Light hydrocarbons use poised for upsurge - Chemical & Engineering

Oct 5, 1981 - Eng. News , 1981, 59 (40), p 15. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v059n040. ... ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives ... print 5 October 1981. C&EN Online News...
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Light hydrocarbons use poised for upsurge A long expected, dramatic, worldwide upsurge is about to begin in the use of light hydrocarbon raw materials— ethane, propane, and butane—to make ethylene, the largest-volume commercial organic chemical. Large quantities of these hydrocarbons soon will be produced in Canada, Mexico, the Middle East, and other areas. Actual use for making chemicals will depend on how competitive the selling prices will be for these hydrocarbons. These are the broad conclusions in a new edition of the Light Hydrocarbon Feedstock Study by McClanahan Consultants Inc. and DeWitt & Co., both of Houston. The study reaches these conclusions after an analysis of ethylene production and feedstocks in olefin plants worldwide. However, the study also finds that the expected increase in use of these light hydrocarbons in olefins plants will not be enough to absorb fully the huge quantities becoming available. Most of the remainder will have to go to the fuels market, the study says.



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Specifically, the study predicts that worldwide feedstock consumption of ethane will increase 65% between 1980 and 1985, from 20.3 billion lb to 33.5 billion lb. The share consumed in the U.S. will decline from a dominant 84% in 1980 to a much less dominant 56% in 1985. But U.S. volume still will rise, from 17 billion lb in 1980 to 18.8 billion lb in 1985. The outlook is similar for propane and butane. Worldwide use of feedstock propane is forecast to rise from 14.4 billion lb in 1980 to 20.1 biUion lb in 1985. The U.S. share will drop from 91% to 79%, although actual U.S. volume will rise from 13.1 billion lb to 15.8 billion lb. Use of butane as a feedstock is predicted to double between 1980 and 1985, rising from 6.8 billion lb to almost 15.4 billion lb. The U.S. share will decline from 35% to 27%, but again actual volume will increase, from 2.4 billion lb to 4.2 billion lb, the study indicates. Greater use for four-carbon feedstocks has been a priority item in many oil and chemical company R&D programs over the past several years, and a number of new processes are expected to materialize. •

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Oct. 5, 1981 C&EN