Lightnin® Mixers

tissue, food products; indeed, the list is seemingly limitless. Samples ... mailing list. We think you'll enjoy its ... 112 on Headers' Service Card. ...
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CIC Standard Sampling Accessories shown with Crystal Polishing Kit

How CIC accessories can help you as a spectroscopist Connecticut Instrument Company specializes in the development and manufacture of low-cost, dependable infrared sampling accessories generally available from stock. These mount in nearly all makes of infrared spectrophotometers. A selection of CIC's standard sampling accessories include Cavity Cells — low-cost, ultrasonically machined from a single transmitting crystal — Precision Fixed Thickness Cells which can be disassembled and cleaned in the laboratory, Presslok Demountable Cells for mulls, and many others. CIC's most recent efforts have been in the development of Commercial Attenuated Total Reflectance accessories. It maintains a firm lead in the development of this technique for analyzing solids, plastics, viscous liquids, films and the like. Among the list of ATR accessories available are the Standard and Micro sampling A T R attachments equipped with precision optics and Multiple Reflection accessories.

tissue, food products; indeed, the list is seemingly limitless. Samples, even opaque ones, are merely contacted to the reflecting crystal, and one or more reflections are made to produce the desired spectrum.

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Multiple Reflection Accessory Mounted in MATR-1. Inset: detail of Multiple Reflection Accessory for Micro ATR Attachment.

Sample preparation may contribute heavily to the greatest portion of analytical difficulA T R is a relatively new sample handling ties, and since A T R simplifies preparation, technique of tremendous value to the spec- one of ATR's main advantages is obvious. troscopist in that it permits analysis of solid S e n d f o r C I C ' s C o m p l e t e C a t a l o g and viscous liquid samples with little or no A complete catalog of CIC accessories and sample preparation. price list is yours for the asking. You'll find By taking advantage of an optical phenome- the catalog conveniently arranged for filing non, a beam of reflected radiation can be a wide variety of C I C literature, including made to interact with a sample in such a the CIC Newsletter. If you are not receiving manner as to produce a well-defined absorp- this Newsletter, ask to be placed on our tion spectrum of such difficult samples as mailing list. We think you'll enjoy its many cured epoxies, hardened phenolics, rubber, interesting, informative articles on new leather, coatings on papers and films, skin products and new applications. T h e M e a n i n g of A T R To t h e Spectroscopist

HOW TO CURE MIXER-ITIS Fed up with electric mixer repair bills? Give those worn-out mixers the boot and treat your lab to a new economy: the LIGHTNIN Mixer, Model L. It weighs just eight pounds. But it's built to mix . . . and mix . . . and mix— for weeks at a time—without attention. You can use it for years without maintenance or adjustment. Hundreds of users do. The 1/30-hp totally enclosed fancooled motor spins the shaft at a quiet, steady 1600 rpm; is safe with flammables. You can vary the mixing action by replacing the 2-inch propeller with different types. Propeller and shaft come in 3 1 6 stainless steel or Monel. Your choice, too, of bronze tank clamp or ring-stand clamp. Order from your supply house, or write us. Specify LIGHTNIN Model L Mixer: For 1 1 0 v 6 0 c y l p h For 220v 60cy l p h

If you want the same dependability in a variable-speed mixer, send for Bulletin B112. It describes the complete line of heavy-duty LIGHTNIN Mixers and accessories for the laboratory. Write us, or check the reader service card.

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C O N N E C T I C U T D i v i s i o n WILTON,

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C O N N E C T I C U T · TELEPHONE (AREA C O D E Circle No. 112 on Readers' Service Card


C O M P A N Y C O M P A N Y 2 0 3 )

7 6 S - 5 5 4 S

$47.00 $51.00


1 6 0 - g M t . Read B l v d . , Rochester 3 , N.Y. In C a n a d a : Greey Mixing Equipment, Lfd., 100 Miranda Ave., Toronto 19, Ont. In Europe: Poynton,

Lightnin Mixers, Ltd., Cheshire, England

Circle No. 70 on Readers' Service Card