Link Analytical Inc

ANALYTICAL. EXCELLENCE multi-element p ... and literature. !..nfcnrcM. Announcing the new. Offices also in: U.K.. Canada. France. Germany. Sweden circ...
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Announcing the new


The most affordable multi-element analyser.

Provides simultaneous multi-element analysis. Handles solids, liquids and powders. Analyses from ppm to 100% without dilution. Needs minimum sample preparation. Gives unequalled rapid analysis on 80+ elements. Uses flexible p.c.-based software. Comes at a very competitive price. Contact us now for further information and literature.


Link Analytical Inc, 240 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite D, Redwood City, California 94065 USA Tel: (415) 595-5465 Fax:(415)595-5589

Offices also in: U.K. Canada France Germany Sweden CIRCLE 76 ON READER SERVICE CARD
