Lindberg Engineering Company - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Lindberg Engineering Company. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (3), pp 14A–14A ... Click to increase image size Free first page. View: PDF | PDF w/ Links...
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New low cost, but full Liudbearfi? Quality

This N E W laboratory box furnace, quality built for long, dependable service . . only $295.00

Modal NEB-4. Overall dimensions: 13"/ie" χ 211/4" x 22". Work chamber 4" χ 37/a" x 10". Maximum operating temperature 1850s F. Standard furnace la shipped assembled, wired for 230 volts. Easily adapt­ able toUSvoltoperationif desired.

Here is a completely new Lindberg electric box furnace, offering traditional Lindberg quality for long, dependable and economical service; at an unprecedentedly low price. I t is a compact, selfcontained versatile unit ideally suited for medical, chemical and industrial laboratories where work loads are moderate and initial cost a consideration. Ash determinations, fusions, ignitions, assay­ ing, drying precipitates and heat treating small parts are but a few of the many useful duties this furnace will perform for your labo­ ratory. For complete information see your Laboratory Dealer or write us for Bulletin #1074. Laboratory Equipment Division, Lindberg Engineering Company, 2455 West Hubbard Street, Chicago 12, Illinois. Through Laboratory Supply Dealers, Lindberg offers a complete line of quality laboratory equipment, including hot plates, combustion tube furnaces, atmosphere generators, pot crucible furnaces, carbon and sulfur determinators and high frequency induction units.


heat for industry

Circle No. 112 on Readers' Service Card 14 A
