Like money in the bank. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 11, 2010 - Like money in the bank. Chem. Eng. News , 1969, 47 (2), p 22. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v047n002.p022. Publication Date: January 13, 1969. Copyr...
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Like money in the bank. Big money. Like $1.30 savings on each one hundred pounds you ship. That's what one chemical company saved when they started shipping via our great new distribution program,TBS.Through Bulk Service It works like this. You consign a full carload of your chemical—either liquid or dry—to one of our TBS terminals. (You get a low carload rate, of course.) After rail shipment, the car is sampled, then stored till you give us the word. A call from your sales office and our terminal manager goes into action. He pumps your chemical into a tank truck (you can even specify your own trucker if you like).


He samples again for product quality. He gets the truck on the road to your customer five miles away, or fifty. Or more. You get just one bill for each delivery. From us. For the whole works. Think about TBS. For opening new markets on a shoestring (your tank car is actually a floating terminal). For fast delivery (we actually put you in your customer's backyard). For economy (after all, $1.30 per cwt. is big money in anybody's bank) Write or call Jim Suthann, Chemical Market Manager, One Charles Center, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. (301) 237-2787


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