Library of Congress, December 15, 1928, to ... - ACS Publications

BOOKS RECEIVED-LIBRARY. OF. CONGRESS, DECEMBER 15, 1928, TO. FEBRUARY 15, 1929. Bolton, Edward Richards, Oils, fats, and fatty foods, their practical ...
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Marks. Bur8au of Educational Research, No. 43. C. W. ODELL,Assistant Director. University of Illinois, Urhana, Illinois. Jan. 15, 1929. 42 pp. 23 X 15 cm. $0.50. This bibliography is divided into five part as follows: I. General; 11. Traditional Examinations; 111. New-Type Tests; IV. School Marks; V. Prevention of Cheating. Department of Chemistry and Chemical A CanmemoEngjueering, . 1903-1928. rative Bulletin, University of Wasbington, Seattle. Washington, 1928. 91 pp. 23 X 15 cm. Contains a report of twenty-five years of chemistry in the University of Washington, publications of the department, courses of study, and faculty and alumni. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Education, for Year Ended June 30, 1928. Department of the Interior. JNO. J. TXGERT,Commissioner. Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office,Washington, D. C., 1928. 42 pp. 14.5 X 23 cm. Paper, W.05. Requirements for High-School Graduation. Department of the Interior, N o . 21. CARLA. JESSEN,Specialist in Secondary Education. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1928. 24 pp. 14.5 X 23 cm. $0.05. Major Trends of Education in Other Countries. Department of the Interior, N o . 13. .TAXES F. ABEL. Assmiate Specialist in Foreign Education. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington. D. C., 1928. 48 pp. 14.5 X 23 cm. $0.10. Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, for Year Ended June 30, 1927. Depavtmerit qf the Interior, No. 14. WhlTER J. GREENLEAF,Associate Specialist in Higher Education. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1928. 77 pp. 14.5 X 23 cm. $0.15.

Private and Endowed Schools Offering Trade and Industrial Courses. Deportment of the Interior, N o . 18. M m s M. E x o r a m , Specialist in Industrial Edncation. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1928. 50 pp. 14.5 X 23 cm. $0.10. Bibliography of Research Studies in Education, 19261927. Department of the Interior, No. 22. Prepared in the Library Division, Bureau of Education, John D. Wolcott. Chief. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington. D. C. 1929. 162 pp. 14.5 X 23 cm. $0.25. BOOKS RECEIVED-LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, DECEMBER 15, 1928, TO FEBRUARY 15, 1929 Bolton, Edward Richards, Oils, fats, and fatty foods, their practical examination; a handbook for the use of analytical and technical chemists and manufacturers. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1928. xvi, 416 pp., illus., xii PI., diagrs. 25 cm. Bueh, J., Stickstoffwirtschaft; riickhlick und anshlick. Berlin, Stickstoff-syndikat, 1928. 47 pp., col. diagrs. 22 cm. Caven, Robert Martin, The foundations of chemical theory; the elements of physical and general chemistry. 2nd ed. London, Blackie and Son. Ltd., 1926. xi, 319 pp., illus., diagrs. 2Z1/9 cm. Edson, Lncia Eola, A physico-chemical study of pectin. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Lansing-Braas Printing Co., Inc., 1928. 29 pp., diagrs. 23 cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)Columbia University, 1928. Gildemeister, Eduard, Die iitherischen dle. Leipzig, Schimmel & Co.. 1928. v., illus., double maps, tables (in pocket), diagr. 23'/s cm. Gilmore, Bernard Harold, Determinations of the average cross-sectional areas of molecules in the terpene and camphor groups. Columbus, O., H. L. Hedrick, 1928. 23 pp., Uus. 24 cm. Thesis (Px.D.)-Ohio State University, 1926.

Goldstein, Israel, Derivatives of 5aceto carvacryl methyl ether. Relation between molecular structure and odor of 1, 2. 4, 5 substituted benzenes. New York, N. Y., 1927. 24 pp., diagr. 23 cm. Thesis (Pa.D.)-Columbia University, 1928. Hahn, Friedrich Vincenz von, Dispersoidanalyse; die methoden der teilchengr6ssenbestimmung und ihre theoretischen grundlagen. Dresden and Leipzig, T. Steinkopff, 1928. xniv, 553 pp. 165 illus., 110 tables (part fold.), diagrs. 2ZL/aa. Harris. John McArthur. The activity coefficients-of alkali hydroxides in alkali chloride solutions. Philadelphia, 1928. 25 pp., 1 illus., diagrs. 23 cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-University of Pennsylvania, 1928. Harris, Loyd Exvin, The fatty oil and acids of B i m orellam Linnb. Madison, The University of Wisconsin, 1927. 27 pp. 221/3 cm. Part of thesis (Pn.D.)University of Wisconsin, 1926. Houck, Robert Charles, Studies in dyeing. Ithaca, N. Y., 1928. 1 p. I., pp. (161)-186, diagrs. 26'1, cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-Cornell University, 1926. Hutchman, James Edwin, The action of potassium hydroxide on fructose. Columbus, 1928. 13 (1) pp., diagrs. 25 cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-Ohio State University, 1927. Johnson, Obed Simon, A study of Chinese alchemy. Shanghai. China, The Commercial Press, Limited, 1928. xi pp., 1 I., 156 pp. 21 m. Jordan, Charles Bernard, Qualitative analysis for students of pharmacy and medicine, 1st ed. New York, McGrawHill Book Company, Inc., 1928. viii, 169 pp. 211/2 cm. Karrer, Paul, Lehrbuch der organischen chemie. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1928. xni, 884 pp., illus. 251/2 cm. Klistle, Karl, Untersuchungen iibpr de wirkung einer beimaischung von kartoffeln zu mais auf alkoholausbeutc und

gwdauer. Giessen Stockach, Druckerei R. Moll. 1927. iv, 61 pp., 2 1. 221/%cm. Lassar-Cohn, Organic Laboratory methods, authorized translation from the general part af 5th rev. ed., by Ralph E. Oesper. Edited by Roger Adams and Hans T. Clarke. Baltimore, The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1928. xi, 469 pp., illus. 24 cm. Line, Willard Riggs, The smines of magnesium perchlorate and a new method for the determination of ammonia. ' New York City, 1928. 38 pp., diagrs. 23lI2 cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-Columbia University, 1928.

Emil, Toxikologiscbe Mannheim, chemie. Berlin und Leipzig, W. de Gruyter & Co., 1926. I35 pp., illus. 16 cm. Mantell, Charles Letnam, Industrial carbon. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1928. ix, 410 p i . incl. illus., tables, diagrs., 23 cm. $4.50. McHenry, Martin Josiah, Smooth platinum wire far electrometric titrsthns in neutralization reactions. Easton, Pa., 1928. 1 p. I.. 11 (1) pp., diagrs. 231/r cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-University of Iowa, 1925. Morgan, Stanley Owen, The polarization of binary liquid mixtures. Princeton, N. J., 1928. 26 pp., 1I., illus., diagrs. 24 cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-Princeton University, 1928. Niederer, Traugott, Studie iiber die qualitative reinheitspriifuug anorganischer arzneistoffe. Basel, Buchdruckerei E. Birkbiuser & Cie, 1926. 156 pp., 23 cm. Promotionsarbeit-Eidgenh:~~. tech. hochschule, Zurich. Noyes, Arthur Amos, An introduction t o the chemistry of solutions. Pasadena, 1928. 1 p. I., ii, 48 pp., diagr. 211/* cm. Oppenheirner, Kad, Lehrbuch der enzyme; chemie, physikalische chemie und biologic. Leipzig. G. Thieme, 1927. ix,

660 pp., diagrs. 25L/2cm.

Richardson, Alan Houldsworth, The solubility of oxygen. An analytical method for the determination of the solubility of oxygen under different conditions. New York City, 1928. 47 (3) pp. diagrs. 23 cm. Thesis (P~r.D.)-Columbia University, 1928. Rommel, George McCuUough, Farm products in industry. New York, Rae D. Henkle Co., Inc. (1928). xii pp., 1 I., 1 9 3 1 8 pp., 1 I., front., plates. 21 cm. (The first book printed on cornstalk paper.) R6ttger, Hennann, Lehrbuch der nahrungs-mittel-chemie. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1926. 2 v., illus., 22'12 cm. Searth, George William, The elasticity of gelatin in relation to pH and swelling. Montreal, 1925. Cover-title, p. (1009)1022, diagn. 27 cm. (McGill University publications. Series I1 (Botany), no. 34). Stanislaus, Ignatius Valerius Stanley, and P. B. Meerbott, American soap

maker's guide; an up-to-date treatise on the art and science of the manufacture of soaps, candles, and allied toilet preparations. New York, H. C. Baird & Co., Inc., 1928. xi, 709 pp.. illus. 24'1. cm. $10.00. Tucker, Elton Brink, Removal of sulfur compounds from petroleum naphthas by catalytic decomposition with bauxite. New York City, 1928. 32 pp., 1 illus., diagr. 23 cm. Thesis (h.D.)-Columbia University, 1928. Vail, James Garrett. Soluble silicates in industry. New York, The Chemical Catalog Company, Inc., 1928. 443 pp., illus., diagrs. 23I/y cm. (American Chemical Society monograph series, no. 46.) Magyar chemiai folybirat. Havi szaklap a chemiai ismeretek fejleszt&&e. Budapest, Kir. magy. tem6szettudominyi tirsulat. v., illus.. plates, port., diagrs. 25'1%cm.

Engines to Run on Heavy Oil Predicted for Near Future. The use of heavier liquid fuels for airplane and automobile engines was forecast in a paper delivered recently before the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers by Charles J. Deegan, petroleum engineer of Ponca City, Okla. A leading automobile manufacturer bas on the verge of commercial success a Diesel engine for airplanes weighing only three pounds per horsepower, be declared. The fuel for this engine is a low gravity fuel oil, such as is now used for power purposes and heating. Mr. Deegan raised the question as t o what effect the successful use of such an engine in automobiles and airplanes would have on the demand for gasoline. On the other hand, some oil companies are introducing a light, natural gasoline selling a t a higher price than ordinary and capable of being used by both airplanes and automobiles. More fuel oil than gasoline is being used each day, despite the popular idea that gasoline is the principal product of the distillation of petroleum, Mr. Deegan pointed out. New types of internal combustion engines are likely, in his opinion, t o cause the refiners t o produce a larger number of different kinds of motor fuels in the future. Whereas only two or three grades of gasoline and one or two of Diesel oil are now manufactured, Mr. Deegan sees the future refinery output consisting of many kinds of internal combustion fuels ranging from very light gasoline t o a heavy distillate that approaches - the present fuel oil. Oil companies should spend immediately millions of dollars on chemical research for new products and new processes of refining necessary to meet future demands and provide outlets for the crude oil of future years, Mr. Deegan indicated.-Science Senice