Light Source Developed by General Electric - Analytical Chemistry

May 17, 2012 - Light Source Developed by General Electric. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (4), pp 113A–121A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60172a815. Publication Date: Apr...
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Light Source Developed by General Electric Uses Synthetic Lucalox Ceramic

GE's Lucalox ceramic attains high degree of clarity by elimination of all microscopic pores that make conventional ceramics appear opaque. Although clear when placed against printed matter, the material resembles frosted glass at greater distances.

TV;YELOPMENT of a new light source that combines high light output with extremely favorable color quality has been announced by General Electric Co.'s Large Lamp Department. The lamps, still in the development stage, are metallic vapor types, falling into the family of electric discharge lamps which includes fluorescent and mercury lamps'. The new lamps make use of thin tubular envelopes made of GE's polycrystalline alumina ceramic, Lucalox, which permits the use of alkali metal vapors at higher pressures and temperatures than previously. Lucalox, according to a company spokesman, is the first highly refractory synthetic ceramic ever to combine translucence with extremely high strength characteristics. It can withstand higher temperatures than most other ceramics in use and can be pressed into any shape. The new type lamps made from Lucalox require no external envelope, enabling operation of the lamps in air.

They show good energy distribution throughout the light spectrum, making excellent color quality possible without the need for phosphor or other coatings. The company points out that their small size—about that of a kingsize cigarette—conforms to the longterm trend toward greater output from smaller sources. Lucalox makes feasible the study of light and color from metallic vapors not usable in previously available materials. One lamp type being studied at GE uses cesium vapor, which cannot be used efficiently in conventional glass or quartz envelopes. Cesium attacks these materials severely and will blacken quartz in a few seconds at 500° C The cesium lamp being studied is said to provide excellent color quality at an efficiency of about 35 lumens per watt. The alkali metallic vapor lamps now under development operate at temperatures where quartz would melt. General Electric stresses that the new lamps are still under development, and that it is too early to state positively that they will become mass production items. P-l

tion of the substance. A large meter, with mirror-backed scales to eliminate parallax, shows results in both per cent transmittance and optical density of the substance being tested. E. Leitz, Inc. P-2

Compact multipoint recorder, Model M11A, scans and measures 2 to 12 input sources at rate of 5 sec. per point, with other print rates available on request. Basic 12-point unit can be changed to six, four, three, or two points by simple changes. Chart width is 11 in.; height of unit is 81/2 in. Westronics, Inc. P-3

Low-Cost Photometer Model M Photrometer is said by the company to be simple and classic in design, thus minimizing the possibility of breakdown and the need for servicing. Yet it is also said to provide the precision usually needed and to be capable of testing a volume of less than i y 2 ml. of colored solution. In operation, a specimen is placed in the light path, where water absorbs comparatively little light while colored matter absorbs more. The light is then transmitted to a photocell where it generates a current which is smaller for colored matter, thus providing a measure of the concentra-

Many new items of analytical interest were shown at the recent Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition of Modern Laboratory Equipment. These will be listed in the New Products columns of Analytical Chemistry's May issue.

Automatic pipettor, the Accropet, is designed for one-hand operation. Made of polypropylene to withstand temperatures to 320° F., it uses 0ring construction for leak-proof action. Ultramicro size is for all pipets up to 0.2 c c , while the micro size is for pipets to 2 cc. Emil Greiner Co. P-4 VOL.

33, NO. 4, APRIL 1961




This < 2 £


The shell of the P-K Type (IV) Lab Blender can be charged from either side by the quick removal of either of two dust- and watertight covers.

Gamma Spectrometer Eliminates "Dark Current" Defect Combines Better Resolution With Greater Precision Over Wider Range Than Any Other System At Any Price



800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100


Actual spectrogram of Cobalt-60 made with a GSS-1. Window No. 3. Time constant: 2 sec.

Direct recording attachment for Model DU spectrophotometer enables print­ ing of wave length and transmittance data of several samples at one or more wave lengths. Complete spec­ trum can also be plotted. Easily fitted on spectrophotometer and doesn't in­ terfere with normal use of the instru­ ment. Connecticut Instrument Corp. P-5

INTENSIFIER TYPE - To get intensive mix­ ing of hard-to-blend dry solids, or to break up agglomerates, use wire cage bar assembly. Average blending time for dry formulations: 3 to 5 minutes. FOR GENTLE PRECISION BLENDING — Simply remove wire cage bar. Unique blend­ ing action will not cause attrition or break down even the most delicate crystals. Average blending time: 3 to 5 minutes.


Actual spectrogram of Radium made with a GSS-1. Four runs over a period of 20 hours with no adjust­ ment of instrument between runs, demonstrating utmost stability. Range: 30,000 C/M. Time constant: 3 sec.


Short-arc mercury lamp operates from 42.5 volts d.c. to produce high intensity point source of light. Brightness is 250 candles per sq. mm. and the light produced is 10,000 lumens. Rating is 250 watts and average life is 250 hours. Company recommends for variety of uses: polarimeters, interferometers, pro­ jection devices, and others. Westinghouse Electric Corp. P-6

Nuclear Measurements Corp.

Two Dial Balance

2460 N. Arlington Ave. . Phone: Liberty 6-2415 INDIANAPOLIS 18, INDIANA international Office: 13 E. 40th Street, New York 16, Ν. Υ. Circle No. 12 on Readers' Service Card

Oil d a m p e d Model D W L - 5 torsion u n i t h a s 500-gm. capacity, a n d u p to 90 grams of weight loading can be dialed in

114 A



P-K's NEW (LV) LAB BLENDER LIQUID-SOLIDS TYPE - To disperse and blend, uniformly, liquids of any viscosity with dry solids, just insert the wire cage liquidfeed bar assembly. Handles liquids from mi­ nute quantities up to 40% of total weight. Liquid is introduced through hollow shaft of bar. Even critical formulations blended in 5 to 10 minutes.

T h i s greatly simplified system features reg­ ulated high voltage supply as part of the counting ratemeter auto-scan system . . . all-transistorized probe amplifier and spec­ trometer circuits . . . and solid or well-type crystal. These points and the actual spec­ trograms shown here tell only part of the story. For full details, write or phone collect.

1000 900

with ^


A complete gamma spectrometer system NMC model GSS-1 ($4,180 fob, Indianapolis)



This new P-K Type ( L V ) L a b Blender owes its versatility to the design of the removable, spring-loaded liquid-feed bar assembly. Liquids and solids are prevented from entering the bearing housings by an exclusive, patented seal. Standard ( L V ) L a b Blenders are available in 8 and 16 quart capacities, in transparent Lucite or stainless steel. Interior of shell and stain­ less steel bar assembly can b e cleaned, clin­ ically, in minutes. Operates on 115 ν AC. Units can be shipped from stock. For complete technical information and prices, write to PK's Chemical and Process Equip­ ment Division) 224 Hanson Street, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. UQ

Patterson-Kelly All P-K Twin-Shell Blenders are patented and the name registered Circle No. 79 on Readers' Service Card

H E V I - D U T Y "Multiple Unit"

NEW PRODUCTS 10-gm. increments with one hand. A fine-weighing dial is then used to add up to 10 additional grams in 0.1-gm. increments. Both dials can be used without arresting the balance. Dial weight loading eliminates all weights below 100 grams, and fast damping of balance oscillations assists in obtaining quick and accurate weight readings. The instrument has an accuracy of 50 mg., and the fine weighing dial has a readability of 20 mg. The weighing pan, which is removable, is made of stainless steel and has a diameter of five inches. The Torsion Balance Co. P-7





in Two Temperature Ranges, 1850° F. or 2200° F. Hevi-Duty Combustion Tube Fur­ naces are available in either the split* (illustrated) or solid type and can be used horizontally or modified for vertical operation. Long-life "Multiple Unit" brand heating units offer fast heat-up because the heat is radiated direct­ ly into the heating chamber. The heated length may be divided for zone t e m p e r a t u r e control which gives greater temperature uniform­ ity over a specified length. A few of the standard furnaces are shown below. M a n y sizes are in stock. Special sizes with diameters up to 16 inches can be built to your specifications. *5-in. and smaller diameters are hinged. HINGED-TYPE TUBE FURNACE FOR 1 8 5 0 ° F. CHAMBER

TYPE 70 M-2012 M-3024 M-5036 M-8040






l'A" 2J/8" 3"


























Jl 180.00

Write for Bulletin 552 for complete details.



HEVI-DUTY ELECTRIC COMPANY, M I L W A U K E E 1, W I S C O N S I N Industrial Furnaces and Ovens, Electric and Fuel · Laboratory Furnaces · Dry Type Transformers · Constant Current Regulators Circle No. 49 on Readers' Service Card

Sample extractor takes samples of liquid, powder, or granular materials from deep within shipping sacks, bags, bales, and containers. Said by the company to be corrosion re­ sistant, the two available models go to a maximum depth of 24 or 48 in. and have sample chambers measur­ ing 2 χ is/ie in. and 6 X 2 in., re­ spectively. Testing Machines, Inc. P-8


Modulab laboratory tables, available in wall and center-table models, fea­ ture totally enclosed chemical reagent shelves and containment of service piping in the self-supporting reagent rack assembly. Large variety of sec­ tional units and service arrangements is available. Metalab Equipment Co. P-9

Records Diffraction


This instrument incorporates these a n d many other important features: • Six scanning speeds, continuous from —90° to + 1 6 0 " of 2Θ • Interchangeable specimen holders (powder, block, integrating) • Detector position reading from glass circle to 0.01 ° • Oscillatory scanning of arcs from 2.5° to 125° of 2(9 • Geiger or scintillation counters with pulse-height analyser This diffractometer permits a degree of sensitivity and stability not previously available For complete description ask for Ca/a/og CH 3 2 2 / 7 .






A F F I L I A T E D WITH HILGER a WATTS, INC. Circle No. 128 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 3 , N O . 4 , APRIL 1 9 6 1


115 A





special assembly

blood assembly

Nuclear training laboratory, Model 4 0 0 1 , enables incorporation of undergraduate student experiments with radioisotopes into the college chemistry curriculum. The package unit includes scaler, timer, Geiger tube and mount, sources, isotopes, sample preparation kits, and laboratory manuals for students and instructor. AEC license is not required, and the company says that the isotopes are considered no more hazardous than ordinary reagents. Nuclear-Chicago Corp. P-10 amp. full scale can be measured. Frequency response: V 2 c.p.s. at lowest range, 3 0 kc. at least sensitive range. Eldorado Electronics. P-12



special purpose

the finest pH electrodes for every p u r p o s e And Beckman, pioneer and leader in pH instrumentation since 1935, offers you the widest selection in each standard type of electrode. Whether you need a glass, reference, combination, blood assembly,metallic, special assembly or miscellaneous type of electrode, you can select the one most suitable for your specific application. Order Beckman electrodes by catalog number or consult your Beckman authorized laboratory apparatus dealer for expert advice. In addition to these basic types, special purpose electrodes may be obtained to solve new or unusual pH and/or specific ion problems. For list of dealers and complete electrode catalog write for Data File 15-4-pH.

Beckman® Scientific and Process IInstruments


Beckman Instruments, Inc. Fulierton, California Circle No. 125 on Readers' Service Card

116 A



Disposable prepacked polypropylene tube for chromatographic carotine determinations is called the ChromatoTube. Packing is mixture of diatomaceous earth and activated magnesia with sodium sulfate in a 1-cm. layer above absorbent. The magnesia has an index in excess of 100 as measured by the Wilkie method, according to the company. Laboratory Construction Co. P-ll

Differential current meter, Model 2 1 2 , measures current from two transducers separately or differentially. Measures temperature, pressure, strain, or light level through suitable current transducers. Dynamic range is 10 s , and currents as low as 1 0 - 9

Rotary spray evaporator has constantspeed rotating stainless steel spray agitator which sprays solute and solvent evenly on heated walls of the flask. It is said to give an evaporation rate which is 50 to 1 0 0 % greater than that obtained with usual evaporation methods. Company also says it is vacuum tight, capable of maintaining 1 0 ° mm. Hg. Nester & Faust. P-13

Thred-Tape pipe joint sealer comes packaged in a clean-cutting positive feed dispenser; said to be resistant to practically all corrosive chemicals, and to withstand temperatures from —250° to - f 500° F. and pressures to "thousands of pounds." Remains plastic for easy disassembly of connections when desired. Crane Packing Co. P-14

Flame ionization Micromalyzer, of Sneii Development Co. design, was voted one of the 20 top new products shown at recent ISA exhibit in New York City. Comes with semi-micro packed columns, can be used with capillary columns. Entire analyzer, including a 30° to 150° C. thermostatically controlled oven and electrometer amplifier is housed in 13 3 / 4 X 9'Vifi X 11 inch cabinet. Hallikainen Instruments. P-15 Fluidless Incubator Type 5900 Dri-Baths are designed to incubate test specimens at a constant specified temperature in the clinical pathology and biochemical laboratories. The self-contained control is factory set to maintain specimens—up to 2 cc. of fluid in each tube—at constant 37° C. or at 56° C. within ±1/2° C. They are available in two sizes, one accommodating 10 and the other accommodating 20 test tubes of up to 13 mm. o.d. Temperature stabilization is effected in less than 10 minutes for the

Expand ANY 2 pH span full scale


pH to 0.003.. .The B e c k m a n Model 76 E x p a n d e d Scale p H M e t e r combines all these indispensable features t o satisfy t h e advanced a n d growing precision requirements of t h e modern industrial laboratory : • Expansion of any 2 pH span full scale • Readability and repeatability to 0.003 pH or 0.3 m. v. • 0-14 pH range and 0-1400 m. v. range • Accurate to ± 0.02 pH or ± 2 m.v. • AC amplifier insures drift-free performance • Easy, push-button operation • Direct-reading, mirror-backed scale T h e Model 76 m a y be used with a wide range of reliable B e c k m a n s t a n d a r d or special electrodes and with a potentiometric recorder to provide p e r m a n e n t measurement records. For full information contact your B e c k m a n laboratory a p p a r a t u s dealer, or write for D a t a File 15-4-01. B e c k m a n ® Scientific aiui Frocess Instruments


Beckman Instruments, Fvilertcr, California


Circle No. 127 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 33, NO. 4, APRIL 1961


117 A


smaller size and 13 minutes for the larger. The company points out that there are no adjustment and cleaning problems with these units such as are usually associated with water baths. Thermolyne Corp. P-16 L a b o r a t o r y Pumps

Units known as Heto pumps are designed for such things as circulating fluids from temperature baths to spec-

trophotometers, refractometers, and so on. In addition, the company says, they can stir the contents of a container more efficiently than conventional stirrers. Each unit has an outlet plug which enables operation with one or two outlets, and there is also an L tube for connecting hoses in a vertical position. Other accessories adapt the unit for pumping through a cover plate in a closed system. The pumps come in two sizes. One, powered by a 1400-

WHY more and more laboratories choose RSCo Water Bath Shakers

The heavy duty RSCo Water Bath Shaker Dependable



• Designed for long runs without downtime. • Convenient in height for loading and inspecting. • Generous in selection of speeds and stroke lengths. • Constant in speed, with DC motor circuit, thyratron controlled. • Quick in adjustment of immersion depth without water change. • Reliable in temperature control, ±0.5°C. or better. • Quiet and smooth in action. • Large in capacity and in accommodation of various sizes of flasks, beakers, test tubes.




Circle No. 149 on Readers' Service Card





r.p.m. motor, will pump against a maximum head of 0.65 meters with a flow rate of 0 to 8 liters per minute. The other, powered by a 2700-r.p.m. motor, will pump against a maximum head of 3.5 meters with a flow rate of 0 to 30 liters per minute. Each model is available with immersion depths of S1/2, 5V 2 , and 8 inches, and they can be obtained for flush mounting on a surface or with rod for clamp mounting. Schuco Scientific. P-17


Model L precision balance is designed for rapid weighing in research, production, quality control, and analytical work. Has double-hook design and is usable in ranges from 0 to 3 mg. up to 0 to 50 gm. Loads up to three times scale value can be weighed, says the company. Vernier index enables reading to 0.1 scale division; accuracy is ± 0 . 1 % . Federal Pacific Electric Co. P-18

Hydrocarbon gas sampling device, called the GAMAD, is designed for use with the company's FIAD flame ionization analyzer and detector. Controls air, nitrogen, and hydrogen needed by FIAD; enables total hydrocarbon analysis of 20- to 40-cc. batch samples, continuous analysis of gas stream, and gas chromatography with external column. Carad Corp. P-19

-LINE LIGHT DUTY STIRRERS # 1 0 2 H i g h T o r q u e A t Low Speeds One of the most powerful stirrers at its price (10-1 gear reduction) for stirring small quantities of high viscous materials. Continuous duty, 1/100 HP motor with speeds from approx. 25 to 500 RPM. Rheostat is calibrated for duplicating speeds. True running collet type M" chuck. Stainless steel support rod. Hammertone and black enamel finish.

Differential conductivity meter, Type RID, measures and indicates the dif­ ference in solution conductivity at any two locations. Readings can be trans­ mitted t o remote potentiometer or pneumatic equipment through 0 to 100 mv. d.c. and 3 to 15 p.s.i. air transducers. Calibrations can be pro­ vided in many different units as de­ sired. Industrial Instruments, Inc. P-20


# 1 0 1 V a r i a b l e Speed t o 5 0 0 0 R P M Small, compact (8" high)—several used together can replace an expensive multiple stirrer. Thoroughly agitates 5 gallons of water. True running collet type %" chuck. Quiet continuous duty motor. Speeds, 100 to 5000 RPM. Calibrated dial for duplicating speeds. Any angle stirring. Gray hammertone and black enamel finish. Write for new folder #Τ960 on complete line of T - L T N E stirrers.


TALBOYS INSTRUMENT 13 A c k e r m a n A v e .


CORP. Emerson, N. J.

Circle No. 161 on Readers' Service Card

Get a lift...

Fluorometric paper scanner enables scanning of paper strips up to 5 χ 35 c m . in the company's Model 1 1 0 or 1 1 1 fluorometer. On Model 110 (above) entire spot as large as i y 2 X i y 2 c m . can be studied with a number of easily selected wave­ lengths from 2 5 4 to 5 4 6 μ. Emit­ ted light can be quantitated from 3 6 0 to 6 5 0 μ. G. K. Turner Associates. P-21

A T L A S T — a truly sturdy and reliable laboratory jack offering precise and effortless vertical height adjust­ ment of heavy flasks, hot plates, baths, heaters and ground joint glassware. You will find it invaluable when working with complex set-ups and easy to use as well. Just turn the knob and you can raise or lower objects up to 100 lbs. to just the exact height you want.

T h e Big Jack Precise vertical adjustment Opens from 3 to 12 inches Ideal for complex set-ups Completely stable at full opening CAT. NO. A70595


The Little Jack D.C. H i g h V o l t a g e S u p p l y Model 2350-8, with a n o u t p u t range up to 350,000 volts, is designed for di­ verse applications including testing of cables a n d klystron a p p a r a t u s , for p a r ­ ticle accelerators, a n d for t h e s t u d y of high-voltage discharges. T h e unit, which is oil insulated, is said to be simple a n d safe to operate, a n d it makes

Raises or lowers 10 lbs. Opens from V/2 to 5 inches For micro set-ups

CAT. NO. A70596



Supply Corp.



f I V

Circle No. 154 an Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 3 , N O . 4 , APRIL 1 9 6 1


NEW PRODUCTS use of selenium rectifiers to increase reliability and reduce over-all size and weight. I t will provide a continuous current of 8 ma. at any o u t p u t voltage setting and offers 2 % r.m.s. ripple, ac­ cording to the company. Auxiliary filters are available to reduce ripple to as little as 0 . 0 1 % . T h e unit is priced at $13,500 and delivery time is about four months. Sorensen & Co. P-22

Residual gas analyzer for vacuum systems has resolving power to sep­ arate adjacent peaks up to mass 20, and can measure quantities of gas, gas mixtures, and vapors over the mass range m / e 2 to 80. Company says high sensitivity permits analysis of residual gases in pressure range from 1 0 ~ 4 to 1 0 ~ B mm. Hg. Takes 3 amp. from 1 0 5 / 1 2 5 - v o l t , 60-cycle line. Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp. P-23

Lead air monitor measures particulate lead matter in air automatically, doing analyses at the rate of less than five minutes per sample compared with the usual three to four hours, according to the company. Lead, collected on a filter coupon inserted in monitor, is indicated directly in micrograms per cubic meter of air on a dial and recorded on a strip chart. Price: $20,000. National Spectrographic Laboratories. P-24



IN THE LABuse TIME TAPE for best results!

$360 Full V i e w , Compact Table M o d e l f o r Fast, Uniform Drying of Paper C h r o m a t o g r a m s A c c u r a t e l y Develops four 18'/4" χ 22'/2" sheets s i m u l t a n e o u s l y Model CO-4 is a thermostatically controlled in­ sulated oven which quickly reaches temperatures u p to 100° C. Achieves evacuation of solvent vapors with Water or motor aspirator. Heating elements con­ cealed in base are protected from combustible, solvent droplets. Heavy, metal-reinforced, safety glass door readily permits observation of color development with­ out repeated opening of door. Stainless steel oven chamber is corrosion-resistant. Overall Dimensions: 2 7 " Wide! 3 7 " high;

Proven superior by actual use. Here is the toughest, most durable pressure-sensitive tape available. WRITE O N IT! TYPE O N IT! Acid, water, dirt, grease or heat don't affect it! Withstands temperatures from -f-250° to — 7 0 ° ! A variety of colors avail­ able in plain or pre-printed to your specs. Numbers, identification, warning and many other time-saving uses can cut costs and in­ crease efficiency. ^-jg»






P.O. BOX 006, NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY Circle No. 139 on Readers' Service Card 120 A




For samples and prices write to — PROFESSIONAL TAPE CO., INC. 358 Burlington Ave. Riverside, III. Circle No. 163 on Readers' Service Card


counts can also be recorded on digital tape or strip chart recorder, or both. Automatic programming is included in the instrument to enable 0.3, one, three, or 10 minutes of monitoring on any se­ lection or all sub-ranges in sequence. At the normal flow rate of 100 cc. of air per min. the maximum count rate without excessive coincidence loss is 7340 particles. There is no lower limit for counting, according to the com­ pany, and if no particles are present the instrument will not respond. The power requirement is 515 watts at 115 volts, 60 cycles. Royco Instruments, Inc. P-27


Vibra-Pad No. 4 1 2 is a neoprene coated, pillared table mounted on a three-speed vibrator. Originally de­ signed to accommodate a microsampler, it is also useful for vibrating small testing sieves, removing bub­ bles, and other laboratory chores. Sepor Laboratory Supply. P-25





Stainless steel sink is equipped with pull-out spray hose and single handle water mixer faucet which pours into a single bowl measuring 20 χ 18 X 71/2 in. Also has side drawers, and side and center closets. Terriss-Consolidated Industries. P-28

t •



POU·» î , J ' " ' l ï

T-300 * v . o n "

Transistorized d.c. power supply, Model T-300, converts 105 to 125 volts a.c. to 12 volts d.c. Designed for gas chromatographs using either thermistor or hot-wire detectors, it connects directly to chromatograph bridge circuits without modifications. Fused against short circuits in detec­ tor cell. F & M Scientific Corp. P-26

A i r b o r n e - P a r t i c l e Size M o n i t o r

Model PC200A self-contained instru­ ment is said to be equally useful for research and for monitoring the pres­ ence of particulate matter in the atmos­ phere. It displays the numbers of par­ ticles present in 15 sub-ranges of sizes from 0.32 μ to 8.0 μ, with counts ap­ pearing on decade counters. The

• Suitable for use in the Bausch & Lomb, Beckman, Cary, Perkin-Elmer, Zeiss spectrophotometers. Standard rectangular cells, semimicro cells, microcells, cylindrical cells, optical flats, centrifuge windows. Far UV Silica Standard Silica Near Infrared Silica

Micro-serological bath, originally de­ signed for use in blood pH determina­ tions, is of versatile use in industrial and research laboratories. Measures 7 in. wide, 6 i n . deep, and 10 in. high; weighs 5 y 4 lbs. Temperature range is 2 5 ° to 100° C , with guaranteed uniformity of ± 0 . 2 ° C. or better. Precision Scientific Co. P-29

* $20.00 * $15.00 * $20.00

* Standard red. cell, 1, 2, 5, lOm/m Light path. Cell holder adapter for 1, 2, 5m/m Light path cells $3,50 each.

THE ULTRACELL COMPANY 22 Bland A v e n u e , Emerson, N e w Jersey Phone: CO 2-2364 Circle No. 147 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 3 , N O . 4 , APRIL 1961
