Ligand field theory of d3 and d7 electronic configurations in noncubic

May 1, 2002 - Ligand field theory of d3 and d7 electronic configurations in noncubic fields. I. Wave functions and energy matrixes. Jayarama R. Peruma...
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Ligand Field Theory of d3 and d’ Electronic Configurations in Noncubic Fields. I. Wave Functions and Energy Matrices’

by Jayarama R. Perumareddi Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 16.213 (Received November Y , 1966)

The ligand field theory of cubic fields has been extended to include noncubic fields for da and d7 electronic configurations. Various coupling schemes applicable to noncubic fields in the limit of zero spin-orbit perturbation have been thoroughly discussed. A complete set of symmetry-adapted strong-field cubic wave functions in quadrate and trigonal orientations have been derived for d3 configuration. The corresponding energy matrices of quadrate and trigonal fields have been constructed in the limit of zero spin-orbit interaction. Energy matrices of cylindrical fields have also been constructed using the weakfield 1 L, S, ML, M B ) functions already derived by Condon-Shortley and Finkelstein-Van Vleck. These latter are included, in addition to their application to linear systems, as checks for the quadrate and trigonal calculations. They also provide energy labels for quadrate and trigonal energy plots at zero cubic ligand field parameter. Some generalizations are drawn from the energy matrices, and their application to the study of the spectra of appropriate transition metal systems is pointed out. Application of the energy matrices to systems of d7 configuration is shown and extensions of the theory of noncubic fields to systems of other configurations are also suggested.

I. Introduction The development of the theory of ligand fields in the last decade and a half provides the basis for understanding the magnetic and optical behavior of transition metal compounds.2 The theory of systems of cubic symmetry is well understood. However, attempts in developing the theory to include symmetries lower than cubic have been very few. Thus, Liehr3 has carried out complete calculations, including spin-orbit and full configuration interaction, on the one-electron and hole configurations in cylindrical (or linear), quadrate (or tetragonal), and trigonal symmetries; Gladney and Swalen‘ on the same configurations in trigonal fields; Fenske, Martin, and Ruedenberg6 on the two-electron and hole configurations in square planar geometry; Plato and Racahs on the two- and three-electron configurations in trigonal weak fields; and finally, Perumareddi and Liehr’ on the two- and eight-electron configurations in cylindrical, quadrate, and trigonal fields. I n addition to these, there exist some restricted calculations, ie., without or with limited spin-orbit perturbation and configuration interaction. These latter The Journal of Physical Chemistry

include the examination of the trigonal two-electron trivalent vanadium with no spin-orbit coupling by Hartmann, Furlani, and Biirger,s the treatment of the two-electron trigonal chromium corundum without (1) Portions of this material have been included in a paper presented a t the 151st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Pittsburgh, Pa., March 1966. (2) See, for instance: (a) W. Moffitt and C. J. Ballhausen, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 7 , 107 (1956); (b) C. J. Ballhausen, “Introduction to Ligand Field Theory,” McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1962; (c) J. S. Griffith, “The Theory of Transition-Metal Ions,” The University Press, Cambridge, England, 1961; (d) C. K. Jckgensen, “Absorption Spectra and Chemical Bonding in Complexes,” Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Mass., 1962; (e) B. N. Figgis and J. Lewis, Progr. Inorg. Chem., 6, 37 (1964); (f) W.Low, “Paramagnetic Resonance in Solids,” Academic Press, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1960. (3) (a) A. D.Liehr, J. Phys. Chem., 64, 43 (1960); (b) A. D.Liehr, Abstracts, Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, June 1965. (4) H. M. Gladney and J. D. Swalen, J . Chem. Phya., 42, 1999 (1965). (5) (a) R. F. Fenske, D. 5. Martin, Jr., and K. Ruedenberg, Inorg. Chem., 1,441 (1962);(b) R.F.Fenske and D. S. Martin, AEC Report IS-342,Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, May 1961. Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25,D. C., price $3.50.


spin-orbit interaction by Pryce and Runciman,@and the study of the three-electron trigonal chromium corundum system with limited spin-orbit coupling by SJgano and Tanabe.lo Such restricted calculations have also been carried out on various other configurations by Piper and Carlin,l1 Macfarlane,12 Goode,13 Otsuka,14and others. Our interest in the d3 (and hence the d7) configuration stems from the fact that chromium(II1) complexes in both cubic and noncubic symmetries have been extensively investigated. Many trigonally distorted and quadrately substituted chromium(II1) compounds are known and their spectral properties have been measured. Although the optical measurements on trigonal chromium(II1) systems have been made using polarized light,15 this is not true for quadrate systems. However, even the solution absorption studies do show splittings of the cubic bands when the cubic chromium(II1) complexes are substitutedresulting in quadrate sgmmetry.lB Although there have been attempts to explain quantitatively the absorption bands of the trigonal systems,’5 no such attempts have been made for the quadrate compound^.'^ Thus, there exists no systematic development of the theory and its application to noncubic compounds of d3 and d7 configurations. We aim to undertake this task in the present paper and in the papers to be published in the near future. The present paper lays the ground work in a detailed fashion for the development of the theory of d3 and d7 configurations in cylindrical, quadrate, trigonal, and square planar fields in the limit of zero spinorbit interaction and future papers will consider the applications of the theory to explain the optical phenomena of appropriate systems of these configurations. Finally, the theory will be extended to include spinorbit perturbation when more accurate spectral data become available. 11. Theory of Noncubic Fields Octahedral Orientation. If we treat the ligand fields of quadrate and trigonal symmetries as the sum of cubic and axial potentials, three cases arise in the limit of zero spin-orbit perturbation.

x e 2 / r i j> (VC,V,)

(weak-field scheme)


[strong-field scheme (weak axial fields) ]




[strong-field scheme (strong axial fields) ] (iii) Cases i and ii correspond to the situation where the


axial fields are introduced as additional minor perturbations over the major cubic potential and electron correlations, whereas case iii corresponds to the situation where the axial field perturbations are large and hence are diagonalized along with the cubic field before introducing electron correlations as perturbative additions. In cases i and ii, the weak-field and strong-field cubic wave functions, respectively, portray the role of unperturbed states and decompose on going down in symmetry into lower symmetry representations according to Table I. (For the sake of generality, we have written the representations in the case of quadrate symmetry with no g subscripts. Written as they are, they are correct if the symmetry is CW. For Dlh symmetry, they should have a g subscript.) The resulting quadrate and trigonal functions are said to be octahedrally oriented. The quadrate and trigonal energy matrices corresponding to these cases would now contain diagonal as well (6) M. Plato and G . Racah, private communication t o A. D. Liehr, 1965. (7) (a) J. R. Perumareddi and A. D. Liehr, Abstracts, Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, June 1965; (b) J. R. Perumareddi and A. D. Liehr, Abstracts, 150th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N. J., Sept 1965; to be published. (8) H. Hartmann, C. Furlani, and A. Bnrger, Z . Physik. Chem. (Frankfurt), 9, 62 (1956). (9) M. H. L. Pryce and W. A. Runciman, Discussions Faraday SOC., 26, 34 (1958). (10)S.Sugano and Y. Tanabe, J . Phye. SOC.Japan, 13, 880 (1958). (11) T.S. Piper and R.L. Carlin, J. Chem. Phys., 33, 1208 (1960). (12) (a) R. M. Macfarlane, ibid., 40, 373 (1964); (b) ibid., 39, 3118 (1963). (13) D.H.Goode, ibid., 43,2830 (1965). (14) J. Otsuka, J . Phys. SOC.Japan, 21, 596 (1966). (15)See, for instance: (a) S. Sugano and I. Tsujikawa, ibid., 13, 899 (1958); (b) W. Low, J. Chem. Phys., 33, 1162 (1960); (c) D. S. McClure, ibid., 36, 2757 (1962); (d) D. L. Wood, J. Ferguson, K. Knox, and J. F. Dillon, Jr., ibid., 39, 890 (1963); (e) D. L. Wood, ibid., 42,3404 (1965); (f) S. Yamada and R. Tsuchida, Bull. Chem. SOC.Japan, 33,98 (1960); (9) T. S. Piper and R. L. Carlin, J. Chem. Phys., 36, 3330 (1962); (h) ibid., 35, 1809 (1961). (16) Such studies have been made by (a) M.Linhard and M. Weigel, 2. Anorg. Allgem. Chem., 266, 49 (1951); (b) M. Linhard and M. Weigel, 2. Physik. Chem. (Frankfurt), 5,20 (1955); (C) C.S. Garner and D. J. MacDonald in “Advances in the Chemistry of Coordination Compounds,” S, Kirschner, Ed., The Macmillan Go., New York, N. Y., 1961, pp 266-275; (d) L. P. Quinn and C. S. Garner, Inorg. Chem., 3, 1348 (1964); (e) F. Woldbye, Acta Chem. S c a d . , 12, 1079 (1958). (17) Ballhausen (ref 2b) has given the diagonal elements for the quartets of d3 configuration in quadrate fields. Based on these matrix elements, a semiquantitative empirical treatment has been proposed for the explanation of the spectral characteristics of tetragonal Cr(II1) complexes by others. See for instance, (a) R. A. D. Wentworth and T. S. Piper, Inorg. Chem., 4, 709 (1965). Excellent attempts have been made, though, to explain the band splittings of substituted octahedral Cr(I1I) and complexes of other configurations based on bonding and molecular orbital approaches by (b) D. 6. McClure in “Advances in the Chemistry of Coordination Compounds,” S. Kirchner, Ed., The Macmillan Co., New York, N. Y., 1961,p 498; (c) H.Yamatera, Bull. Chem. SOC.Japan, 31,95 (1958); (d) C. E.Schaffer and C. K. Jgirgensen, Mat. Fys. Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk., 34, 13 (1965).

Volume 71, Number 10 September 1967



Table I: Decomposition of the Representations of Cubic Symmetry Relative to Quadrate and Trigonal Symmetries Cubic



cases do not seem to be common among d3configuration and as most of the existing quadrate and trigonal systems of d3 configuration exemplify small deviations from cubic symmetry, it is by case ii we choose to carry out calculations in this report. It may be pointed out that calculations starting from cases i and iii would provide a very good check on our treatment from case ii. On the other hand, as we will be describing later, other internal checks of our calculations are used and so we have not included here calculations based on cases i and



Wave Functions. Quadrate. As has already been

as off-diagonal ligand field parameters due to axial fields. On the other hand, in case iii, the one-electron symmetry adapted functions suitable to quadrate and trigonal symmetries don the role of the basis set from which the three-electron functions are manufactured.18 These initial one-electron functions are e(dzz, d,,), bz(dz,), al(d,2), and bl(d,2-212)in quadrate fields and e,(tz,), al(tzg),and eh(eg) in trigonal fields. If the many electron functions constructed from these one-electron sets are used in energy calculations, in addition to the cubic ligand field parameter, the axial ligand field parameters could also be diagonalized except in the trigonal case where there may be few nonvanishing off-diagonal axial parameters because of the nonzero one-electron element M t z , ) Iv,le*t(e,>). The usual trigonally distorted chromium(II1) systems such as emerald, ruby, etc. ((23" and D3 point groups) and the slightly tetragonally distorted cubic as well as monosubstituted ((Av) and trans-disubstituted (D4h) hexacoordinate octahedral complexes could be well described by case ii, ie., weak axial fields of the strong-field scheme, whereas large trigonal and quadrate distortions and pentacoordinate square pyramidal and tetracoordinate square planar systems are more appropriately described by case iii. As these latter The Journal of Physical Chemiatry

pointed out, the starting functions are the strong-field symmetry adapted cubic functions the derivation of which has been described clearly in the literature.2b*c The complete set of these functions is listed in Appendix A.I9 Trigonal. The one-electron orbitals of trigonal orientation used here are as given by Liehr20which differ from those of the othersg by phase factors. These orbitals along with their transformation properties are shown in Table 11. The process of building d3J trigonally disposed cubical determinantal wave functionsz1 consists of first writing the nondegenerate (orbitally) trigonal components of a given cubical species and then (18) A detailed account of building two-electroh functions starting from one-electron tetragonal functions has been given in ref 5b. Extension to three-electron functions follows similar procedures. The trigonal determinants of d 3 configuration can also be obtained in the same fashion. (19) Appendices A and B have been deposited as Document No. 9457 with the AD1 Auxiliary Publications Project, Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 20540. A.cqpy may be secured by citing the document number and remittmg $3.75 for photoprints or $2.00 for 35-mm microfilm. Advance payment is required. ,Make checks or money orders payable to: Chief, Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress. Copies may also be obtained by writing to the author. (20) See ref 3a and also A. D. Liehr, J. Phys. Chem., 48, 665 (1964). (21) This procedure has been briefly described in ref 20.


using this component to generate the two doubly degenerate components by means of the %(z) symmetry operation. As cubically doubly degenerate species go over into trigonally doubly degenerate species, no significant effort is involved in their orientation. An alternative way of manufacturing the dai7 wave function is by a direct transformation of their known tetragonal representation to their desired trigonal representation by means of the connections of Table I1 and the matrix connection between the quadrate and trigonal orbital basis functions of eq 1.


metry) thus providing the 'TZsaand 4T1,acomponents. Substituting the *TI, functions of eq 2, we finally have


'TZ,, = di72[lal(t2,)e+(t2,)e-(ep)/ la1(tz,>e-(tz,>e+(e,)I 1 4Tlpa= 1/1/,[/al(tzp)e+(t2,)e-(e,) I lal(tz,>e-(tz,>e+(e,) I1 (3) The remaining components are obtained by e4(z) SYmmetry operation on the dmve functions. Thus, Performing this operation on 'Tz,,, we obtain



- d / 3

0 0





G / 6

d% -d5

The former method will be described here by deriving the 'T1, and 4Tz,terms of (t2,2e,) configuration. We first note that these quartets (spin) arise from [tz,2(3T~,)e,]. The 3T1, of (tzp2)in turn is given by aT1,a: le+(tz,)e-(tz,> I


- /al(t2,)e+(tz,)I --+e+(tl)


aT1,,: /al(tz,)e-(tz,)/




Let us now construct a table of transformation properties of various determinants such as laz(tl)e,t(e)l and le*(tl)e*(e)/ as shown in Table 111. ~~


Table I11 : Transformation Properties of Determinantal Trigonal Functions Determinantal function


9* 9 5 *6










1 2

-9 3 - +e -9 5


le+(tz,>e-(tz,>e+(e,)I1 2/3w '/'[I al(tz,)e+(tz,)e+(e,) I -

1 1




le+(t2,>e-(tz,>e-(e,>I I) Obviously, a combination of as and Os should give rise to the nondegenerate (orbitally) trigonal components of 4T1, and 4T2,. Such combinations are and \k2 which transform as a1 and az of trigonal symmetry (see Table I V for the character table of trigonal sym-

hence 4ET(,) { 4TC1,(~)[tz,z(~T1,)e,]~ =


dI;T2[lal(tz,)eT(t2,)erf::(e,)l Ie*(t2,)er(t2,>e*(eo>I1 ( 5 ) Volume 71, Number 10 September 1967



Table IV: Character Table of Trigonal Symmetry Representation



1 1 -1


-1 0

Note that in these doubly degenerate functions combinations of @I, a2, @3, and a4 occur as suggested by their transformation properties. The complete set of symmetry-adapted trigonal functions obtained in this manner is listed in Appendix A.I9 Cylindrical. Appropriate wave functions for this symmetry are simply those of Russell-Saunders coupling22 characterized by the quantum number ML. Thus, the 4Fterm gives rise to the M L values of *3, rt2, * l , and 0 which are designated, respectively, as ‘a(”), 4A(4F), 411(4F),and 42-(4F). Others are obvious.23 Some of these functions for the d3configuration were given by Condon and Shortley2*and the remainder by Finkelstein and VanVleck,2sso are not listed in Appendix A. Parameters. The most general set of parameters needed in the study of any molecular system can be derived by symmetry considerations alone. The various sets of parameters thus arrived at for symmetries of our int,erestZ6are given in Table V.

Table V : Most General Set of Parameters in Ligand Field Theory (Numbers Given in Parentheses Are t h e Number of Parameters Actually Used in Our Present Theory)


Ligand field

Electron correlation



Cubic Cylindrical Quadrate Trigonal

2 (1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 4 (3)

10 (3)

2 (1) 4(1) 5 (1) 6 (1)

14 ( 5 ) 21 (6) 32 (7) 37 (7)

14(3) 23 (3) 27 (3)


Since we are concerned only with the energy differences, the actual number of ligand field parameters is reduced in each case by one. The observable bands in the optical spectra of systems of our interest are far too few when compared with the required number of electron correlation and spin-orbit parameters by genera1 symmetry arguments, and hence we use only threeelectron correlation parameters and one spin-orbit parameter (in the present study we are neglecting spinorbit coupling also) assuming that the relative differences of these parameters are small. Thus, the reThe Journal

of PhysicaE


stricted number of parameters is included in parentheses in the table. The electron correlation parameters are the familiar A , B , and C of Racah (these are related by A = Po - 49F4,B = PZ - 5F4,and C = 35F4 of Slater-Condon-Shortley parameters) parameters reduced from the free-ion values by proper fitting of the experimental spectroscopic data. The ligand field parameters are obtained in the following way.a6,26 We take the quadrate (VQ) and the trigonal potentials (VT) to be the resultant of a cubic (VC)and an axial field (V,), i.e.

VQ,T =


+ VmQvT


where the cubic potential has the alternant forms2’ i


y4-4(et,4J] RI(ri)

(quadrate orientation)



vC= -2/3C( ~ ~ ~ ( 8 + ~ ’d,‘ 4O ~/ , ~ [ ~) ~ ~ ( e ~-’ , 4 ~ ’ ) i Y4-3(0t’,4t’)1) R4(rt)

(trigonal orientation)


(22) Note that here we are dealing with weak-field representation The Corresponding strong-field functions arise from configurations (!3), ( P n ) , ( 6 2 ~ ) . (ana), (So2), (Snu), ( T Z U ) , ( r u 2 ) which serially give rise t o the levels *A, Z I I , ‘II 2H 20 22II, 4 2 *I’ 22*+ ZZ-, 4A 2r 22A f 2 2 2 + ,2A. ‘0 4n 220 22II, 422A 22+ 2 2 - , TI, where the 6, x and u are the one-electron d orbitals in linear symmetry. [These later correspond t o the lZ, mi) functions of 12 f 2), 12 f l ) , and 12, 0), respectively.] Identical levels, of course, arise from the weak-field representation also as described in the text. (23) The *H term yields a state with M L = =t5 which should be denoted by a corresponding Greek letter. As the upper Greek letter corresponding t o H is Roman H itself, we retain this symbol as it is, Le., 2H (2H) in the weak field case and 2H(Pn) in the strong-field case. We hope no confusion arises from this notation. (24) E. U. Condon and G. H. Shortley, “The Theory of Atomic Spectra,” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, N . Y., 1957. (25) R. Finkelstein and J. H. VanVleck, J. Chem. Phys., 8, 790 (1940). (26) Derivation of these parameter numbers by symmetry arguments is shown very nicely in lecture notes by A. D. Liehr, “Geometry, Color, and Magnetism: The Ti(II1) and Cu(I1) Systems and their Relatives,” which also includes such noncubic symmetries as rhomboidal, unidigonal, centro- and asymmetrical, and n-polygonal prismoidal (n > 4 ) systems. These lecture notes are available upon request from A. D. Liehr, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. (27) R4(ri) in six-coordinate octahedral fields is given by




+ +


+ + + +





and R n ( ~ iand ) R4’(ri) in two-coordinate cylindrical fields are given, respectively, by



(2, *llVml*l,2)

Of - 4Dt

(2, @IV,/O,2) = 2Df

+ 6Dt


Energy Matrices. Quadrate. The ligand field matrix elements are calculated in the usual way by using the quadrate wave functions listed in Appendix A and the one-electron elements of eq l l b . The matrix elements due to electron correlations can be obtained by the use of the coulomb ( J ) and exchange ( K ) integrals of t2,and e, electrons listed in l i t e r a t ~ r e . ~It~may be noted here that since we are using octahedral orientation, except for the axial ligand field parameters, the matrix elements in Dq, A , B, and C would be exactly the same as those in cubic fields. Now in addition, the diagonal and some off-diagonal elements would contain the axial parameters Ds and Dt. In particular, different cubic representations belonging to the same representations of the quadrate symmetry are connected by nonzero offdiagonal elements containing the axial parameters. The doublet and quartet energy matrices of quadrate fields are listed in the tables of Appendices B19 and C, respectively . Trigonal. The ligand field matrix elements can be easily obtained by the application of eq 12b and the wave functions of Appendix A. The electron correlation matrix elements can be calculated either by expanding the wave functions into 11, ml) functions and then using their J and K integrals given in Condon and Shortley, or by directly using the J and K integrals of e*(tzp),al(tzp), and e*(e,) which were derived earlier by us.31 Just as in the quadrate case, here also the matrix elements in Dq, A , B , and C would be exactly the same as those of cubic fields. The axial parameters Da and D r occur in the diagonal and some off-diagonal elements and connect different cubic representations belonging to the same trigonal representation. Energy (28) These revised definitions of axial parameters are due to A. D. Liehr (read ref 26) which differ in signs from those earlier used in literature, e.g., ref 2a and 3a. These new signs of D p and DU have been chosen to parallel that for octahedral Dq, i.e., positive values of Dp and DUcorrespond to increased axial fields and negative values of D p and DU to decreased axial fields. (29) The Du and Dr parameters are related to the D and v‘ of Pryce and Runcimano and K and K’ of Sugano and Tanabe,’o according to the formulas V’



1/2 DO - 507) 3

Cylindrical (2, *2/Vml*2, 2) = -2Df

+ Dt



= K’ = -(30u






- 5D7)

+ 20Dr)

(30) See ref 2b,c, and 17c; also L. E. Orgel, J . Chem. Phys., 23, 1819 (1955). In ref 2b, the element ((z2)(zz)/l/T111(22/)(yz)) should be - 2 4 h 104/3F( or - 2 4 3 B . (31) The complete set of nonvanishing J and K integrals of al(tns), e+(tp8)and e*(ep) which were derived by us in the course of our work on d* and de configurations in noncubic fields (ref 7 ) will be published soon by the author in collaboration with A. D. Liehr.


Volume 71, Number 10 September 1967



strong-field cubic matrices of Tanabe and S ~ g a n oi.e., ,~~ matrices thus obtained are included in the tables of for a given set of A , B, C, and Dq, with Ds = DU = 0 Appendices BIBand C. and Dt = D r = 0, identical eigenvalues (cubic) should Cylindrical. With the use of the lL, S; MI., M s ) functions, it is a simple matter to calculate the ligand be obtained from both sets of energy matrices. Secfield matrix elements from the one-electron elements of ondly, if we set Dq = 0 with Ds = D a = D f and Dt = eq 13. The electron correlation elements are just Dr = Dt and for the same set of A , B, C parameters, those of the Russell-Saunders terms 4F,4P,2H, 2G, 2F, the same set of eigenvalues (cylindrical) should result cylindrical, quadrate, and trigonal energy matrices. ,2D, b2D, and 2P, given in Condon and S h ~ r t l e y . ~ from ~ The first procedure provides a check on our calculations Appendices B19 and C contain also the energy matrices of the cubic ligand field and electron correlation eleof cylindrical symmetry. It may be noted here that from this weak-field cylindrical representation, it is an ments, whereas the second checks the electron coreasy step to arrive a t the weak-field quadrate and relation and axial ligand field elements. The sugtrigonal energy matrices if the Dq parameter is also gested methods have been applied to the energy matrices included while doing the cylindrical calculations. It listed in Appendices B and C, and no inconsistencies is only necessary to recognize that the nonvanishing were found. elements are those connecting different IL, M L ) and IL,ML’) functions where M L and ML’ differ by an 111. Conclusions The energy matrices presented in this paper provide angular momentum of 4 in quadrate and by 3 in the counterpart of the cubic matrices of Tanabe and trigonal fields. If we consider 2H as an example, the Sugano for the noncubic fields. For accurate intervarious IL, M L ) functions are 15, * 5 ) , 15, *4), ( 5 , pretation of the spectral data of quadrate, trigonal, and *3), 15, *a), ( 5 , k l ) , and 15, 0). The pairs of funccylindrical systems of d3 configuration, these energy tions which have nonvanishing elements in cubic field matrices which include full configuration interaction parameter Dq (cf. eq l l a and 12a) are 15, + 5 ) and It should be noted that the quadrate should be used. 15, +1), 15, +4) and 15, O), 15, +3) and 15, -l), 15, +2) and trigonal energy matrices as given are useful for and 15, -2), 15, +1) and 15, -3)) 15, 0) and 15, -4)) treating tetragonal and trigonal perturbations over octa15, -1) and 15, - 5 ) in quadrate fields and 15, + 5 ) and hedral fields of d3 and tetrahedral fields of d’ configura15, +2), 15, +4) and 15, +1), 15, +3) and 15, O), 15, +2) and 15, -l), 15, +1) and 15, -2), 15,O) and 15, -3), (5, tion (positive values of Dq with appropriate values for B and C parameters) and also over the tetrahedral -1) and 15, -4), 15, -2) and 15, - 5 ) in trigonal fields. fields of d3 and octahedral fields of d7 configuration The other free-ion terms are similar. Once these are (negative values of Dq with appropriate values of B calculated, the weak-field quadrate and trigonal energy and C ) . The cylindrical energy matrices are useful for matrices (octahedral orientation) can be constructed by using, respectively, the q~adrate-oriented3~ and trigonally oriented cubic harmonics. (These latter are given (32) (a) H. A. Bethe, Ann. Physik, 3, 133 (1929). A complete Engby S. R. Polo, “Studies in Crystal Field Theory,” Vol. lish translation of this article is available from Consultants Bureau, New York, N. Y. (b) See also ref 2c. I and 11, in press.) (33) Derivation of unitary transformations connecting the three Internal Checks. Both weak-field and strong-field descriptive processes outlined above for noncubic fields is shown in energy matrices can be constructed independently Appendix D by considering the quadrate quartets as examples. (34) (a) Y. Tanabe and S. Sugano, J . Phys. SOC. Japan, 9, 753 from the corresponding octahedrally oriented wave (1954); (b) ibid., 9, 766 (1954). functions and can be solved for the same set of para(35) As the ‘ A 8 is a 2 X 2 matrix, i t can be easily solved for the metric values, thus arriving a t the same eigenvalues. energy equations. These are 1/z { (6Dq + 2 0 s + 6Dt - 15B) f [(lODq - 6Ds + lODt - 9B)2 + (l2B)Zl1/7) or 1/~{(6Dq+ 2Ds + Even before that, using one set of energy matrices in 6Dt - 15B) f [(lODq - ~ D + s lODt - 15B)’ + 12B(10Dq one scheme and the unitary transformations to the other 6Ds + 10Dt)I1/2). scheme,33energy matrices of the latter scheme can be (36) The same conclusion, namely, that an absorption band in the tetragonal Rystem should be positioned at lODq of the corresponding constructed without recourse to the wave functions by octahedral band, could be drawn for other d” configurations where the use of the relation n = 1 ( ~ Bground z state), 4 (KB1 ground state), 6 (&Bsground state),

H~ = F(r,)HwT(r,)* where the T(r,) are the transformation matrices.3* As an alternate to the above, we have carried out the following checks in this case. First, when the axial parameters are set equal to zero in the quadrate and trigonal energy matrices, both should result in the T h e Journd of Physical Chemistry

8 (SBI ground state), and 9 (*B1ground state). Good examples for a verification of this prediction will be t o study the optical spectra of octahedral as well as a series of monosubstituted and trans-disubstituted complexes of Ti(III), V(IV), Cr(lI), Mn(III), Fe(II), Co(III), Ni(II), and Cu(I1). (37) See part I1 of this series and also (a) W. B. Schaap, R. Krishnamurty, D. K. Wakefield, and J. R. Perumareddi, Abstracts, IXth International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Switzerland, Sept 1966; (b) R. Krishnamurty, W. B. Schaap, and J. R. Perumareddi, Inorg. Chem., 6, 1338 (1967).


treating linear systems of da and d7 configurations. At zero Dq value in both quadrate and trigonal sets, the energy levels are characterized by the cylindrical labels and, hence, the cylindrical energy matrices can be used to deduce the corresponding eigenfunctions. Energy level plots can be obtained in both quadrate and trigonal fields by fixing B , C, Dv and Dp/Dv ( S K ) and varying Dq, over the range of 0 to 4000 cm-l. The resulting plots assume the form of well-known TanabeSugano cubic plots, but now the doubly and triply degenerate (orbitally) cubic levels will be split into two each in quadrate, and in trigonal only the triply degenerate cubic levels will be split into two (vide infra). Similar energy plots can be constructed, of course, by varying K , the ratio of the axial ligand field parameters and likewise, for different values of Dv. Energy levels of cylindrical systems can be derived as functions of Dt by fixing all the other parameters since Dq is zero. I n the case of quadrate symmetry, some interesting conclusions can be drawn from the quartet energy matrices. As we already know, the various quartets in quadrate fields35 are 4B1Q[4A2,C(t2,3) I, 4 B ~[4T~,C Q (tzP2e,)1, 4A~Q[4T1gC(tzpzeg) I, 4A~Q[4T~pC(t~pe,2) 1 and three of 4EQcorresponding to the last three levels. The difference in energy between the 4B2Q [4T~pC(tzpZeg) 3 and 4B1Q[4A2,C(tz,3)] levels is still given by 1ODq. This result is exact including configuration interaction since these two levels are 1 X 1 matrices. This means that as long as the ground state is 4B1Q[4Az,C(t2,3)] [this is true if (1ODq 12B) 2 -(4Ds 5Dt)], we still expect in the tetragonally distorted (or substituted) octahedral da systems a band (4BzQ)positioned at lODq, i e . , at the same energy as the 4Tz, band of the corresponding oct,ahedral complex.36 The 4EQcomponent of the 4Tz, cubic band will then be placed either on the higher or lower energy side of 4BzQdepending upon whether the Dt is positive (axial compression or sub-




stitution by a higher field ligand) or negative (axial elongation or substitution by a lower field ligand). This interesting conclusion suggests another means of constructing useful energy diagrams. If we fix Dq along with A , B, C and K for a particular octahedral system of d3 configuration and vary Dt in an energy diagram, such a plot will be useful in the interpretation of the spectral data of a variety of monosubstituted and trans-disubstituted derivatives of that particular octahedral system. Such energy plots will be shown where they are applicable in the future papers on applications of our calculations to experimental situation^.^' A similar result can be deduced for trigonal fields in a special case when 3Da = 5 0 7 . Under these conditions, the 4A2T[4Az,C(tz,3))3 level does not interact configurationally with the other two 4AzTlevels (cf. quartet trigonal matrices of Appendix C) with the result that the energy separation of this ground level and the excited state 4AlT[4T2paC(t2g2ep)] is given by 1ODq. Also, the energy equations of the other 4 A ~ Tstates in this special circumstance are found t o be ‘/2{

(6Dq - l5B

+ 28/D~) f


[(lODq - 9B)2 (12B)2]l”’~

or l/2{

(6Dq - l5B

+ 28/3D7)f [(loop - 15B)z

+ 12B(lODq)]”’]

Acknowledgments. Many valuable conversations and discussions with Dr. Andrew D. Liehr on the theory of noncubic ligand fields in general have given the author the stimulation t o carry out the work presented in this report. For this, the author is greatly indebted to him. The author wishes to thank Drs. E. W. Baker, R. Krishnamurty, and S. T. Spees, Jr., respectively, of the Mellon Institute, the Indiana University, and the University of Minnesot,a,for kindly reading and commenting on the manuscript.

Appendix C Quartet Energy Matrices of d 3 Configuration Quadrate Fields ‘AzpC(tzp3)



-1209 7Dt + 3 A - 15B - E

4T~paC(t,Qze,) 4Ti,ac(tzpzep)

-209 +3A

+ 4 0 s - 2Dt - 3B



8Dq - 2Ds 8Dt 12B - E +3A



-209 f3A



+ ’/4Dt 15B



-2Dq - 209 - 3/4Dt + 3 A - 3B - E

+6B 8Dq +3A

+ D s + 3Dt -



Volume 71, Number 10 September 1961



Trigonal Fields 'TzgcC(tagLp)

-209 +3A

- 18Dq + 7 D r )










+ DO + 3D7



-2Dq +3A

- 507)

+ Du + 3 0 7


'/3(3D~ 507) +6B 2/s(12Dq ~ D u 2 0 7 ) +3A 12B - E

- 3B - E






- 5D7)


- 5Dr)

'/3(24Dq +3A

+6 B

- 3 0 0 - 16Dr) - 12B - E

Cylindrical Fields 4F


'0 4F



Df 3Dt +3A - 15B





-'/5(3Dr - 5 D t ) +3A - 15B - E

-'/5Df +3A - E



'F $3A

-e(4Df 5

-7 D t - 15B - E




+ 5Dt)

Appendix D Weak-Field, Weak Axial Strong-Field, and Strong Axial Strong-Field Conjunctive Relations. We shall consider only the quartets of d3 configuration in quadrate fields to show the confluence of the three descriptive processes. The conjugative algebra can be carried out by expanding the separate basis vectors, the one in terms of the other. The derivation of the transformation matrices conjoining the weak-field and weak






-2Df 15Dt) +3A l5B - E





- 5Dt)

"//sDf +3A - E

axial strong-field schemes of quadrate (or trigonal) symmetry is a simple process if the corresponding weakfield, strong-field transformation matrices of cubic fields are known. Since octahedral orientation is kept in weak axial field description, the derivation involves merely combining transformation matrices of those cubic representations belonging to the same quadrate representation. Thus the following matrices connect the weak-field and weak axial strong-field processes.



Corresponding transformation matrices connecting the weak axial strong-field and strong axial strong-field schemes are shown to be (Note that the symmetry adapted basis functions in the latter scheme are

Similar algebraic procedures yield the following connections between the weak-field and strong axial strongfield coupling schemes. It should be noted that these matrices can be independently gotten by merely multiplying the respective transformation matrices of the above two schemes.

It can be seen in this particular configuration no difference prevails between weak axial strong-field and strong axial strong-field descriptions with respect to the B1, B2, and A2 representations. The case of B1 and B2 representations is a general result as these are one by one matrices and hence cannot be different, whatever be the coupling scheme. The case of A2 representation is obvious from the energy matrix where the off-diagonal matrix element does not contain the axial field parameters in the former scheme also. However, difference does exist for the 4E matrix as it contains nonvanishing off-diagonal elements in axial field parameters in weak axial strong-field scheme, which are now diagonalized in the strong axial strong-field scheme. This, of course, results in more of nonvanishing off-diagonal elements in electron correlations as can be seen from the following energy matrix. Volume 71, Number 10 September 1987



-209. +3A

+ D S + 3Dt

- 3B


- 12B - E

-209 +3A

- 309 - 2Dt - 6B - E

-343B 8Dq

+ Ds + 3Dt





Both the Az and E energy matrices of the weak-field scheme differ from those of the weak axial and strong axial strong-field schemes. They are also listed here for comparison with the 'E matrix given above and the 'Az and 4E matrices given in Appendix C. (Tto((F)


2/6(15Dq +3A

- 2Ds + 15Dt) - 15B - E




The J o u r d of Phyakd Chemwtry

- 3Ds + 5 D t ) + 3A - E