LINDBERG ENGINEERING COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (7), pp 72A–72A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60163a770. Publication Date: June 1960. ACS Legacy ...
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strated. The method was used to measure refractive indices of liquid car­ bon tetrachloride, tetrachloroethylene, methylene iodide, and acetone. Analysis of Water Emulsion Paints.

M. H. Swann, Aberdeen Proving Ground, U. S. Army. Feb. 1959. 7 pages. PB 151687. 50 cents. A method of separating the pigments from the polymer portion of the paints to permit a complete analysis of this type of coating was developed. It is believed to be adaptable to other types of resin-based water emulsion paints as they are developed. Test Methods for Alkaline Cleaner for Conditioning Treatment for Acid Cleaned Cooling Systems. R.

E. Wagner, Aberdeen Proving Ground, U. S. Army. Februarv 1959. 9 pages. PB 151727. 50 cents. Test methods are outlined to enable procurement of the alkaline cleaner for use in the newly developed conditioning treatment for acid cleaned cooling sys­ tems, used in conjunction with Military Specification Mil-C-10597B.


Micro Determination of Carbon and Hydrogen in Organic Compounds.

E. M. Bens, U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake. January 1958. 33 pages. PB 151570. $1. The method was developed especially for the use of propellant chemists to permit proper evaluation of new com­ pounds of extremely high or low nitro­ gen content. Determination of Plutonium in Irradiated Uranium Fuel Solutions by Controlled Potential Coulometry,

HW-58491, Dec. 1958, 29 pages, $1. Analysis for Neptunium by Con­ trolled Potential Coulometry, H W 59447, Feb. 1959, 20 pages, 75 cents. Internal Standard Method of Gen­ eral Spectrographs Analysis, H W 59864, April 1959, 16 pages, 50 cents. Sixth Hot Laboratories and Equip­ ment Conference, TID-7556, April 1959, 172 pages, $1.75. Analysis of Uranium Solutions Us­ ing Anion Exchange in Nitrate Media, GAT-283, April 1959, 14 pages, 50 cents. Some Practical Aspects of X-Ray Spectrography, HR-58967, Jan. 1959, 66 pages, $1.75.

Analytical Method for Neptunium237 Using Anion Exchange, ΗΛΥ59032, Jan. 1959, 15 pages, 50 cents. Use of Low Level Scintillation Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of Radioactive Contamination of the Human Body, AECU-4156, 1958, 36 pages, $1. Automatic Recording Titrator, ISC-1021, Dec. 1957, 52 pages, $1.50. Preparation of Lithium Isotope Standards: I. Separation of Sodium and Lithium by Dowex 50-X16 DVB Resin, Y-1254, May 1959, 15 pages, 50 cents. New Standardization Technique for X-Ray Absorption Measurements, APEX-506, Aug. 1959, 7 pages, 50 cents. Neutron Activation Analysis Methods for the Group VIII Elements, ORNL-2715, No date, 45 pages, $1.25. The Determination of Mercury, Copper, and Zinc by Derivative Polarography: Application to Solu­ tions of Uranyl Sulfate Containing Corrosion Products, OPNL-2717, No date, 27 pages, $1.00. The Hughes Memoscope as a Gamma Radiation Spectrum Data Collection and Presentation Device, GAT-T-586, May 1959, 18 pages, $0.50.


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