Ligand Induced Conformational Changes of a Membrane Transporter

Jan 22, 2016 - Ligand Induced Conformational Changes of a Membrane Transporter in E. coli Cells Observed with DEER/PELDOR. Benesh Joseph†, Arthur Si...
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Ligand induced conformational changes of a membrane transporter in E. coli cells observed with DEER/PELDOR Benesh Joseph, Arthur Sikora, and David S. Cafiso J. Am. Chem. Soc., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b13382 • Publication Date (Web): 22 Jan 2016 Downloaded from on January 25, 2016

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Ligand induced conformational changes of a membrane transporter in E. coli cells observed with DEER/PELDOR Benesh Joseph*,†, Arthur Sikora§, David S. Cafiso*,§ †

Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry and Center for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance, University of Frankfurt, Max-von-Laue-Strasse 7, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany § Department of Chemistry and Center for Membrane Biology, University of Virginia, McCormick Road, Charlottesville VA22904-4319, USA Supporting Information Placeholder ABSTRACT: An unrealized goal in structural biology is the determination of structure and conformational change at high resolution for membrane proteins within the cellular environment. Pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) is a wellestablished technique to follow conformational changes in purified membrane protein complexes. Here we demonstrate the first proof of concept for the use of PELDOR to observe conformational changes in a membrane protein in intact cells. We exploit the fact that outer membrane proteins usually lack reactive cysteines and the fact that paramagnetic spin labels entering the periplasm are selectively reduced to achieve specific labeling of the cobalamin transporter BtuB in Escherichia coli. We characterize conformational changes in the second extracellular loop of BtuB upon ligand binding and compare the PELDOR data with high-resolution crystal structures. Our approach avoids detergent extraction, purification and reconstitution usually required for these systems. With this approach structure, function, conformational changes and molecular interactions of outer membrane proteins can be studied at high resolution in the cellular environment. Determining biomolecular structures and their conformational changes at high resolution has primarily been achieved with X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy and more recently with cryoEM. In many cases these studies have provided detailed models for conformational transitions that drive function in many macromolecules including several membrane proteins. In almost all these cases, the structures have been obtained after isolating the target molecule from its native environment. This approach masks the effect of the cellular conditions such as molecular crowding, specific localization, interaction with other molecules/ions, pH or ionic gradients, the lipid environment and physiological responses. All these factors may critically influence the structure, function and dynamics of a biomolecule. For membrane proteins, there is increasing evidence on the vital role of the native lipid environment on protein folding, structure and activity.1,2 Thus, the next challenge for membrane protein structural biology is to obtain structural and dynamic information in the cellular environment. Membrane proteins are often extracted and purified in detergent and are typically returned to a lipid environment by reconstituting the protein into a lipid bilayer consisting of native or non-native lipids. In this manner, conformational changes in several membrane proteins have been studied with EPR,3,4 FRET5 and NMR.6 In-cell FRET usually employs fluorescent proteins as tags, and

due to their large size these tags can provide only low resolution information.5 In-cell NMR experiments are limited due to low sensitivity and the requirement that the macromolecule be small and rapidly tumbling.7 The requirement for a well-ordered 2D crystal severely limits the use of diffraction techniques to study membrane proteins in native environments. Thus obtaining high resolution in-cell information for membrane proteins remains a challenge that necessitates new approaches. Pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR or DEER)8,9 has received a great deal of attention in structural biology, particularly for membrane proteins. The technique can resolve distance distributions between spin pairs with high precision in the range of 1.5 to 10.0 nm.4,10,11 Combined with simulations and modeling, these distance distributions can validate existing structures and provide information on alternate structural states that have not been observed in crystals.12,13 PELDOR experiments are typically performed at low temperature, although under proper conditions they can be carried out in liquid solutions using spin labels having long phase memory time (Tm).14-16 Since proteins are usually diamagnetic, paramagnetic spin labels, most commonly the methanethiosulfonate spin label (MTSSL/MTSL), are introduced into a protein by covalent attachment to an engineered cysteine residue.17 Spin-labeling of a cysteine with MTSL generates the side chain named R1. Recently, Gd(III) spin labels have attracted attention for in-cell PELDOR because they are resistant to the reducing environment inside the cell.18,19 The use of PELDOR incell has been demonstrated using spin-labeled ubiquitin, which was introduced into oocytes or HeLa cells.19,20 Distance measurements have been reported on spin labeled colicin A added to E. coli.21 However, the signal-to-noise ratio was poor and such exogenous introduction of a protein does not work for most of the membrane proteins. Recently, we used PELDOR to measure distances between the endogenous cobalamin transporter and its spin-labeled substrate in intact E. coli.22 Here we report ligand-induced conformational changes in the extracellular loops of the outer membrane cobalamin transporter BtuB in intact E. coli. To our knowledge, this is the first report of conformational changes in a membrane transporter at high resolution in the cellular environment. We show the potential of this approach to verify conformational changes observed in crystal structures and to obtain additional information in the cellular environment. Beta-barrel proteins are ubiquitous in gram-negative bacteria, chloroplasts and mitochondria and they perform vital physiological functions such as membrane biogenesis, substrate

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aand protein transslocation, motility, drug resistan nce, and signalin ng. B BtuB is a 22-strranded β-barrel protein that is filled with a 13 30 rresidue N-termin nal plug or hattch domain in the t center. It is a m member of the TonB-dependen nt transporter (T TBDT) family, rer qquiring a proton n motive force (pmf) and the inner membran ne E ExbB-ExbD-Ton nB complex for cyanocobaalamin (CN-Cb bl) ttransport. We ex xpressed BtuB in E. coli having g two cysteines at tthe desired posittions that were spin-labeled by adding MTSL to tthe cell suspension. Outer memb brane (OM) protteins in E. coli are a ooften cysteine-frree (cys-less) or have cysteines that are not reaacttive. Thus labeling of engineerred solvent-acceessible target sittes 22,23 ccould be achieveed by adding MT TSL to the cell exterior. e How weever, it is not neecessarily obviou us why we shou uld have achieved sspecific labeling.

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W-EPR). As shoown in Figure 2a, the spin conccentration in (RT CW the suppernatant quicklyy decreased reacching less than 110 µM in 45 minutess. Similar resultts have been obbserved for the rreduction of Temponne and spin-labbeled gentamyccin by Pseudom monas aeruginosa and E. coli cells24 and for the TPOA spin labbel (2,2,5,5tetrameethyl-pyrroline-11-oxyl-3-carboxyylic acid amide) in Xenopus laevis ooocytes.25 Greatter stability hass been reported for another modifieed five-memberred nitroxide sppin-label in E. coli.26 It is possibl e that the rather high concentrattion of the spin-llabel (10-20 fold) coompared to whaat we used andd other experimeental conditions m might have contriibuted to the greeater stability. T The apparent MTSL reduction was m much faster for 188C-399C muttant. At present wee do not undersstand the reasonns for this obseervation and additionnal work is neeeded to determinne whether the presence of unfoldeed precursors wiith reactive cysteeines in the peripplasm might have acccelerated MTSL L reduction. As we reported earlierr, no signal couuld be detected for the WT cell pelllet22 or for cyssteine mutationss located in periiplasm (8C, 9C, Figgure S2), whereaas single or doubble cysteine muttants located on the extracellular looops or the expossed surface of thhe hatch doSL (Figure 2c-ee). We conmain yyielded signal frrom bound MTS clude thhat upon entry iinto periplasm, MTSL may stayy free, react with acccessible cysteinnes or even crosss the inner mem mbranes. In any casse it is quickly reeduced. As sugggested previouslly,24 interaction witth the electron trransport chain inn the inner membbrane might be a reeason for the rap apid reduction. W Whatever the exxact mechanism off MTSL reductiion is, this proceess eliminated ssignals from unwantted sites, whichh is very critical for the PELD DOR experiment.

F Figure 1. (a) Structure of the the Gram-negative G baccterial cell wall. The T oouter membrane (O OM) is assymetricc consisting of an inner phospholop pid layer and an outerr lipopolysacharid de (LPS) layer. The T inner membraane ((IM) consists of a phosopholipid bilayer containing numerouns n α-heliccal pproteins. Exposed cysteines on β-barrrel proteins can be b labeled by additton oof MTSL from ou utside. Those MT TSL molecules wh hich enter periplassm thhrough the porins are reduced. (b) The PELDOR (4--pulse DEER)9 pullse ssequence consists of a refocused eccho at the observeer frequency (blacck) aand its intensity modulation m is monittored as a function n of the timing of an innversion pulse at the pump frequency (blue).

T The outer memb brane is permeaable to moleculees below 600 Da, D aand the MTSL could easily reaach periplasm and a react with exe pposed cysteines of inner membrrane proteins (Fiigure 1a). Howeeveer, we have neveer observed an EPR signal follow wing labeling of E. ccoli cells expresssing ‘cys-less’ BtuB B or other cysteine c mutatio ons located in peripllasm. Attempts to label cysteinees at the periplaasm mic interface wiith maleimido-p proxyl also did not n give a signal, rruling out any possible p interfereence from the disulfide d bond fo orm mation (Dsb) system. These obsservations suggeest that the MTS SL is reduced follow wing entry into the periplasm. We demonstrated ppreviously that a spin-labeled CN-Cbl, which h binds tightly to B BtuB, is not redu uced by cells22 confirming c that the t reduction mu ust hhappen only afteer entry into the periplasm. p T To further underrstand the reducction process, we w added 150 µM µ M MTSL to a 30 mL m suspension containing cellss collected from ma ttwo liter overnight culture. Sam mples were collected at period dic intervals and MT TSL concentration in the supern natants was mon nittored using room m temperature co ontinuous wave EPR E spectroscop py

Figure 22. (a) Reduction o f MTSL by E. coli cells expressing WT or 188C399C B BtuB. A 10-15% error is estimateed for the spin cconcentration calculateed using RT CW W-EPR. (b) apo-BttuB structure (1NQ QE) with the plug doomain in black. S Spin-labeled posittions are highlighhted in CPK represenntation. The 2nd eextra cellular loopp conformation ass observed in the BtuB B-Ca2+ (blue, 1NQ QG) and BtuB-Caa2+-CN-Cbl (yellow w, 1NQH) is overlaidd. (c, d, e) RT CW W-EPR spectra m measured in live E E. coli (2x109 cells) ass indicated.

Despitee the availabilityy of several cryystal structures, the mechanism foor substrate trannsport remains uunclear for TBD DTs.27 In all the struuctures, the N-tterminal hatch ddomain occludes the barrel leavingg no space for ssubstrate movem ment. It has beenn suggested that thee N-terminal doomain may rem main within the barrel and rearrannge28 or exit thee barrel partially29 or completeely30 during transloccation. It is posssible that a nattive cellular envvironment is necessaary for the N-teerminal domain to achieve a traanslocationcompettent conformatioon. We attemptted to spin labeel positions 66C, 774C and 90C loocated on the N N-terminal domaain in BtuB (Figuree 2b). We could label 74C and 990C whereas labbeling failed for 66C C probably becaause it is stericallly restricted as observed in the cryystal structures ((Figure S2c). Innterestingly, bothh 74R1 and 90R1 rrevealed spectraa in the rigid lim mit (correlation time (τc) >

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1100 ns, Figure S3) suggesting a static conform mation for the NN tterminal domain n in the cellular environment. In n future, it will be b interesting to exp plore how this riigid conformatio on is modulated by b tthe presence of liigands, pmf or TonB T in the cellu ular environmentt. T To investigate th he possibility off observing confo formational chan ngees in intact E. co oli cells, we spiin labeled 188C–399C located on o tthe 2nd extra celllular loop (conn necting β-strands 3 and 4) and 7th 7 loop (connecting g β-strands 13 an nd 14), respectiv vely. The 2nd loo op sshows very largee conformationaal changes in thee crystal structurres in response to lig gand binding.31 It is not resolved in the BtuB-ap po ccrystal structure,, whereas it is completely c orderred in both BtuB BC Ca2+ and BtuB-C Ca2+-CN-Cbl strructures (Figuree 2b). BtuB bin nds ttwo Ca2+ ions wiith high affinity through an aspaartate cage consissting of several residues from loop ps 2 and 3. Loo op 7 carrying possittion 399 is well ordered o even in the absence of th he ligands and has h a very similar co onformation in all the three crysttal structures (Fiiguure 2b). Thus ch hanges in the 188R1-399R1 disttance are expected tto result from mo otion of the 2nd loop. U Unlike for the positions p located d on the hatch domain, RT CW WE EPR spectroscop py revealed a raather mobile speectrum for 188R R13399R1 in agreem ment with their location on the loop sites (Figu ure 22e). For the 188R R1 single mutan nt, we could ach hieve up to 30 μM μ sspin concentratio on using a 2x1011 cells/mL susp pension.22 Howeeveer, for the 188R1-399R1 doublee mutant we cou uld obtain only 30 3 μ μM spin (instead d of the expected d 60 μM) at the same cell densitty. T The modulation depth (λ) of th he PELDOR tracces for the in-ceell ssamples presenteed below is in th he 6-8 % range (Figure ( 3). This is aabout 25% of th he maximum λ achievable witth our Q-band ini sstrument for a saample with 100 % spin-labeling g efficiency. Th hus w we obtained only 50-60% spin--labeling efficien ncy for the 188C C3399C double mu utant in E. coli cells. c There cou uld be several reeassons for this low w labeling efficieency in whole ceells. The surroun nding LPS moleculles may interferee with MTSL accessibility (Figu ure 11a), and since th he reduction app pears to be very y fast (Figure 2aa), ssome reduced MTSL M might hav ve diffused bacck from periplassm aand reacted with h 188C and 399C C. In spite of thee low spin conceenttration and λ, we w could achiev ve high quality PELDOR data in intact E. coli cells with 36-48 hrs h of accumulaation. BtuB sing gle ccysteine mutantss do not show any distances in i the measurab ble rrange confirming g that BtuB exiists as a monom mer in the cellullar eenvironment.22 The T PELDOR data were analy yzed using DeeerA Analysis softwarre32 employing Tikhonov regullarization with Lccurve criterion and a the error of the distance disttribution was esstim mated by system matically varyin ng the intermoleecular backgroun nd ffunction (Figure S4-5). IIn the apo-state (no Ca2+ or CN-Cbl) C in E. coli c cells, 188R R13399R1 cells show wed a broad inteerspin distance distribution d with ha m mean distance att 2.66±0.9 nm (F Figure 3d, red). It I is likely that th he ddynamic nature of the 2nd loop p contributes to the broad confo orm mational distribu ution and explain ns why this loop p is not resolved in tthe BtuB-apo cry ystal structure (F Figure 2b). Thuss in the absence of C Ca2+, the 2nd lo oop occupies a large conformatiional landscape in E E. coli cells and d might completeely occlude the binding pocket in ssome states. Inteerestingly, additiion of Ca2+ ions to the cells pop pulated a distinct conformation c with a mean distaance at 2.82±0.3 30 nnm (Figure 3e, red), r in agreemen nt with the appeearance of the 2n nd loop in BtuB-Caa2+ structure.31 Simulation S of thiis spin pair in th he ccontext of this crystal structuree (1NQG) using g MMM33 gave a ppredicted distrib bution that was broader with a mean distance at 22.61±0.39 nm (F Figure 3e, cyan n). Further addition of CN-Cbl to fform the ternary y complex shifteed the main peaak giving a mean ddistance at 3.12± ±0.33 nm. Simulation on the corrresponding crysttal sstructure (1NQH H) predicted a broader b distribu ution with a mean ddistance at 2.73±0.37 nm (Figu ure 3f, cyan). Despite D the diffeer-

ences bbetween the expperimental resullts and the simuulations, the PELDO OR data validatted the Ca2+-indduced ordering of the 2nd loop obbserved in the cry rystal structures iin the cellular ennvironment. To furtther investigate the role of thee cellular enviroonment, we isolatedd outer membrannes (OM) contaaining BtuB usinng an established pprotocol34 (see m methods). PELD DOR with the O OM revealed (Figuree 3d-e, black) soome differences compared to thee whole cell sample s in the apo- annd Ca2+-bound states. In the aapo-sate, the overall distance distribbutions are simillar, however in whole cells there iss a higher populaation of shorter distances (meann distance of 2.6±0.889 nm as compaared to 3.16±0.884 nm in OM). IIn the Ca2+bound sstate, the 2nd looop again becom mes ordered (meaan distances at 2.722±0.31 nm) as oobserved in whoole cells and inn the crystal structurre. The shape oof the distance ddistribution in O OM appears differennt when comparred to whole cellls. In presence oof both Ca2+ and CN N-Cbl, the distannces obtained inn OM (2.98±0.18 nm) were virtuallly identical to thhe whole cell saamples (Figure 33f). Notably in OM,, the presence off both Ca2+ and C CN-Cbl inducedd a narrower distanc e distribution aas compared to Ca2+ alone. Inn summary, there exxist small differrences in the distance distributiion between whole ccell and OM ennvironments; how wever the overaall responses of the lloops to ligand(ss) binding are vvery similar. Sim milar conformationaal changes weree observed prevviously in POPC C vesicles;27 howeveer, the quality oof this earlier ddata was not com mparable to that obttained here andd a quantitative comparison witth the previous ressult was not maade. The differennces observed bbetween the simulattions and the exxperiment could be explained byy the exclusion off some of the rrotamers (populaated in the crysstals) in the native membrane envvironment (Figuure 3e-f, cyan vvs. red and black). Such selective rotamer exclusiion might resultt from additional ssteric interferennce around the spin labels perhhaps due to interacttions with LPS, proteins or duee to other compponents present in the cellular envvironment. The llimited accuracyy in the prediction of the rotamerss and the intersppin distances (± ±3 Å)33 may also havve contributed too the differencess.

Figure 3. (a-c) Backgrouund corrected Q-bband PELDOR datta at 50 K for 188R1-3399R1 mutant in E. coli cells (redd) or OM (black)) in different functionnal states. (d-f) A Area normalized distance distributtions and the correspoonding simulationns (cyan) normaliized to the maxiimum of the experim mental data.

The datta presented herre demonstrate thhat conformatioonal changes in a m membrane protein can be obserrved using PEL LDOR in an isolatedd native membrrane. The OM P PELDOR data ssuggest that isolatioon of the outer m membrane using tthe standard proocedure does not sevverely alter the behavior of BtuuB. Moreover, when compared too whole cells, thhe OM samples are very stable and may be concent ntrated allowing higher quality PELDOR data and shorter

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acquisition times (Figure 3). In addition, these OM preparations are leaky and provide access to both membrane surfaces, a feature that will be useful for studying interactions between OM proteins and other molecular partners located in the periplasm or inner membrane (with BtuF or TonB for example) or to investigate interaction and folding of proteins into native outer membranes. In summary, we demonstrated the measurement of conformational changes in a membrane protein within the native cellular environment of intact E. coli cells for the first time. Our results reveal a very dynamic conformation of the 2nd loop in the apo-state that is not resolved in the crystal structure. Further, we validated the conformational changes of this loop upon ligand binding observed in BtuB crystal structures in the cellular environment. Two important features of the E. coli cells make this observation possible; the lack of native reactive cysteines in OM proteins and the selective reduction of MTSL that enters the periplasm. With its higher sensitivity and ability to examine structures of any molecular weight, PELDOR is ideally suited to obtain distance constraints in the cellular environment. In principle any solvent exposed sites other than those located in the periplasm can be spin-labeled. Thus, residues on the extra-cellular loops or the Nterminal domain which are involved in substrate recognition and translocation in numerous β-barrel proteins could be spin-labeled and studied in intact cells. Additionally, these proteins could be genetically modified to incorporate paramagnetic metal binding tags or amino acids in the periplasm. The general applicability of the method would be extended with further improvement in sensitivity. The signal can be increased with optimization of the labeling efficiency and by using stronger and tunable promoters to increase expression levels. Addition of d8-glycerol can improve Tm in both OM and whole cell samples,22 and it might be possible to increase the sensitivity by growing cells in a deuterated media. Normally, BtuB is expressed at less than 103 copies/cell and the overexpression used here increases the expression up to 105 copies/cell.22 Several OM proteins are expressed at more than 105 copies per cell, thus it should be possible to study these proteins at physiological concentrations in the cellular environment. Combined with the recent developments in pulsed EPR instrumentation and pulse sequences,35-37 it will be possible to perform PELDOR at even lower expression levels. ASSOCIATED CONTENT

Supporting Information Details on the whole cell preparation, spin-labeling, MTSL reduction kinetics, CW-EPR, PELDOR measurements and data analysis are presented. AUTHOR INFORMATION

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Notes The authors declare no competing financial interests. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 807) and Marie-Curie GO-IN Fellowship (B.J.) and NIGMS grant GM035215 (D.S.C). B.J would like to thank Prof. T.F. Prisner for the critical discussions and support and Prof. Enrico Schleiff for providing the protein expression facilities.

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