Light years ahead in spectrophotometry-

Light years ahead in spectrophotometry-. Only Beckman can offer you the DU®-8 UV-Vis spectrophotometer and the Microlab™ 252 CMX. These instruments...
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Light years ahead in spectrophotometry. Only Beckman can offer you the DU®-8 UV-Vis spectrophotometer and the Microlab™ 252 CMX. These instruments solve your analytical problems with the most advanced technology. When your problem is highly absorbing or scattering samples, your solution is the DU-8. With its electronic stabilized beam, it provides the highest signal-to-noise ratio available to handle your toughest assignments. It can also store up to nine complete user programs for easy pushbutton recall. And the Compuset™ Module plug-in cassette eliminates complicated programming and reduces data processing to a few pushbutton

operations. Final Answers are printed in tear-off hard copy. The DU-8 is the Final Answer for unequalled

UV-Vis results. When your sample is less than pure, the Microlab 252 CMX infrared spectrophotometer is your answer. With its microcomputer control, it can reduce a complex number of multi-

component samples to their components without complicated separation techniques. It also reduces complex spectral sample identification to pushing a few buttons. And with the optional full-video graphics display, spectra can be displayed instantly for either comparison or manipulation. Beckman gives you all this in one instrument. The DU-8 and the Microlab are the culmination of our efforts to help you solve the most difficult problems in the easiest way possible. They put us, and you, light years ahead. For more information, contact your local Beckman representative. Or write: Scientific Instruments Divison, Beckman Instruments, Inc., Box C-19600, Irvine,

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