Hoke Inc., 137 S. Dean. St., Englewood, N. J. 81 A-1 ... Scale Corp., 1050 Commerce Ave.,. Union, N. J.,. 59A-2 ... money-saving new. “Thro-a-way”...
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Product Capsules Valves. Complete information avail­ able on company's ball type cheek valves with synthetic rubber seats and stainless steel springs. Line pressures to 3000 psi. Hoke Inc., 137 S. Dean St., Englewood, N. J. 81A-1 Weight Sets. Informative bulletin available on weights in Bureau of Standards classes C-Q-P. Weights are packaged in shrink-proof, reinforced plastic, hinge-covered case. Ohaus Scale Corp., 1050 Commerce Ave., Union, N. J., 59A-2

CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS Adsorbents. A hard, porous, white granular synthetic adsorbent, produced in a variety of mesh classifications, Florisil is being used in the most difficult separations of organic compounds, com­ pany states. Floridin Co., Box 989, Tallahassee, Fia. 78A Detergents. Full details available on "Aleonox" for hand washing opera­ tions, and "Alcojet" for machine wash­ ing operations. Aleonox, Inc., 61-63 Cornelison Ave., Jersey Citv 4, N. J. 12A Filter Papers. Circle 74A. for sample of company's filter paper for chroma­

tography. Produced in standard size sheets and circles or in special sizes and shapes. The Eaton-Dikeman Co., Filtertown, Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. 74A Filter Papers. Circle 32A for analysis kit sampler with large assortment of 11 cm. circles in wide selection of grades. Several quantitative papers included in sampler are also available in sheets or strips for chromatography and electro­ phoresis. Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co., Keene, Ν. Η. 32Α Filter Papers. Whatman filter papers are cited as being readily available all over the world. H. Reeve Angel and Co., Inc., 52 Duane St., N. Y. 7. X. Y. 63A Laboratory Chemicals. "Baker Ana­ lyzed" reagent acetic, hydrochloric, sulfuric acids and ammonium hydrox­ ide can now be ordered in time and money-saving new "Thro-a-way" bot­ tles and cases. J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, X. J. 2nd cover Laboratory Chemicals. Circle indi­ cated numbers for complete information on the following Merck laboratory chemicals: Skellysolve " B " (n-hexane), 61A-1; perchloric acid, 61A-2; methyl cellosolve, 61A-3; and phosphomolybdic acid, 61A-4. Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, X . J . 61A-1, to 4


Mercury. Bulletin available on instru­ ment mercury and triple distilled qual­ ity mercury packaged in handy "squeeze" polyethylene bottle with dis­ pensing tip. Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc., Hellertown, Pa. 59A-1 Reagents. Circle indicated numbers for complete information on the following Baker & Adamson reagents: cupriethylene diamine solution, 4-1 cover; acid sulfuric, 4-2 cover; sodium hydroxide, 4-3 cover; acid nitric, (red fuming) 4-4 cover; acid nitric (65%), 4-5 cover; pyrocatechol, 4-6 cover; thioacetamidc, 4-7 co\-er; and lithium fluoride, 4-8 cover. General Chemical Div., Allied Chemical and Dye Corp., 40 Rector St., X. Y. 6, Ν. Υ." 4-1 to 8 cover

Reagents. Available is new catalog showing more than 4000 items including fine organics, inorganic reagents, indi­ cators, and stains. Matheson, Coleman & Bell', East Rutherford, N. J. 69A-2 Solvents. Circle 46A-1 for information on company's solvents in safety-packed one gallon containers cited as being safer, more economical, and uniform in size. Circle 46A-2 for a chemical index. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 46A-1,2



They're in Stock Their purity is guaranteed



(Type CF—4SA)




W r i t e for

This laboratory furnace is ideal for:


• Bright annealing

N o . 1061.

• Bright brazing

S o l d only

• Bright heat t r e a t m e n t


• Bright hardening


• Bright sintering


• R e d u c i n g Metal powders


• S i l v e r soldering •



Laboratory Equipment Division

LINDBERG E N G I N E E R I N G C O M P A N Y 2 4 4 0 W e s t H u b b a r d Street, C h i c a g o 1 2 , Illinois Circle No. 68 A 1 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A

68 A

Our expanded f a c i l i t i e s and our estab­ lished reputation assure you of the best service in C 1 4 and H 3 labeled compounds. Revised list of radiochemicals and current prices available upon request. Write for catalog No. 1054. For unusual requirements, please write for quotation. State quantity and desired specific activity.

RESEARCH SPECIALTIES CO. 2005 Hopkins Street Berkeley, Calif. Circle No. 68 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A