Nov 4, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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"UGHTNIN" MIXERS SPEED DEFENSE WORK "LIGHTNIN" Mixers are naturally playing an important role in many phases of the National Defense program. Below we chart briefly a few of these varied installations for their "idea value*' to you. The complete list of applications of "LIGHTNIN" Mixers for direct and indirect defense work would take a chart many times this size. And it is being constantly increased as we make daily shipments of defense orders. When your production problem involves mixing, you will find the technical competence of our engineering staff most helpful in selecting

accurately the size and type of mixer to best solve your mixing problem. You will find that our assumption of the entire responsibility fully satisfies the requirements of designers» and engineering builders for standard or custom built equipment. And even more appealing to operators and plant men is the ruggedness and adaptability of these sturdy units. We shall continue to serve defense best by doing what we can do best: the building of good equipment, properly engineered and selected, at reasonable prices.

Brine concentration, reac­ t i o n s , etc. Confidential d e t a i l s •withheld.

M I X I N G E Q U I P M E N T CO., Inc. 1004 G a r s o n Ave., Rochester, Ν . Υ . Please send me: B-66—Side Entering Mixers—I large T a n k s . B-G8—Pressure Vessel M i x e r s — c o t i n u o u s or batch. B-65—Portable ( C l a m p o n ) M i x e r . Mi-15—Refinery A p p l i c a t i o n s . Mi-IG—Questions and a n s w e r s — gasoline blending. M i - 1 7 — L u b e Oil B l e n d i n g . C o m p l e t e Refinery C a t a l o g Bindc For executives a n d e n g i n e e r s authority. Name Conmanv