ∂AK


GKa (q) = −Q taQ ub

∂ ab Ttu (q) ∂θKa



where AK and correspond to the translational and rotational (i.e., Euler angles19 aligned with respect to {wa}) coordinates of the rigid body at site a, respectively. The force and torque acting on site b are expressed by differentiating Tab tu (q) with respect to BK and θbK, respectively. Evidently, the interaction function contains the geometry-dependent information of the MTP −1 interaction (e.g., Tab for the Coulomb interaction). tu (q) = R While Stone describes the translation and rotation of the rigid body around its center of mass, we prescribe every site as the center of its own rigid body. We therefore avoid the summation found in the original force and torque definition, as well as simplify the torque expressions (Table 1), at the expense of a Table 1. Table of Derivatives for the MTP Interactions Adapted from Stone3 According to the Present Implementation (i.e., Every Atomic Site Is the Center of Its Own Rigid Body)a R ∂/∂AK ∂/∂θaK ∂/∂BK ∂/∂θbK a

−R̂ K 0 R̂ K 0





−(R × wa)K waK 0

0 wbK −(R × wb)K

wa·wb 0 (wa × wb)K 0 −(wa × wb)K

Such a prescription enforces several torque-related terms to zero.

translational component exerted by the torque (see below). We point out the normalization difference between the directioncosine terms wa·R̂ , wb·R̂ that appear in the interaction functions and the terms present in Table 1: wa·R, wb·R. To relate one to the other, Stone derived the simple (but useful) relationship between the two expressions ∂ ∂R ⎤ 1⎡ ∂ (x a · R ̂ ) = ⎢ ( x a · R ) − (x a · R ̂ ) ⎥ ∂CK ∂CK ⎦ R ⎣ ∂CK


for the direction xa and where CK is one of the rigid-body coordinates (i.e., translation or rotation). 2.2. Example: The Dipole-Charge Interaction. All interaction functions have been published previously.3,6 Because the derivation of forces and torques for all moments is straightforward but lengthy, we merely derive the simplest MTP interaction: dipole−charge. Its interaction function for the component α of a dipole moment Qa1α on site a and a charge Qb00 −2 a ̂ on site b is written as Tab tu (q) = R (wα·R). The force and torque expressions for atoms a and b (eq 2 and 3) are expressed from

2. IMPLEMENTATION 2.1. Force and Torque Calculation. We hereby describe our implementation of forces for the calculation of MTP interactions. We follow Stone and co-workers3,6 for its notation and derivation of the forces and torques applied to MTPs up to quadrupoles. The directionality of nonmonopole coefficients requires the definition of a local axis system, for which we follow a systematic assignment18 that exploits local symmetries. Since all coefficients are expressed in the atom’s local frame, they are independent of orientation. The geometry of two atoms a and b relative to the orientation of their MTP sites is then computed by incorporating the unit vectors of their local axis systems {wa} = {xa,ya,za} and likewise for b. The set of {wa} and {wb} combined with the intersite unit vector R̂ defines the direction cosines q = {R,wa·R̂ ,wb·R̂ ,wa·wb} that provide a geometric description of the two MTP sites. From the interaction functions Tab tu (q) for two

∂ ab ∂R ∂ + R−2 Ttu (q) = −2R−3(wαa·R̂ ) (wαa·R̂) ∂CK ∂CK ∂CK


where the last term expands to eq 4 and all derivatives are reported in Table 1. All other force and torque contributions can be found in Price et al.6 5451

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct400803f | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5450−5459

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Figure 1. Cartoon representation of the torque propagation, Ga, applied on MTP site a (colored in orange). The neighboring atoms a1, a2, and a3 (colored in pastel blue) represent a’s local axis system, which are used to propagate Ga via theroughly sketchedforces Fa1 (coming out of the page), Fa2, and Fa3. Though a torque oriented along one principal axis would generate forces lying in its orthogonal plane, the picture displays the more general case where the direction of Ga is arbitrary. For clarity, the translational force, Fatrans, is not shown. Rendered with VMD.21

The torque expression only contains one term because ∂R/∂θaK = 0 in our implementation (see Table 1). We note that several Particle-Mesh Ewald (PME) schemes for MTP interactions have been implemented.11,20 While PME provides an elegant treatment of long-range electrostatics, we leave this for future work. 2.4. Torque Propagation. The torque GaK exerted on atom a must subsequently be propagated into forces. While the torque calculation applied on atom a considered it as a rigid body of its own (i.e., no other MTP site was involved), the propagation into forces will necessarily require other atoms to generate a rotation. We thus perform a rotation by exerting forces on the neighboring atoms involved in a’s local reference axis system.18 The torque is first projected along each principal axis of the rigid body’s inertia tensor: {ea1,ea2,ea3}, expressed in the atom’s local axis system {wa}, with eigenvalues {λa1,λa2,λa3}. The force applied on neighboring atom ai, Fai, is determined from the expression

2.3. Switching Functions for Finite-Cutoff Simulations. We adapted Stone’s equations to include a polynomial-like switching function to smoothly taper each interaction function Tab tu (q) to zero between the distances Ron and Roff Ttuab(cut)(q , R on , R off ) = Ttuab(q)S(R , R on , R off )


where Ron < Roff, Roff corresponds to the cutoff distance, and S(R,Ron,Roff) denotes the switching function S(R , R on , R off ) ⎧1, R < R on ⎪ 2 2 2 2 2 2 ⎪ (R − R off ) (R off + 2R − 3R on) =⎨ , R on < R < R off 2 2 3 (R off ) − R on ⎪ ⎪ R > R off ⎩ 0, (7)


Its derivative is simply given by S′(R , R on , R off ) =

F ai =

∂ S(R , R on , R off ) ∂R


⎧ 12r(R2 − R 2 )(R2 − R 2 ) off on ⎪ , R on < r < R off 2 2 3 ⎨ (R off − R on) = ⎪ otherwise ⎩ 0,


FKa (cut)(q , R on , R off ) ⎡ ∂ ab Ttu (q) = −Q taQ ub⎢S(R , R on , R off ) ∂AK ⎣ ⎤ ∂R S′(R , R on , R off )⎥ ∂AK ⎦

GKa (cut)(q , R on , R off ) = −Q taQ ubS(R , R on , R off )


where mai is the mass of atom ai and r is the intersite vector between atom a and neighbor ai (see Figure 1 for details). The translational component acting on a is simply given by the net force exerted by the collection of neighboring atoms: Fatrans = −∑iFai. 2.5. Remarks. We point out a number of implementation details at this point: • PC−PC interactions were not computed using the present implementation. Instead, we rely on existing implementations for Coulomb interactions (e.g., PME). We note that the above-mentioned use of switching functions would hardly be appropriate for PC−PC interactions, which decay as R−1. • To avoid spurious MTP moments that are closebut not equalto zero, we only consider MTP moments that are larger than a certain threshold: |Qκl| ≥ ε. Here, ε = 0.01 in atomic units of the MTP moment is used. • Because MTP interactions exert different power laws, we scale the cutoff distances accordingly. Table 2 details the switching-function parameters used in this work for each

Following the product rule for derivatives, switched forces and torques will contain two terms

+ Ttuab(q)

(Ga ·ela)ela × r i λla

∑ ma


∂ ab Ttu (q) ∂θKa (10) 5452

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct400803f | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5450−5459

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Table 2. Switching-Function Parameters Ron and Roff for the Different Types of MTP Interactions (Up to Quadrupoles), Qlκ, Where l Denotes the Order of the Interaction and κ Runs over the Types of Interactions of That Ordera N




2 3 4 5

Q10−Q00 Q2κ−Q00, Q1κ−Q1κ Q2κ−Q1κ Q2κ−Q2κ

10 9 8 7

12 11 10 9

(i.e., LJ and PC/MTP electrostatics). The system’s Hamiltonian is expressed as a function of λ to monitor the alchemical transformation ΔGA → B =

type of interaction. While the exponents of the power laws are comparatively small (i.e., 2 ≤ N ≤ 5)yielding longerrange interactionsmost nonmonopole MTP moments are weak (see Section 3.2 and ref 10), such that we expect the bulk of MTP interactions to remain short-range. In addition, MTP interactionsunlike, for example, van der Waals interactionscan be both attractive and repulsive, thereby easily canceling each other in noncrystalline systems. These parameters can be changed by the user and have yet to be the subject of a detailed study. • The implementation is fully parallelized and supports CHARMM’s CRYSTAL image module.

∂H ∂λ

∑ (λ i + 1 − λ i )


Utuab(q; λm) = λmQ taQ ubTtuab(q)


∂H ∂λ



We then averaged over the solute−solute and solute−solvent energies (i.e., solvent−solvent interactions are not affected by λm) in such a way that its derivative with respect to λ yields the original energy. We first turned on the LJ interactions (with softcore potentials), and later the electrostatics in the presence of the fully grown van der Waals radii, thereby avoiding the need for soft-core electrostatic potentials. Using a thermodynamic cycle, the hydration free energy, ΔGhyd, yields ΔGhyd = ΔGaqua − ΔGvac, where ΔGaqua and ΔGvac correspond to the free energy of insertion of the compound in a box of water and vacuum, respectively. For the water simulations, the solute was placed in a box of roughly 500 solvent molecules. We split each free-energy calculation in 20 evenly spaced λ windows between 0 and 1. 3.2. Force-Field Parametrization. In the following, we study a series of singly halogenated benzene (i.e., “PhX”) compounds: PhH, PhF, PhBr, PhCl, and PhI, as well as pyrrole (used below in Section 3.6). PC and MTP parameters of each compound were derived from the ab initio (MP2 level with augcc-pVDZ basis set, except for iodine, where we used WoodBoring effective core potentials29) electrostatic potential (ESP) of the gas-phase molecule, following refs 10 and 18. ESPs were fit to PC/MTP parameters in the first interaction belt (i.e., LeeRichards molecular surfaces30 of 1.66σ and 2.2σ, where σ is an atomic site’s VDW radius). As for the Lennard-Jones parameters, we optimized both a series of ab initio gas-phase dimer energies and experimentally determined pure-liquid densities,31 as described previously,10 as well as heats of vaporization. Density and heat of vaporization are commonly used target quantities that constrain the sterics and strength of intermolecular interactions, respectively.24,26 Tables S1 and S2 (Supporting Information) show the set of PC and MTP parameters used in this work, where the first column of the Table refers to the atom type, and the next four denote the atom’s neighbors.18 Figure 2 shows a comparison of the error in reproducing the ESP from (a) PC and (b) MTP (see caption for details). LJ coefficients parametrized against PC electrostatics are presented in Table 3, while a comparison between experimental data and simulations of the RMSE of gas-phase dimer energies, pure-liquid densities, heats of vaporization, and hydration free energies, are shown in Table 4. We note that our results for the halobenzene compounds are on par with the OPLS-AA forcefield,32,33 in

3. APPLICATION: HALOGENATED COMPOUNDS 3.1. Simulation Methods. All simulations were performed in CHARMM using PME for the PC−PC interactions with gridsize spacing of 1 Å, relative tolerance of 10−6, and interpolation order 4 for long-range electrostatics, and a 12 Å cutoff and 10 Å switching for the Lennard-Jones (LJ) interactions. All MTP interactions operated with power-law dependent switching functions, as described in Section 2.5. The MTPL module allows parallel simulations using the Message Passing Interface (MPI). NPT simulations were performed using the Hoover heatbath method with pressure coupling22 at T = 298 K, p = 1 atm, and the masses of the temperature and pressure piston to roughly 20% and 2% of the system’s mass, respectively. Unless noted otherwise, the system was first minimized using steepest descent, then heated up at constant volume for 40 ps, followed by a 40-ps NPT equilibration using a Langevin damping coefficient on the piston γp = 20 ps−1, and finally a 40-ps NPT production run. LJ long-range corrections were further applied to both the energy and the virial.23 3.1.1. Heat of Vaporization. A commonly used protocol24−26 provides a convenient way to compute the heat of vaporization (12)

where Egas and Eliq are the potential energies of one molecule in the gas and liquid (i.e., NPT) phases, respectively, and R is the gas constant. The gas-phase energy is computed from the minimized energy and the number of atoms, N, and constrained degrees of freedom, Ncons, in the molecule 1 RT (3N − 6 − Ncons) 2


The parameters are selected according to the power-law behavior of the interaction, R−N. All distances are expressed in Å.

minimized Egas(T ) = Egas +


where A→B refers to the alchemical transformation between compounds A and B, the canonical average ⟨·⟩λ is performed over the phase space generated by H(λ), and λm = (λi + λi+1)/2. LJ and PC derivatives were obtained from CHARMM ’s PERT module, using soft-core potentials for the LJ interactions.27,28 While we do not include LJ long-range corrections, we found no noticeable change when increasing the range of the interaction from a cutoff rc = 12 Å (data not shown). The change in free energy due to MTP electrostatics with coupling λm was computed by first performing a simulation where we linearly scaled all MTP energies, forces, and torques by λm, for example,


ΔH vap(T ) = Egas(T ) − E liq (T ) + RT



3.1.2. Thermodynamic Integration. Free energies of hydration (i.e., solvation in water) and protein−ligand binding were computed using thermodynamic integration (TI). TI gradually couples/decouples chemical groups from the system by applying a parameter λ that scales the nonbonded interactions 5453

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct400803f | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5450−5459

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


electrostatics both for consistency and to best reproduce both sterics and energetics. The results are shown in Table 3. We find that most LJ coefficients remain similar across electrostatic representations, except for a comparatively large change for the well depth of N: 0.20 kcal/mol. The magnitude of these changes do not correlate with the impact on the hydration free energies: PhCl, PhBr, and PhI show the largest improvement in ΔGhyd, though the changes in LJ parameters are modest. On the contrary, the large change of εN did not improve ΔGhyd. For all halobenzene compounds, MTP electrostatics allows us to reproduce hydration free energies within ≈0.15 kcal/mol of the experimental values. Naturally, we find the most significant improvements on PhCl, PhBr, and PhI, which carry strong σ holes. Jorgensen and Schyman introduced a correction for the OPLS-AA force field to better describe halogenated compounds by means of off-site point charges, which reproduces the hydration free energies of halobenzene compounds within 0.4 kcal/mol.26 Other efforts to better reproduce σ holes in computer modeling include the work of Ibrahim on off-site point charges,37 as well as careful electrostatic calculations from the SIBFA model38 and a recently published polarizable ellipsoidal force field.39 Our PC and MTP parametrizations of pyrrole did not reproduce the experimental hydration free energy as well as for the other compounds, mostly due to the use of benzene’s hydrogen atom type for pyrrole’s amine. Clearly, the two types of hydrogens generate very different types of chemistry, which our PC and MTP force fields do distinguish (to the extent of the methods’ resolutions). Using benzene’s apolar hydrogen on the amine is a stretch of transferability that shows its limits. Likewise, distinguishing the carbons of benzene and pyrrole could prove more accurate, as pyrrole is more reactive. However, the sole purpose of the present pyrrole parametrization was to describe the amine group of the brominated ligand studied below (Section 3.6). Because the conclusions drawn in that application do not depend much on the quality of the amine’s parametrization (we focus instead on the bromines), we decided against a careful, but more expensive, LJ parametrization of both atom types of that chemical group. 3.3. Structural Properties. We studied structural properties of the PhX compounds solvated in a box of 500 water molecules. NPT simulations were run for 1 ns, including 100 ps of equilibration. Figure 3 shows the radial distribution functions, g(r), between the Br atom of PhBr with water oxygens for both PC and MTP electrostatics. The small changes in LJ parameters for Br led to virtually no difference in g(r) between PC and MTP electrostatics, despite the large change in ΔGhyd (Table 4). While

Figure 2. Isosurfaces of the difference between ab initio and (a) PC and (b) MTP ESPs of PhBr. Blue and red regions denote an error of +0.5 and −0.5 kcal/mol, respectively. The plots only show points within the first interaction belt.

Table 3. LJ Parameters ε and Rmin/2 Parametrized Against PC and MTP Electrostaticsa PC elec. compound

atom name





C H F Cl Br I N

−0.05 −0.05 −0.15 −0.44 −0.50 −0.57 −0.31

2.00 1.30 1.10 1.90 2.17 2.33 2.00

−0.08 −0.01 −0.07 −0.29 −0.46 −0.53 −0.11

2.00 1.20 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.43 2.20

PhH PhF PhCl PhBr PhI pyrrole a

MTP elec.

All units are in kcal/mol and Å.

terms of reproducing pure-liquid density, heat of vaporization, and hydration free energy. They underline that a careful PC parametrization can go a long way in reproducing the thermodynamic properties of many simple liquids (e.g., PhH, PhF), in which case MTPs are unlikely to play a significant role. When switching from PC to MTP electrostatics, one should expect force-field reparametrization: standard parametrization protocols (including this one) make LJ coefficients inherently dependent on the force field’s electrostatics. Lee and Meuwly recently reparametrized a MTP model of cyanide in water and showed that merely scaling the distance term, Rmin, allowed to reproduce experimentally determined hydration free energies, vibrational relaxation times, and 1D/2D spectroscopies.34−36 In the present work, however, we kept the protocol applied to PC

Table 4. Comparison between Experimental Results25,31,40,41 and PC/MTP Calculations of Pure-Liquid Densities, ρ, Heats of Vaporization, ΔHvap, and Hydration Free Energies, ΔGhyda exptl.















PhH PhF PhCl PhBr PhI pyrrole

0.88 1.02 1.11 1.50 1.83 0.97

7.89 8.26 9.79 10.65 11.85 10.78

−0.86 −0.80 −1.12 −1.46 −1.83 −4.78

0.505 1.215 0.929 1.173 0.978 1.212

0.86 1.05 1.11 1.44 1.76 1.00

7.53 7.95 9.68 10.54 11.39 11.11

−0.77 ± 0.12 −0.48 ± 0.30 −0.66 ± 0.01 −0.55 ± 0.04 −1.35 ± 0.15 −4.11 ± 0.04

0.254 0.502 0.464 0.682 0.581 1.092

0.90 1.05 1.14 1.47 1.84 0.99

7.88 8.60 10.13 11.98 12.43 10.87

−0.89 ± 0.11 −0.75 ± 0.08 −1.11 ± 0.26 −1.40 ± 0.10 −1.97 ± 0.16 −3.74 ± 0.20

a Root-mean squared errors (RMSEs) of gas-phase dimer energies (see ref 10) are also shown. All units are in kcal/mol, Å, and g/cm3. The errors of the mean on the computed densities and heats of vaporization are 0.01 g/cm3, and 0.05 kcal/mol, respectively, while they are mentioned explicitly for the hydration free energies.


dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct400803f | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5450−5459

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Figure 3. Radial distribution functions, g(r), between the “Br” atom of PhBr with water oxygens for PC (red, solid line) and MTP (blue, dashed line) electrostatics.

no changes should be expected for large r given the range of MTP interactions, the change of electrostatic representation in the first peak (i.e., r ≈ 4 Å) does not affect the radial distribution function in any significant way. We conclude that the influence of MTP electrostatics on PhBr’s hydration free energy is too subtle and localized (i.e., MTP effects would primarily affect the first peak of g(r), and such effects would likely be averaged over orientations) to be observed from the radial distribution function. Likewise, PhCl and PhI, for which the MTP reparametrization involved small changes in the LJ parameters and significant improvements in ΔGhyd (Table 4), showed no significant changes in g(r) between electrostatic representations (data not shown). 3.4. Energy Conservation. A 12-water-molecule cluster provided a small-scale test for the conservation of total energy of our implementation. Due to the open boundary conditions, PME was replaced by real-space Coulomb electrostatics and an infinite cutoff was applied to all nonbonded interactions. Bonded and LJ parameters were obtained from the TIP3P parameters, while MTP coefficients are shown in Table 5note that only the

Figure 4. Total energy as a function of time for a simulation of 12 water molecules (see cartoon representation in part a) with open boundary conditions and MTP electrostatics using either (b) harmonic bonds or (c) SHAKE. In both cases, a time step Δt = 0.01 fs was used.

water makes this drawback of limited concern. The significant effect of SHAKE on energy conservation strongly suggests that the rapid oscillations seen in Figure 4a result from an incompatibility between the rigid-body approximation we invoked in the torque propagation (see Section 2.4) and the flexibility of bonded interactions in standard MD force fields. The collections of atoms used to convert torques into forces need to be strongly constrained to conserve energy. We thus encourage the use of bond-constraint algorithms, at least on hydrogens, when using the present MTP implementation. Most importantly, these results demonstrate the accuracy of the implementation of forces and torques. Next, a larger system of 1000 water molecules provided a more realistic test scenario using a periodic box with PME electrostatics, bond constraints on all bonds to hydrogens using SHAKE, and long-range corrections for the LJ interactions. Prior to the NVE run, the simulation was equilibrated at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. We first minimized the system and ran the simulation with no initial velocities for 10 ps using the same time step Δt = 0.01 fs. The total energy exhibited no drift and oscillations of amplitude δE ≈ 0.08 kcal/mol (data not shown), most likely resulting from a combination of fast dynamics, periodic boundary conditions, and PME-based PCPC electrostatics. Interestingly, Leslie demonstrated energy conservation using PME-based MTP electrostatics and rigidbody dynamics, though the scale of his energy vs time plot does not allow to estimate the oscillation amplitudes.11 Finally, the energy conservation of pure-liquid benzene provided a similar size system, but with larger compounds. 150 molecules were initialized close to the system’s average density at ambient temperature and pressure (ρexp = 0.88 g cm−3), forming a cubic box of size 28 Å . Atomic MTPs were only assigned to the carbon atoms (see Supporting Information Table S1). We

Table 5. ESP-Fit MTPs (l = 2) for Watera type











Q00 Q11s Q20

−0.92 +0.18 −0.23

Quality of the fit with respect to the ab initio ESP: root-mean squared error in the first interaction belt ΔE = 0.43 kcal/mol for l = 2 (see ref 10 for details). Qlκ denotes the coefficient of the ESP’s multipole expansion with l referring to the level of expansion of the ESP when performing the fit (e.g., l = 0 corresponds to PCs). The first column refers to the atom type and the next two denote the atom’s neighbors (see ref 18 for more details on the atom-typing assignment). All units are in atomic units of the MTP moment. a

oxygen carries higher MTP moments. A time step Δt = 0.01 fs was used for this system. Figure 4a shows the total energy as a function of time using harmonic bonded interactions. The fast oscillationsultimately leading to a small energy driftcan be alleviated by constraining the bonded interactions, e.g., SHAKE42 (Figure 4b). We argue that the fast oscillations present in the former case are largely due to the redistribution of oxygen torques solely on the lightweight hydrogens. A different implementation that computes the torque away from the oxygen may yield more stable dynamics in this rather special case. However, the common usage of bond-constraint algorithms for 5455

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct400803f | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5450−5459

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


performed several simulations with timesteps ranging from Δt = 0.005 to 0.1 fs for up to 100 ps. Figure 5 shows no systematic drift

H”). Note that the electrostatic parameters for water and benzene are shown in Table 5 and Supporting Information Table S1 for “MTP without H”, while the “MTP with H” is not shown here. Since there are three atoms per water molecule, a dimer will MTP contain NPC = 25 int = 3 × 3 = 9 interactions for “PC,” Nint interactions for “MTP without H” (see Table 5), and NMTP = 116 int for “MTP with H” (data not shown). Figure 6 shows the

Figure 6. Relative performance between PC and MTP simulations. The plot shows the ratio of simulation time with MTP, tMTP, and PC electrostatics, tPC as a function of the ratio of the number of interactions PC between a homodimer with MTP, NMTP int , and PC electrostatics, Nint . The two curves correspond to a box of 1000 water molecules (red, solid) and 150 PhH molecules (blue, dashed). “PC,” “MTP without H,” and “MTP with H” correspond to the number of PC/MTP parameters included in the fit and whether higher MTP parameters are included in H atoms (“MTP with H”).

Figure 5. Total energy as a function of time for the pure-liquid benzene simulation with MTP electrostatics using various timesteps up to (a) 100 ps and (b) a close-up of the first 10 ps.

in the total energy and amplitudes δE ≈ 0.4 kcal/mol. During the first 7 to 8 ps of the simulation (Figure 5b), all curves are virtually identical and oscillate within 0.1 kcal/mol. Following the abovementioned water test case, we argue that these rapid oscillations are mainly due to torque propagations. While SHAKE had removed all oscillations from the small water-cluster simulation (Figure 4b), the same does not hold here. Oscillations are stronger than for the box of 1000 water molecules, suggesting the failure of our rigid-body approximation: though SHAKE effectively constrains the entire water molecule, benzene will still show significant intramolecular motion (e.g., C−C bond, angles, dihedrals). Unless one freezes all intramolecular interactions, energy oscillations will arise. Practically, we estimate from Figure 5b the rate of fast oscillations at around 0.05 kcal/ mol per 0.5 ps, which translates into an instantaneous energy deviation of less than 10−7 kcal/mol per fs and per atom. This instantaneous drift has limited impact during the NVE simulations shown here and is altogether negligible in the presence of a thermostat. The present implementation is thus appropriate for NVE simulationsit does not require a thermostat to stabilize the system. 3.5. Performance. The added computational investment of MTP interactions, compared to PC, has always been a major reason why MTPs have not risen to mainstream use. The abovementioned pure-liquid, periodic systems (i.e., water and benzene) provided benchmarks to compute the relative performance of MTP and PC simulations. The ratio of simulation times between MTP and PC electrostatics, tMTP/tPC, quantifies the added computational investment associated with MTPs. We propose to measure the relationship between simulation time and the number of intermolecular electrostatic pair interactions between two molecules, Nint. Three force fields are studied: “PC,” “MTP without H,” and “MTP with H,” which denote the level of MTP expansion used and whether higher MTP parameters are present on H atoms (“MTP with

PC dependence of the ratios tMTP/tPC with respect to NMTP int /Nint . The two points that correspond to “PC” intercept the two axes at 1 by construction, the other ones relate the added time investment with the number of atom pairs in a dimer. The PC identical values obtained for the ratio NMTP int /Nint for “MTP with H” is purely coincidental. The computational slowdown, tMTP/tPC, ranges between 8−10 when MTPs are added to the heavy atoms only, and 15−25 when MTPs are included on all atoms. We find a strong correlation between the two quantities, suggesting that the performance of the code critically depends on the number of pair interactions involved. While the curve’s behavior is roughly linear for water, the curve tends to saturate for the benzene system. The comparatively smaller computational investment of “MTP with H” in the case of benzene may be due to the larger size of benzene compared to water: the maximum intermolecular distance between two neighboring molecules is comparable to the interaction cutoff. We also find that the results depend very weakly on the range of the MTP interactions (see Section 2.5; data not shown). Overall, the results show that the added time investment of MTP interactions critically depends on the number of MTP pair interactions highlighting the benefit of setting as many MTP coefficients as possible to zero. When reducing the number of MTP parameters to a subset of the system, the computational performance is obviously improved: simulations of a single halobenzene compound solvated in roughly 500 molecules led to a computational slowdown tMTP/tPC ≈ 3.5 between PC and MTPa significant reduction compared to the pure-liquid benzene simulation (i.e., ≈13; see Figure 6). More significantly, applying MTP electrostatics on the ligand of a larger-scale (i.e., roughly 50 000 atoms) protein−ligand simulation (see Section 3.6 below) yielded a modest slowdown tMTP/tPC ≈ 1.2. As the ratio of atoms carrying


dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct400803f | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5450−5459

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Figure 7. (a) Chemical structure of 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole and (b) cartoon representation of the protein−ligand complex: the secondary structure of the protein is shown in ribbons and coils, while the ligand is shown as bulky atoms and the neighboring protein pocket and water molecules are shown explicitly.

relative stability of PC and MTP simulations. We obtain a freeenergy difference ΔΔGPC→MTP = −3.8 ± 0.3 kcal/mol, meaning bind that MTP electrostatics indeed provides improved stability to the compound. Interestingly, this figure closely matches the added hydration free energy provided by all four bromine atoms (Table 4), though the partial burying of the ligand in the pocket surely thwarts such a simple analysis. The results are on par with the conclusions of Kolár ̌ and Hobza, who observed increased stability with off-site PCs, compared to a standard PC force field.

MTPs gets smaller, the computational performance tends toward the original PC protocol. 3.6. Protein−Ligand Binding. As a final application, protein−ligand binding provides a means to test the MTP implementation for large-scale, condensed-phase properties. Kolár ̌ and Hobza recently studied a series of brominated ligands binding to casein kinase 2 (CK2).43 In the same spirit as Jorgensen’s and Schyman’s correction to the OPLS-AA forcefield,26 off-site point charges allowed a better description of the electrostatic potential of brominated ligands. By means of unconstrained MD simulations, they showed that a series of brominated ligands binding to CK2 were better stabilized using the additional point charges, though they did not compute free energiesonly the root-mean squared distance of the ligand was computed. Here, we perform a comparative study of the binding of 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole with CK2 (PDB: 1J91;44 experimentally determined free energy of binding is ΔGexp bind = −8.5 kcal/mol45) using both PC and MTP electrostatics, see Figure 7. The above-mentioned force-field parametrization determined entirely the PC/MTP and LJ coefficients (Section 3.2), while the water, protein, and chloride-counterion parameters were those from the CHARMM22 force field.46,47 We solvated and neutralized one monomer of CK2 from the crystal structure in a truncated octahedral box. Note that the reconstruction of hydrogensabsent from the crystal structureled to an ambiguity as to the position of the triazole hydrogen: we positioned it toward CK2’s ARG47, rather than PHE113, though it is unclear which conformation is favored. Restraining potentials on the ligand helped converge the sampling of the free-energy calculations, as described in refs 48−50. In the spirit of the above-mentioned hydration freeenergy calculations (Section 3.2), TI was performed in both the protein and bulk water environments using the NPT ensemble. After a 120 ps equilibration simulation, used to estimate the parameters of the restraining potentials, we ran individual TI simulations with δλ = 0.05 spacings with a further 10-ps equilibration and 40-ps production runs. Running both forward and backward simulations allowed to check convergence and estimate error bars. The protein−ligand free-energy difference between the ligand represented with PC and the same ligand represented with MTP PC = ΔGMTP electrostatics, ΔΔGPC→MTP bind bind −ΔGbind, quantifies the

4. CONCLUSIONS We propose an implementation of nonpolarizable, static atomic MTP electrostatics for atomistic MD simulations. Addressing computational concerns, we reduce the large number of MTP interactions (up to quadrupoles in this work) by using a systematic set of reference axis systems that exploit symmetries. These axis systems can thus reduce the number of interaction terms by setting certain coefficients to zero,10,18 while the computation of interaction energies, forces, and torques is performed in the atoms’ local reference frames to avoid contaminating null coefficients from other components. We demonstrated the energy-conservation capabilities of the MTP implementation: strict conservation is ensured for small water clusters, while larger, periodic systems suffer from fast dynamics. We obtain better stability when using bond-constraint algorithms (e.g., SHAKE), which help satisfy the rigid-body approximation assumed in the propagation of the torques into forces on neighboring atoms. The comparative parametrization of halobenzene compounds illustrated how nonpolarizable MTP electrostatics can overcome certain limitations of standard PC force fields. In this case, MTP interactions provide a significantly better description of the σ hole present in the stronger halogens. The MTP parametrization presented here reproduces both ab initio calculations and thermodynamic properties (i.e., pure-liquid density, heat of vaporization, and hydration free energy) with excellent agreement compared to experiment. Due to the intrinsic dependence of LJ parameters on the electrostatics, we have found it necessary to reparametrize all LJ coefficients between PC and MTP force fields. Overall, the results show that MTP force fields are not necessary to reproduce the thermodynamic properties of simple compounds (e.g., PhH, PhF). They do provide significant 5457

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Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


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improvements in cases where anisotropic electrostatic features are significant (e.g., PhCl, PhBr, PhI). It remains to be seen how the use of MTP force fields can improve dynamical properties. Clearly, the limits of the PC and MTP representations can only be probed against accurate force fieldsa somewhat evident conclusion that bears significance when choosing between the two: a tailor-made PC force field may well perform better than a generic MTP force field. Finally, we presented protein−ligand binding calculations of a brominated ligand to casein kinase 2. Comparative free-energy calculations of the PC and MTP force fields show significant improvement in binding when using MTPs on the ligand and require negligible additional computational investment. The computational performance of the MTP module becomes quite advantageous when limiting MTPs to a small collection of atoms in the simulation. In the spirit of QM/MM methodologies (see, e.g., ref 51) and recently developed adaptive resolution schemes,52 which both couple different representations within a simulation, applying MTP electrostatics to a subsystem provides a locally enhanced description. Cross-interactions across the two electrostatic representations is provided by simple PC-MTP products and the Lorentz−Berthelot mixing rule for electrostatic and LJ interactions, respectively. Additionally, the parametrization scheme used in this work constrained the MTP monopoles around values obtained from a standard PC fit, thereby producing reasonable PC−PC interactions at the interface between the MTP and PC atoms. Whether and in what range such cross-interaction is accurate enough has yet to be investigated. As it stands, locally enhancing the system using MTP electrostatics can provide a promising alternative to more expensive methods, such as QM/MM,51 the Car−Parrinello method,53 or polarizable force fields (e.g., SIBFA,54−57 AMOEBA,17 and others that are specific to a few molecules58,59), in case polarization is not a critical issue.


S Supporting Information *

Electrostatic parameters (both PC and MTP) for the halogenated compounds, pyrrole, hexabromobenzene, and 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.


Corresponding Authors

*E-mail: [email protected]. *E-mail: [email protected]. *E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge financial support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant 200020-132406 and the NCCR MUST).


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dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct400803f | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5450−5459