Ligand field splitting in an octahedral environment

He restornth my equilibrium. He leadeth me in the traps of the pH meter for Science's sake. Yea though I walk through the wlley of the titration curve...
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Ligand Field Splitting in an Octahedral Environment The realiaation of life's being A transient joy Fit only for the cynics To examine closely Weighed upon me heavily

He restornth my equilibrium. He leadeth me in the traps of the pH meter for Science's sake. Yea though I walk through the wlley of the titration curve.

And a feeling of uncertain Repeated un-conclusions Bent dawn the unconscious Until the path of certainty Again became clear Uoon beholdine ~ ; g a n dfield &ping and Ligand field splitting in an octahedral environment.

they comfort me Thou preperest a n unknown before me in the presence of interfering ions; Thou anointest mv head with EDTA. MY buret mnnetd over.


Volume 44, Number 5, May 1967
