Lightnin Mixers Ltd

186 on Readers'Service Card ... simple anatomy of the best you can get. Write us now, or ask your supply house for a copy. MIXING EQUIPMENT COMPANY...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Column, Vol. 1, No. 1, autumn 1965. This is the first issue of a new periodi­ cal. It describes the Series 104 chromatograph and accessories. Included also are the company's argon chromatograph, panchromatograph, and radio-chromatograph. W. G. Pye & Co. Ltd., Cambridge, England.

SODIUM BIPHENYL REAGENT For Rapid, Quantitative Determination of Bromine, Chlorine, Iodine and Fluorine in Organic Compounds. Sodium Biphenyl Reagent converts organic halogens to their sodium salts, which then may be measured by usual laboratory methods for halides. Conversion is quantitative on most organic compounds in 3 0 minutes. No special glassware or equipment required. Supplied as 0.6 normal solution in ethylene glycol dimethyl ether, Sodium Biphenyl is stable up to one year under refrigeration. Avoid the difficult preparation of this reagent by purchasing one of the convenient sizes Write for our Sodium Biphenyl product bulletin. Specified Harleco Item No. 7590

4 oz.—$10.00 16 oz.—$15.00 32 oz.-$20.00 Package of 12-15 ml. units $12.00


HARTMAN-LEDDON COMPANY. INC. βΰΙ/ι & Woodland Avenue Philadelphia *3, Pennsylvania. U.S.A.

Circle No. 186 on Readers' Service Card

LIGHTNIN Laboratory


Previews & Reviews for Gas Chroma­ tography, Oct. 1965. The Aerograph Moduline research gas chromatograph is featured along with the company's ovens and ionization detectors. Wilkens Instrument & Research, Inc., 2700 Mitchell Dr., Walnut Creek, Calif.

The Programmer, Vol. 1, No. 2, Oct. 1965. This is an entire issue on the company's Series 810 research gas chromatograph. F & M Scientific, Route 41 and Starr Rd., Avondale, Pa. 19311.

Chemist-Analyst, Vol. 54, No. 4, Oct. 1965. Articles on the determination of rare earths, copper in steel, ger­ manium, water-soluble dithiocarbamates, nickel alloys, and ammonia, as well as on various titrations are in­ cluded. Another section gives practi­ cal lab suggestions. J. T. Baker Chem­ ical Co., Phillipsburg, N. J.

Scientific Apparatus, Vol. 3, No. 1, Oct. 1965. This 16-page, illustrated bulletin features the carbon-hydrogen analyzer, automatic dilutor, combina­ tion pH electrodes, centrifugal filters, and colorimeter checking standards. Arthur H. Thomas Co., Vine St. at 3rd, Philadelphia, Pa, 19105.

NEW BULLETIN ON LAB MIXERS This new LIGHTNIN® bulletin puts y o u on the inside of the latest mixer designs. It draws out all the specifications of our six units, describing their laboratory or small production uses, w i t h a list of prices and survey of accessory items. The n e w models 10 and 10X are included—heavy duty mixers spe­ cially designed to span the gap be­ tween small lab models and pro­ duction portables.

If y o u need a mixer, here is a simple anatomy of the best y o u can get. Write us n o w , or ask your supply house for a copy. M I X I N G EQUIPMENT C O M P A N Y INC. 160-a Mt. Read Blvd., R o c h ­ ester, N.Y. 14603. In Canada: Greey M i x i n g Equipment Ltd., 100 M i r a n ­ da Avenue, Toronto 19, Ontario. In Europe: Lightnin Mixers Ltd.. P o y n ton, Cheshire, England.



Circle No. 159 on Readers' Service Card 142 A



Jena Review, No. 4, 1965. This issue contains an article on isotope analysis of water by emission spectroanalysis instrumentation studies, and a report on wide-band controllable photomultipliers. VEB Carl Zeiss JENA, Literary Dept., Jena (Saale), Carl-Zciss-Str. 1, Jena, Germany.

W h a t ' s N e w for the Laboratory, N o .

58, fall 1965. This 16-pagc issue is a supplement to Catalog 63. The items include a disposable membrane filter unit, 23 electrodes for Corning pH meters, a dilutor, and microscopes. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc., 735 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J.