LINK-BELT COMPANY - Industrial & Engineering ... - ACS Publications

May 25, 2012 - LINK-BELT COMPANY. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. , 1947, 39 (12), pp 7A–7A. DOI: 10.1021/ie50456a706. Publication Date: December 1947...
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December 1947







Solve the Handling Problems of Industry HERE ARE SOME OF THE M A N Y TYPES OF L-B CONVEYORS BELT CONVEYORS Link-Belt makes all types of troughing, flat-roll, return a n d self-aligning idlers, including all accessories, such as trippers, belts, pulleys, bearings, take-ups, etc., for handling a wide range of materials, for light, medium and heavy-duty service.

BUCKET ELEVATORS If your conditions call for t h e use of a bucket elevator, let Link-Belt show you t h e most efficiently performing size a n d t y p e for your needs. Included are all accessories—chain, buckets, casings, takeups, drives, etc.

SCREW CONVEYORS Link-Belt manufactures Helicoid, t h e original continuous flight screw conveyor. Other L i n k - B e l t screw conveyor equipment includes sectionalflight, ribbon and paddle conveyors, as well as a complete line of accessories, such as collars, couplings, hangers, troughs, box ends, flanges, thrusts and drives.

BUCKET CARRIERS A N D ELEVATORS T h e r e is a type of Link-Belt bucket carrier and elevator for every service—horizontal, vertical or inclined—for handling all kinds of materials a t desired capacities.

APRON & SLAT CONVEYORS T h e steel-pan type, consisting of pans mounted on multiple strands of chain, is ideal for conveying fine or lumpy materials, light or heavy-duty service. T h e wood-slat t y p e is recommended for handling packaged goods, parts, crates, barrels, boxes, *_tc.


Conveyors and elevators are called upon to do an endless variety of tasks. Kach presents its own problems . . . each requires its own solution. F r o m t h e design to t h e erection of your conveyor system . . . Link-Belt offer experience, backed by thousands of installations and foresight t h a t has established their reputation as pioneers in t h e field of continuous movement of materials.

LINK-BELT The Leading Manufacturer

of Conveying



Simple . . . Versatile . . . Compact . . . Enclosed. Economically handles flowable, granular, crushed, ground or pulverized materials of a non-abrasive, non-corrosive nature in a continuous mass, horizontally, vertically or on an incline, in a single u n i t Bulk-Flo is easily adaptable to practically a n y surroundings.



An economical conveyor for h a n d l i n g s h a r p , abrasive, hot materials, such as castings, metal turnings, h o t shakeout sand, steel scrap—pieces t h a t a r e hot, oily, jagged or irregular in shape. M a d e in two types in any length, for any capacity.

OVERHEAD CONVEYORS Link-Belt overhead conveyors p u t ceilings to work, save valuable floor space, prevent congestion, interference and damage to materials in transit. Can be installed in existing plants without costly remodeling.

SKIP HOISTS T h e skip hoist is especially well adapted for m a k i n g high lifts, elevating abrasive or corrosive materials, and t h e handling of 'arge lumps, a s well as fines. Link-Bel* k i p s ard economically applicable t o large or small capacities.

FLIGHT CONVEYORS M a d e i n m a n y types for fine or l u m p materials in single or double chain designs, some arranged to slide, others carried on rollers, for horizontal or inclined operation.

CHAIN C O N V E Y O R S The most complete line of chains, sprockets and attachments of all types and sizes for jvery conveying, elevating and power transmission service.

''''• h " -JH


and Mechanical

Power Transmission

Chicago 9, Indianapolis 6, Philadelphia 40, Atlanta, Dallas 1, Minneapolis 5, San Francisco 24, Los Angeles 3 3 , Seattle 4, Toronto 8. Offices, Factory Branch Stores and Distributors in Principal Cities.

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