Its 3-terminal input allows complete low terminal isolation, full highterminal guarding, from ... 134 on Readers' Service Card. VOL. 38, NO. 12, NOVEM...
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A bench type amino acid analyzer has been designed with either step or gra­ dient elution operation. Fully auto­ mated Model M-7800 makes possible microanalysis of protein and peptide hydrolysates, hydroponic solutions, free extracts, and other ninhydrin reactive compounds. Phoenix Preci­ sion Instrument Co., Inc., 3 8 0 3 - 0 5 N. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19140 428




C h r o m a t o g r a m Scanner

Designed to count betas from sources of varying energies, Model 880 features automatic operation and a background of less than 10 counts per minute. Anti-coincidence circuitry coupled with windowless Geiger chambers achieves 4pi detection efficiency. Controls pro­ vide a choice of scanning speeds, ratemeter time constants, count rates, and slit widths, and an automatic marking system for fronts and edges. Technical Measurement Corp., 441 Washington Ave., North Haven, Conn. 06473 429

Electric Oven

A new laboratory oven, Item P-304, features a total of sixteen 20- X 20-inch metal shelves arranged in two vertical rows. The oven reaches a maximum temperature of 350° F. from a 6-kw. heat input with automatic temperature control. A 0.5-horsepower blower recir­ culates the air. Grieve-Hendry Co., Inc., 1330 N. Elston Ave., Chicago, 111. 60622 430


The Micro Torque balances which ap­ peared in the New Products column of the October 1966 issue, item 415, are offered by Brinkmann Instruments, Cantiague Rd., Westbury, Ν. Υ. 11590


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ι / mv f.s. to Wv, with 10 '* π input resistance ι 10 u amp. f.s. to 0.3 amp. ι 100 ohms f.s. to 10'3 ohms ι 10" coulomb to 10s coulomb ι 200 μ v/hr. zero sta­ bility ι 1,000-hour battery life even when recording ι $595 with input leads

fSB Everything about this handy portable is new . . . except the name electrometer! Its 3-terminal input allows complete low terminal isolation, full high terminal guarding, from the case. It also permits 1500 volt off-ground capability—a feature offered only by the 6 0 1 . B3 Extra flexibility is provided by 73 ranges for measuring voltage, current, resistance, charge and three outputs, highlighted by a 0.005% accuracy unity-gain amplifier. GH And perhaps best . . . now measure continuously for 1000 hours while using a 1 ma recorder! Makes recharging interruptions during long-term experiments un­ necessary. Da These are only a few reasons why the carry-around 601 electrometer is outstandingly new. More are detailed in our free Engineering Note. Send for it today!

ΚΕΙΤΗLEY I N S T R U M E N T S 12415 Euclid Ave. . Cleveland, Ohio 44106 EUROPE: 14 Ave. Villardin. 1009 Pully, Suisse Circle No. 134 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 38, NO. 12, NOVEMBER 1966

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